Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 337: After all the difficulties, we finally saw the rainbow

Dong Hui nodded, "My brother-in-law's daughter is also my cousin."

Su Ho didn't know many people named Dong. When Dong Hui said this, Su Ho couldn't remember who it was because the people she knew probably had nothing to do with Dong Hui.

Just as he was about to ask his name, someone knocked on the door of the box and then pushed it open.

Su Ho raised his head and looked over. When he saw the people coming in, he suddenly remembered that such a person was here.

Dong Ning, Dong Hui.

"Miss Su, long time no see."

Dong Ning was the first to say hello to Su Ho when he saw her.

Su Ho stood up and said, "I didn't expect that the person Dong Hui was talking about was you."

Dong Ning smiled and said, "Sit down."

Su Ho really didn't expect that Dong Hui and Dong Ning were cousins.

After all, there are many people named Dong in Zhoucheng.

Dong Hui first asked the waiter to take the order, and then looked at Su Ho, "Ning Ning has something to ask you for help, so I took the liberty to bring him here today. The main reason is that you and Mr. Qin have been together for so many years, and you have no influence on the Qin family. I definitely understand the matter.”

After Dong Hui fell behind, Dong Ning went straight to the point, "To be honest with Miss Su, I was talking to Qin Cheng about divorce during this time, but I was a little impulsive at the time and didn't have time to leave evidence, and he refused to sign. If I If we are forced to go through judicial procedures, we need some evidence to prove that he cheated and betrayed me, so I want to ask Miss Su to help me."

Su He didn't pay attention to the Qin family's affairs during this period. He really didn't know that Qin Cheng went to steal food again and was caught by Dong Ning.

However, the whole situation in Su Ho's hands regarding Qin Cheng's adoption of his lover has long been lost, and now she has no evidence at all to help Dong Ning and Qin Cheng divorce this matter.

"I can't help with this..."

"Miss Su, I know that your relationship with Qin He has come to an end now, so I would like to ask you to say a few good words to Qin He. He must have the whole situation of Qin Cheng's crimes in his hands. I only need one, let him All he needs to do is sign it willingly."

Before Su Ho could finish her words, Dong Ning interrupted her.

After listening to Dong Ning's words, Su Ho almost realized what she was saying. Dong Ning's intention was to ask her to find Qin He, and then ask Qin He to give some information about Qin Cheng's crime, and then use it to threaten Qin Cheng in divorce. Sign the agreement.

Su Ho didn't answer in a hurry.

Dong Hui smiled and said, "Su He, you also know that Dong Ning and Qin Cheng's marriage contract was based on the agreement between their elders before they got together. There has been no relationship between the two over the years. progress, Ning Ning is another person who is unwilling to support her husband and raise children at home. She has things she wants to do, and you have seen what Qin Cheng is like, so there is really no chance that this marriage contract will continue to exist. Meaning, it will only delay each other." Having said this, Dong Hui paused, "So do you do me a favor and tell Mr. Qin? I owe you a favor. When you need me in the future, I will do my best. All you can.”

Su He shook his head, "I can help with this matter, but I'm not sure if Qin He has anything to threaten Qin Cheng. If not, then..."

"It doesn't matter, just ask for me." Dong Ning said aloud.

Su Ho nodded, "Okay, I'll contact you then?"

Dong Ning immediately took out his mobile phone and left each other's contact information with Su Ho, "We have known each other for many years, right? We don't even have contact information."

Su Ho had been with Qin He for several years when Dong Ning married Qin Cheng, and when Qin Cheng married Dong Ning, Su Ho even helped arrange the wedding venue.

Later, I met Dong Hui several times in the company.

However, at that time, the two of them nodded politely to each other, which was regarded as greetings, but they seemed to have never spoken seriously.

This is the first time.

"Maybe before, our identities and positions were different, and there was no place or opportunity for us to meet."

Dong Ning nodded, "That's true. Although I often went to Qin's before, you were always busy at that time. Sometimes they were all off work and you were still working all night in the office. At that time, I told Qin Cheng , if you really get along with Qin He, then the Qin family and Qin Cheng will really have nothing to do with each other."

Su Ho just smiled after hearing Dong Ning's words, "Before, I only felt that what I wanted could only be given by work. All my thoughts were on work and... all on work."

Dong Ning didn't hear the underlying meaning of her words and just asked, "Are you working so hard for Qin He?"

"I used to be too impulsive. I got into a dead end and didn't know how to turn back."

Dong Ning smiled and said, "Actually, I admire you quite a lot. During those two years when the Qin family was so difficult, you were able to survive by Qin He's side. Most people can't do this. Now you and Qin He finally can." After all the hardships, I finally saw the rainbow."

The purpose of Dong Hui's appointment with her today was to ask her to help Qin He find out why Qin Cheng was in his hands.

So after eating, Su Ho said goodbye to the two of them and called Qin He on the way back.

Qin He had just finished his work and was about to go to dinner.

After hearing what Su He said about today's events, Qin He said, "I do have some information about Qin Cheng, but now that he is broken, I may not be able to threaten him."

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