Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 334 I will definitely be your right-hand man in the future

Su Ho said casually, "With Shen Qing by your side now, Ling Feng seems a bit redundant. Sometimes he is like a light bulb. What a bother. Why don't you give him back to me?"

"Ha~" Wei Jia sneered, "Your calculation is quite loud, but I tell you there is no way. Ling Feng is my person in life, and my Wei family's soul in death. If you want to take him back, just dream about it. !”

After speaking, Wei Jia hung up the phone without waiting for Su Ho to say anything.

Su Ho looked at the phone that had been hung up and couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips.

In fact, that's what she said. She didn't really want to lure Ling Feng back from Wei Jia.

When she resigned from the Qin family, she never thought that one day she would be able to return to this circle.

Now Ling Feng is developing well with Wei Jia, and she is very pleased.

There is no need to poach people over when things are going smoothly for him. This is not appropriate.

After all, in the past two years, Wei Jia gave Ling Feng the opportunity to achieve his goals.

It would be too presumptuous for her to ask him back at this time.

Su Ho put away his cell phone and got out of the car. As soon as he entered the company gate, Wei Jia called again.

Su Ho was a little surprised when he saw the call, but he answered the call immediately, "What? Have you figured it out?"

"Are you serious?" Wei Jia's tone on the phone was more serious than before.

Su Ho walked to the elevator door and pressed the elevator button, "If I say I'm serious, can you give me the person?"

"That's impossible." Wei Jia's attitude on this matter was firm, and he rejected Su Ho's idea without any hesitation.

"Then why are you asking me for this?"

"I have someone here. She also studies design. If you don't help me, how about I owe you a favor?"

"what relationship?"

Wei Jia coughed lightly and said, "It can only be said that they are related by relatives."

"Thoughts about you?"

Wei Jia: "... Su Ho, why don't you change your career? It's really a shame for you to do this now."

Hearing his words, Su Ho knew that she had guessed correctly, "What are you afraid of because we are related to each other?"

"It's not that close. I'm afraid Shen Qing will think too much."

"As long as you are innocent, are you still afraid of this? Isn't it..."

"Stop, stop, stop, I'm not your Qin He. I don't have an ex-girlfriend, first love, or anything like that. I'm still a very pure person." Wei Jia interrupted her, "Do you want to? I'm pretty good at work, just emotionally. I'm more impulsive." "We'll talk about it later."

"Okay, how about making an appointment?"

Now that Su Ho is short of people, the person Wei Jia Neng introduces must have certain abilities. Since he is a capable person, Su Ho has no intention of letting him go.

Su Ho thought for a moment, "Let's do it tonight. I may not have so much free time in the next few days."

"Then I'll contact you then."

Su Ho responded, "Thank you."

"Just think of it as my return to you."

Hearing this, Su Ho laughed and said, "Ling Feng is all-powerful, so I'm still at a bit of a disadvantage."

"Talents are cultivated. If you train her well, she will definitely be your right-hand man in the future."

Su Ho responded, "Okay, then I'll train him for your sake, but we agreed in advance that you should have a good attitude when doing things here. I have a bad temper."

"no problem."

"Here?" As soon as Su Ho got out of the elevator, he met Yang Yi at the elevator door.

Su Ho looked at him, "Are you going out?"

"Something happened at a construction site before. I'll go over and take care of it."

As he spoke, Yang Yi seemed to have remembered something, stretched out his hand to pull Su Ho slightly, and took a few steps to the side, "By the way, can the material company you mentioned before still be able to distribute a batch of materials now? I'm here This site is in dire need of materials right now.”

"I have to ask before I can get back to you."

Yang Yi nodded, "Then you ask and give me an answer when the time comes. If it doesn't work, I'll think of other ways."

Su Ho looked at him with a frown on his face, then asked about the materials, and asked aloud, "Is there something wrong with the materials at the construction site?"

Seeing that she had asked the question, Yang Yi lowered his voice and said, "There is a big problem with the materials, which caused the workers to fall from a high place during the construction. People are still rescuing them. I don't know the specific situation yet."

Hearing this, Su Ho frowned slightly, "Where's the person in charge at the construction site? Didn't he tell you about the situation at that time? Didn't they go through the normal procedures for reviewing the materials?"

Speaking of this, Yang Yi felt itching with hatred, "The materials for this construction site were introduced by my brother-in-law. At that time, I thought that there were many picky things about this kind of thing, and I didn't want him to get involved, but my wife insisted. I gave him a chance, and since I was a bit tight at the time, I took advantage of it. Who knew something like this could happen."

Su Ho was a little shocked after hearing what he said, "I'm going to ask here first. If there is a supply of materials then, then use the materials from here. You can have the materials from your brother-in-law be checked in detail to avoid There will be no surprises later.”

"It needs to be re-inspected, including those that have been used. If something happens after the project is handed in, then my brand will be completely ruined."

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