Chapter 333
When old things are brought up again, someone has to bear the negative impact of them.

As soon as Fu Jin went out, he was surrounded by reporters.

"Master Fu, how did you obtain this precious piece of land?"

"Master Fu, are you taking this piece of land to take revenge on the Qin family for what happened back then?"

"Master Fu, how did you get this piece of land at the auction? As far as I know, the auction last night required voting to have the right to bid, and you were not in the voting queue, so what methods did you use to get this piece of land? Where's the arrival?"

All kinds of sharp questions were thrown at me.

Fu Jin didn't even have a chance to speak, and was confused by the question.

Finally, the security guard at the door was called and Fu Jin was rescued from the crowd.

Fu Jin called Zhong Ling as soon as he was free and got into the car.

The other party seemed to have expected that he would call, so when he picked up the call, he asked, "What? Are you sorry?"

Fu Jin immediately denied, "No."

"That's good. Ignore the questions they asked. Just deal with what you should do and leave the other problems to time."

Fu Jin was actually quite curious. Zhong Ling was originally from Mr. Wei's faction. In order to take the land, he would not give it to the Wei family, but gave it to him.

Seeing that he had no intention of hanging up, Zhong Ling asked on the phone, "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Zhong, I have a question that I have been thinking about all night but I still can't figure it out. I would like to ask you to clarify it."

"Want to ask why I chose you?"

Fu Jin hummed, "You could have had better choices, such as the Wei family, but you chose me. Why is that?"

Zhong Ling chuckled after hearing Fu Jin's question. He did not answer him directly, but asked, "Why do you think it is? Why do you think I chose it among so many outstanding people with the greatest advantages?" about you?"

To be honest, Fu Jin really couldn't think of the reason why Zhong Ling chose him, not at all.

It is fair to say that the Fu family has some intersection with Mr. Wei or Zhong Ling.

But neither the Fu family nor Mr. Wei, nor Zhong Ling, have anything to do with each other.

Now that Zhong Ling had chosen him so suddenly, he was really flattered and a little scared.

"I don't know." Fu Jin responded truthfully.

"If you don't know, don't think about it. You just need to do the next thing now."

Fu Jin responded, "Okay, I will definitely live up to Mr. Zhong's trust."

Zhong Ling said seriously, "This project is also very important to the higher-ups, so you have to treat it with 120% of your heart." "Don't worry."

When Zhong Ling saw that he agreed, he said nothing more.

"Do you think Zhong Ling is crazy about his brain? He actually gave that piece of land to Fu Jin? What kind of move can that guy with a shrunken cerebellum make?" Wei Jia yelled on the phone. ,

Su Ho changed the phone to another hand, "You just scolded his eighteenth generation ancestors. Now that land is in Fu Jin's hands, and you are not interested in this land. Why do you care about this?"

Wei Jia said angrily, "I just don't understand, why would you waste such a good thing on a waste?"

"Do you know why Zhong Ling chose Fu Jin?"

Wei Jia was confused by anger at the moment, "Why?"

"Because if Fu Jin takes this land, no matter what the outcome is in the future, he will be grateful to Zhong Ling. This kindness is enough for Zhong Ling to make Fu Jin work for him."

Wei Jia seemed to have thought of something when he heard this, and clicked his tongue twice, "Does that old guy Zhong Ling just like Fu Jin for easy control? I would be happy to use such a fool for me."

The Fu family is currently in a slump, and if someone offers an olive branch, don’t we have to be grateful?Do you want to do everything for the other party?
Therefore, Zhong Ling did not choose Fu Jin without thinking, but considered the long term.

Even if this project can't make any big splash in Fu Jin's hands, it is still valued by the superiors, and it won't be too bad no matter how bad it is.

Now that the land is in Fu Jin's hands, how to develop and construct it is Fu Jin's business, and others will definitely have no right to participate.

"So what else are you confused about now?"


After Wei Jia finished speaking, he changed the subject, "By the way, how is the progress at your decoration company? I have a project here and I need a design company. When will we formally cooperate?"

"Is this a back door for me?"

"It doesn't count." Wei Jia said seriously on the phone, "I'm sure you can rest assured that you can handle things. I can save a lot of things by leaving it to you. It can also be regarded as the first shot of your new company. I will have many orders for you in the future. ."

After hearing his intention, Su Ho thought for a moment, "It will be finished almost next week. If we hurry up, it will be officially operational by the end of the month."

"Do you want someone? Can I help you find two?"


"Then I'll give you two plain clothes."

Su Ho parked the car and got out in no hurry, "Mr. Wei, you said I want Ling Feng back now, is that appropriate?"

When Wei Jia heard this, he immediately sneered, "Su Ho, don't be too pushy. You sent the person to me in person at the beginning, and now you want to go back? I tell you, don't even think about it! "

(End of this chapter)

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