Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 332 Appears again in a high-profile manner

Chapter 332 Appears again in a high-profile manner
"They said it was for Mr. Wei, but in fact they just wanted to satisfy their own selfish motives. This land will inevitably cause internal conflicts among the superiors. In the end, the superiors will take it back and use it for public use."

"Does it have a big impact on the Qin family?"

"Basically no impact."

Upon hearing this, Su Ho responded, "Since it's dispensable, let's treat it as just watching a show and let them fight among themselves, and we'll reap the benefits."

Qin He responded and changed the topic, "What did Fu Jin and Mu Sirou say to you?"

"It's nothing more than old sesame seeds and rotten millet things, bringing up old things again."

Su Ho was a little angry at first, but later after knowing their intentions, Su Ho just felt that they were extremely stupid.

If the eldest son of the Fu family knew that his son was such an idiot, he would probably be so angry that he would crawl out of the grave in the middle of the night to educate his idiot son.

Qin He glanced at her face and saw that her expression was normal, so he said nothing more.

The two of them did not go back to the auction venue, but went straight home.

On the way back, Su Ho remembered what he had done for Fang Heng and turned back halfway.

When he arrived at the door again, Fang Heng happened to come out.

Seeing Su Ho, he was a little surprised, "You're not in there?"

"Something happened. Are you done filming?"

Fang Heng responded, "That's almost it."

Su Ho glanced at the time and picked up his cell phone to call Wei Jia.

The call was picked up almost instantly, but the person who answered the phone was Shen Qing.

"Miss Su, where are you now? I'll send something to you."

"At the door." Su Ho answered, "Where's Wei Jia?"

"He has something to deal with."

Seeing this, Su Ho didn't say anything more, "Then I'll wait for you at the door."

"Okay, I'll come out now."

Su Ho hung up the phone and looked at Fang Heng, "Come out right away."

Fang Heng nodded, then looked at Qin He who was standing aside as if he was remembering something, "I heard that you were going to bid for a piece of land tonight. Why didn't I see you when I was bidding just now?"

"Suddenly I don't want it anymore."

Fang Heng: "..."

Seeing Fang Heng believe it, Su Ho couldn't help but chuckle, "Something happened."

Fang Heng had heard about things in Zhoucheng's business community. Hearing what Su Ho said, he roughly guessed, "Is it influential?"


"That's okay, it's just a piece of land."

Just as he was talking, Shen Qing came out, holding a long box in his hand, "Miss Su."

Su Ho took two steps forward and said, "Say thank you to Wei Jia for me and treat you to dinner another day."

Shen Qing called the food to Su Ho, "Wei Jia said, I want to eat the most expensive one."

"No problem." Shen Qing also had something to do here, so after handing the things to Su Ho, he said hello and went in to work again.

After Shen Qing left, Su Ho handed the box to Fang Heng, "Take a look."

"I will remember this kindness. If you need anything in the future, just ask at my place."

"Okay, definitely."

Fang Heng had to catch the last flight back in the evening, so he didn't stay much longer.

After Fang Heng left, Su He went back with Qin He.

Not long after they got in the car and drove out, Chi Cheng's call came in.

"Mr. Qin, Zhong Ling met Fu Jin just now."

On the phone, Chi Cheng truthfully described the situation to Qin He.

"What did Zhong Ling do when he saw Fu Jin?"

"This is not very clear because our people can't get in."

"Let me inquire about it."

"Yes." Chi Cheng responded.

After hanging up the phone, Qin He couldn't help but frown.

"what happened?"

"Zhong Ling met Fu Jin."

Su Ho was also a little surprised, "Why did he meet Fu Jin? Logically speaking, the person he met when he got the piece of land should be someone from the Wei family."

Qin He was silent for a few seconds, "He used Mr. Wei's name to get the land. He may not give it to the Wei family, but it will be used for private use."

"But what does he want to do when he sees Fu Jin? Logically speaking, if he wants to find someone to get this land out, looking at the entire city, there are many suitable people, but it is not Fu Jin."

According to Fu Jin's brain, it can't be reused at all.

"Zhong Ling is a person who prefers to challenge high-risk things. The land is now in his hands. What he wants to do with it is his business."

Su Ho thought so too.

No matter how Zhong Ling arranges the land, it has nothing to do with them.

Originally, there was a lot of rumors, and most people thought that the land on Renmin Road belonged to Qin He, but in a blink of an eye, the land fell into the hands of Fu Jin.

This caused a lot of turmoil in the business district.

That piece of land can be said to be a hot commodity recently. Many people tried their best to get in on it, but in the end their plans came to nothing, and something like Fu Jin happened.

It really caught people off guard.

Su Ho was really shocked when he got up and saw the news.

Zhong Ling actually handed over the development and construction rights of the land to Fu Jin.

Suddenly, the Fu family appeared in everyone's sight in such a high-profile way.

And when Fu Jin brought the Fu family into the public eye in such a high-profile way, it also reminded people of the ridiculous things that happened to the eldest son of the Fu family back then.

(End of this chapter)

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