Su He also roughly listened to the conversation between Qin Jianliang and Qin He just now.

Qin He hummed, "He was stabbed more than a dozen times and died on the spot."

Su Ho frowned slightly, "Wang Yun is actually able to do it."

Thinking of Wang Yun's previous plea, Qin He's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, "She must have been driven into despair and had no other choice, so she chose such an extreme method."

"Let's go and have a look first."

Qin He hummed, turned the car around, and called Jiang Chen, asking him to come and take Qin Wei away from Qin Cheng.

Jiang Chen was shocked when he heard what Qin He said about what happened tonight, "He is a cruel person."

"I'll leave this to you. Qin Cheng is probably not very emotionally stable right now. Just take it easy."

"Don't worry, people will definitely bring you back safely."


"You're so polite to me."

After Qin He and Jiang Chen arranged Qin Wei's affairs, they turned around and headed to the city bureau.

The news that Wang Yun had killed Zhou Wan spread quickly, and Qin He's phone calls never stopped on his way to the police station.

After all, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Qin He himself, but in their circle, this kind of thing represents the Qin family and is still influential to the Qin family.

When they arrived at the police station, the police were regulating the emotions of Zhou's family.

Qin Jianliang, who was sitting on the side, looked like the person who had committed the crime, with his head lowered and looking very embarrassed.

Qin He glanced towards the Zhou family and then walked towards Qin Jianliang.

They had just met, but now it looked like Qin Jianliang had aged several years instantly.

Maybe it was because of the injuries on his face that he looked even more haggard.

In the past, Qin Jianliang always had an indifferent attitude when he saw Qin He. Now when he saw Qin He, it was as if he saw a life-saving straw, and he immediately came up to him, "Why did you come here? Are you here?" How can we suppress this matter first?"

Qin He glanced at him, "Where's Aunt Wang?"

"In the interrogation room inside, everyone is acting crazy. I don't know whether he is really crazy or just pretending." Speaking of Wang Yun, Qin Jianliang gritted his teeth, as if he wished Wang Yun was the one who died.

"You guys chat, I'll go over and take a look."

Wang Yun will definitely not cooperate at this moment.

She was able to kill Zhou Wan just like that. It was probably something Zhou Wan said that stimulated Wang Yun, otherwise Wang Yun would not have made such an extreme decision based on her character.

Hearing this, Qin Jianliang and Wang Suhe glanced at each other and said, "What can you do if you go? She just doesn't recognize her relatives."

Qin He frowned slightly and looked at Su Ho worriedly, "I'll go there later..." "She won't tell the truth if you go."

Now the only chance to reduce the impact of this matter is if Wang Yun voluntarily surrenders and pleads guilty, and then says some high-sounding words that others don't know, then the impact will be reduced.

Otherwise, with the media adding fuel to the fire, the impact will definitely be infinitely amplified and eventually affect the Qin family.

Qin He hesitated for a few seconds, "Be careful."

"Do not worry."

Su Ho raised his feet and walked to the side.

Under the leadership of the police, I went to see Wang Yun.

The reason why the police agreed to Su Ho's meeting with Wang Yun was probably because they tried every means possible. Wang Yun refused to speak and even spoke freely to them.

It was late at night, and the night shift workers were all male compatriots. Wang Yun had no limit to what she could say, and they were at their wits' end. They couldn't do anything to a woman, not to mention that this was not allowed.

"Sorry for the trouble, thank you." Su Ho thanked the person.

"You're so polite. It's us who should thank you. There's really nothing we can do about it. She won't cooperate at all."

The little policeman also looked helpless, "If anything happens, just call and we will be at the door."

At this moment, Wang Yun's mood was indeed unstable at all, and she was afraid that she would suddenly go crazy and hurt someone.

When Su Ho entered, Wang Yun was sitting on a chair, her eyes so dull that she didn't know where she was looking.

It wasn't until Su Ho walked in and sat down on the chair opposite her that Wang Yun glanced at Su Ho's face as if she had come back to her senses.

Su Ho didn't speak first, just looked at her.

In the end, Wang Yun couldn't stand it anymore and spoke first, "What are you doing here? Are you watching a joke?"

Su Ho then answered, "Looking at it, Aunt Wang and I may not have seen each other for a long time, right?"

Since Su Ho returned to Zhoucheng, he has not been to the Qin family, nor has he met any of the Qin family members.

So she and Wang Yunshi haven't seen each other for a year or two.

Wang Yun stared at Su Ho for a while and suddenly laughed, "Yes, you are much more familiar with this kind of place than I am. Why don't you tell me what it feels like here? You should still remember it, right?" "

Listening to Wang Yun's words, Su Ho frowned slightly and said, "What I said is not as good as your own experience."

"That's true, I will experience it soon." Wang Yun said with a smile, "But I don't regret it at all, she deserves to die!"

When talking about Zhou Wan, the hatred in Wang Yun's eyes was obvious.

Su Ho looked at her, "You feel comfortable like this, haven't you ever thought about Qin Cheng's situation? You can ignore what's going on outside the window, but Qin Cheng will have a long life ahead of him. Have you ever thought about him? What will happen next?”

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