Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 307: General Knowledge 1:[-] Take the initiative to give way

At this time, a "war" was going on in Wang Ping's office, which was fierce and fierce.

"Mr. Wang, when will the things you promised me before be done?" Mu Sirou's whole body was wrapped around Wang Ping, and her voice was sweet, adding more fire to the war.

Wang Ping was already in a state of confusion at this moment, and he was just trying to coax people, "I'll do it later, I'll do it for you later."

Mu Sirou touched his face tenderly, "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Wang Ping laughed, "The way you thank me now is very..."

Before Wang Ping finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Wang Ping's expression suddenly changed. He glanced at the door but continued on with his own affairs without paying attention. After all, he was deeply in love at this critical moment, so how could he be in the mood to pay attention to what was going on outside.

I thought I would just ignore him and leave, but in the end I knocked louder and louder, as if I would keep knocking if I didn't open the door.

Mu Sirou felt a little disappointed when she heard the knock on the door, "Mr. Wang, why are the people under you so ignorant? Don't you know I'm here with you today? Is it intentional?"

Being so angered by Mu Sirou made Wang Ping want to kill someone.

After all, Wen Wenyu was in her arms and it was still at a critical moment. If she came to disturb her now, Wang Ping could not wait to go out and kill the person at the door.

But even so, he still didn't want to get up from Mu Sirou.

"Baby, I locked the door, don't pay attention to them, he was just cheering us up." Wang Ping had no intention of getting up and opening the door, and was ready to continue.

Mu Sirou frowned, "But like this, I can't concentrate on stabbing Mr. Wang."

Wang Ping was pleased by her words. He leaned closer and nibbled on her neck, "Baby, you are so considerate."

"Then why don't you open the door first? Let's move to another place later and continue?"

Wang Ping was feeling uncomfortable at the moment, but the person at the door seemed to be urging him to leave and he didn't intend to leave. Even if he still wanted to continue, he was now disturbed and had lost interest.

"Okay, I'm going to see what kind of blind dog is disturbing my good deeds at this time!" Wang Ping said as he stood up to open the door.

But before he could get up from Mu Sirou neatly, the office door was slammed open by someone from the outside.

The door panel bounced off the wall and bounced back, and was blocked by someone's hand.

Wang Ping hasn't completely gotten off Mu Sirou yet, so this posture looks even more eye-catching.

Documents were scattered everywhere on the messy desktop, and clothes were thrown casually on the floor. The scene wanted to be exciting.Su Ho took one look and stopped at the door, no longer planning to go in.

Mrs. Wang walked directly in, glanced at Mu Sirou who was still lying on the desk, and then smiled and said to Wang Ping, "It's okay, don't be nervous, keep going, don't be so scared that you won't be able to use it in the future." , I can’t bear this responsibility.”

Wang Ping never expected that the person coming would be his wife.

For a moment, even the reaction was slow, "Old, wife, you... why are you here?"

Mrs. Wang stood at the table admiring Mu Sirou's posture and said with a smile, "You like this?"

Wang Ping had already lost interest. He reached out and pushed Mu Sirou, who had not yet gotten up, and said, "Get up quickly."

Mu Sirou didn't know Wang Ping's wife, so she glared at Mrs. Wang unhappily, "Mr. Wang, who is this old woman?"

Wang Ping wanted to sew Mu Sirou's mouth shut and throw her out of the window.

"His wife is married by the media, a legitimate and legal wife." Mrs. Wang said and thoughtfully helped Mu Sirou pick up the clothes from the side and put them on her body. "Miss, please put on the clothes first. It's so revealing. It’s weird.”

When Mu Sirou heard Mrs. Wang's words, she quickly stood up and sat up.

Mrs. Wang turned around and sat down on the sofa on one side, watching the couple getting dressed.

After Wang Ping put on his clothes, Mrs. Wang said, "You have good taste. Where did you get such a beautiful girl?"

Wang Ping was now sweating on his back, "Honey, I... She was the one who bewitched me. I was also a little obsessed for a while. I..."

"You're so obsessed that you bring someone to the office to sleep?" Mrs. Wang didn't give him a chance to explain. "Wang Ping, how obsessed are you? That you would mess around in the office without caring about your face?"

Wang Ping was speechless at the moment. After all, he was caught and everything he said seemed a little feeble.

Compared to Wang Ping's anxious state, Mu Sirou was so calm that it seemed as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

After getting dressed slowly, I still had the leisure to touch up my makeup with a seven-pointer.

He completely regarded Mrs. Wang as air.

After finishing her makeup, Mu Sirou turned to look at Mrs. Wang, who was sitting on the sofa at one side, and walked towards her, "Mrs. Wang, to tell you the truth, Mr. Wang and I have been together for a long time. He She promised to marry me, so I advise Mrs. Wang to be wiser and take the initiative to give up her position. It will be good for you and us, what do you think?"

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