Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 336 Miss Dong is determined to leave

Chi Cheng nodded, "Mr. Qin, isn't it a bit inappropriate for me to go to Mr. Yang's place to do things?"

"Don't want to go?"

"Not really, it's just that I think..."

"Then you can clean up and get over."

Chi Cheng: "..."

This is probably what a tool man is like.

With one salary, he does the work of two families.

Should I still work as a free coolie?

When Chi Cheng raised his feet to leave, he was stopped by Qin He again.

"Wait a moment."

Chi Cheng stopped when he heard the sound and looked back, "What's wrong?"

"What has Qin Cheng been busy with during this time? I heard Wei Yun say that he hasn't come to the company for a week."

Chi Cheng originally came to Qin He to tell him about Qin Cheng.

Who would have thought that he would hear Su Ho's words "Why don't you lend Chi Cheng to me for two days" as soon as he came in?

In the blink of an eye, he was sold like a piece of merchandise.

So this matter was forgotten as soon as it was interrupted.

At this moment, He Chenzhou took the initiative to bring it up, and Chi Cheng remembered what he had come in for just now.

"I went to a fashion show some time ago and went with a model. Unfortunately, Miss Dong caught me in the act. It seems that they are getting divorced in the past two days. Miss Dong is determined to get a divorce. He has been pestering her for the past two days. Please ask Miss Dong for forgiveness."

Qin Chengzhe simply wanted to die.

Qin He had stabbed Dong Ning once before about raising people outside, but he just said that at the time and did not think about the consequences for Qin Cheng.

What happened that time was also explained by Qin Cheng with his smooth tongue.

Although Dong Ning got angry that time, Qin Cheng and Qin He were fighting fiercely overtly and secretly at that time. They probably felt that Qin Cheng's matter was deliberately arranged by Qin He, so Dong Ning didn't really care about Qin Cheng.

But after witnessing it with his own eyes this time, Qin Cheng must have no way out.

The relationship between the two of them is very delicate. If it weren't for the relationship between the two families, Dong Ning might have parted ways with Qin Cheng long ago.

Now with this reason, Qin Cheng must not be able to keep Dong Ning as his backer.

Now there is a younger one in the family. If Qin Cheng loses the support of the Dong family, then he will completely lose the qualification to compete with Qin He or the younger one in the family.

Let’s not talk about Qin He first. Just talk about the little one in the family who is now Qin Jianliang’s heart. If Qin Cheng doesn’t even retain the Dong family as a backer, then Qin Cheng’s status will definitely be inferior to that of the little one Qin Jianliang just recognized. of.

This means that he has completely lost the qualification to take over the Qin family.

"Wang Yun didn't do anything?"

"She has been following Mr. every step of the way lately. How can she have time to take care of these things?"

Qin He didn't express any comments, and waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Chi Cheng turned around and left the office without staying any longer.When Su Ho saw Chi Cheng, he was quite shocked at how quickly he came, "So fast?"

Chi Cheng said hello to Su He and then answered her, "When you called, I happened to report the matter to Mr. Qin. After the report, Mr. Qin arranged for me to come over."

Su Ho suddenly felt a little lucky when he heard this. Fortunately, she didn't say anything inappropriate at that time.

Otherwise, it would be really impossible to see anyone right now.

Su Ho was not polite to Chi Cheng and directly arranged things for him.

"Just help me take care of these things, and I'll do the rest by myself."

Chi Cheng can be said to be an all-round assistant, he can handle any matter involving it.

After Su Ho arranged things for Chi Cheng, he drove to the decoration company.

Basically everything has been completed. Next are some office equipment and some equipment that need to be used.

Most of Soho has already been ordered and will be delivered one after another in the next two days.

When he arrived at the scene, Suho checked the small details mentioned before and made sure there were no problems. Suho left.

As soon as she got into the car, Su Ho received an unexpected phone call.

Su Ho was surprised when he saw the note, "Miss Dong?"

Dong Hui smiled and exchanged greetings with Su Ho on the phone, "Are you free soon? Let's have lunch together?"

Hearing this, Su Ho glanced at the time and said, "I happen to be outside right now. If it's convenient for Miss Dong right now, can I treat Miss Dong to a meal?"

Dong Hui was always a cheerful person, so after hearing what Su Ho said, she immediately agreed, "Okay, where can we meet later? Do you have any good places to recommend?"

"Then Yaju?"

"Okay, then we'll meet at Yaju soon."

Su Ho responded and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho felt a little surprised. She and Dong Hui had only met twice, and their relationship was not very good. Some of the things she said were just casual remarks, and no one might take them seriously.

It's just that Su Ho didn't expect that Dong Hui would actually ask her to dinner.

Although the two felt like old friends at first sight, Su Ho still had some suspicions about meeting so suddenly.

But she went directly to Yaju.

Dong Hui hadn't arrived when she arrived, so she booked a private room and waited for Dong Hui inside while processing documents.

It took almost half an hour for Dong Hui to arrive.

As soon as he entered the door, he apologized to Su Ho, "I'm really sorry. I went to pick up someone and was delayed for a while. Plus, there was a traffic jam on the way here, so we're here now."

Su Ho put away his things and said, "It's okay, sit down."

Dong Hui sat down next to Su Ho, "I also brought someone with me, you should also know me."

When Su Ho heard this, he raised his eyes and looked at her, "Do I know him too?"

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