Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 335 What benefits do you want?

Yang Yi said and sighed, "You ask here for me first. I'll go to the hospital to see the injured first. If it's nothing serious, it's okay. If there is something wrong, it will be a terrible thing."

Accidents on construction sites happen almost every day, and some of them are indeed just accidents. But think about the situation like what Yang Yi just said. If a quarrel breaks out, in the end the work will have to be reworked, or even treated as a breach of contract.

Whether it is rework or breach of contract, Yang Yi will suffer heavy losses.

"Okay, I'll let you know as soon as I have news."

Yang Yi nodded, "Hard work."

Su Ho watched him enter the elevator, then turned and walked into the office. After that, he immediately called the material factory that Qin He had mentioned before.

The other party's attitude was also very alienated at first. He told Su Ho clearly that such a large amount of materials would definitely not be available now, and it would take at least a month to arrange them.

Yang Yi had indeed taken care of Su Ho a lot before. Now that he encountered a problem, he still wanted to help Su Ho if he was capable and helpful.

So after the other party finished speaking, Su He said, "That's it, I was introduced by Mr. Qin. He said that the quality of the materials you have passed the standard and the supply is very timely, so I want to make some purchases from you." The materials are urgently needed."

"Mr. Qin? Mr. Qin of the Qin family?"

Su Ho hummed, "But if you really can't supply it, that's okay. I'll contact other material factories."

When the other party heard that it was Qin He who introduced him, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, "What Mr. Qin introduced will definitely be available. We will definitely provide the materials you need within a week, and the quality will pass the standard."

Su Ho was very straightforward when he heard this, "Okay, in this case, let's make an appointment to meet and chat, and we can pay half of the material price directly."

"no problem."

After confirming the materials, Su Ho called Yang Yi and explained the situation.

Yang Yi is still in the hospital, and his family members are making a big fuss, demanding compensation and various damages.

Su Ho could hear the unreasonable and aggressive tone of the other party's family members through the phone.

Although this incident was indeed caused by their fault, they did not fail to bear responsibility, but making such a fuss was a bit excessive.

"Just look at the arrangements for this matter. How much funds are needed? When the time comes, you can pay directly from the finance department. I will say hello to them."

Yang Yi was so worried at the moment that he had no time to discuss these matters with Su Ho, so he simply left the matter to Su Ho.

Moreover, Yang Yi always feels at ease when Su Ho does things.

"Okay, then I'll make the arrangements first."

Yang Yi responded, "Hard work."

Not long after Su Ho hung up on Yang Yi, Qin He called, "Has Yang Yi signed a new project?"

"No, it was the previous construction site. The materials were not up to standard, which caused an accident to the workers. Now we are in urgent need of a batch of replacement materials." He asked, and Su Ho naturally guessed that the material factory must have called Qin He.

"Is it serious?" "We don't know yet, but the person is still in the emergency room, and the family members are making a fuss there."

"If this kind of thing is not handled well, there will be a lot of trouble in the future."

"Mr. Yang will resolve this matter over there now." After Su Ho finished speaking, he raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, and said softly, "Mr. Qin, can you introduce two people to me?"

Originally, Suho had a lot to do in the past two days. He had to take into account the project he was doing with Yang Yi, and he also had to deal with the design company's affairs and strive to officially operate it at the end of the month.

Now that something like this happened to Yang Yi, Su Ho was simply at a loss for what to do.

"which aspect?"

"Design, or can you lend Chi Cheng to me for two days?"

Qin He heard her words and hissed, "Su Ho."


"What you said is a bit ambiguous."

Su Ho didn't react at the moment, but it took a while for her to react. She was a bit dumbfounded, "I just wanted to say that if Qin's side is not very busy these two days, let Chi Cheng help me with something."

"Should I let him pass now?"

Su Ho didn't expect him to be so straightforward, "Aren't you busy over there?"

"Wei Yun and Su Yuan are relatively free during this period. They can fill in Chi Cheng's vacancy. Moreover, the Human Resources Department also recruited two capable people some time ago."

Hearing what he said, Su Ho felt more relieved, "Okay, then ask him to come over now. I happen to have something I want him to help me with."

"What about the benefits?"

Su Ho was about to say goodbye and hang up the phone. When she suddenly heard this sentence, she put the phone to her ear again, "Benefits? What benefits do you want?"

"It depends on your sincerity."

Su Ho thought for a few seconds and said, "See you tonight."

After saying that, she hung up the phone without waiting for Qin He's response.

At the same time, President Qin’s office.

Chi Cheng stood aside and looked at Qin He, but hesitated to speak.

But Qin He put away his phone very calmly, raised his eyes and looked at him, "Did you hear everything?"

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