When she heard Su He mention Qin Cheng, Wang Yun's expression was dull for a moment, but only for a moment, she returned to her previous attitude, "He has his own fate, you should help him As a mother, I have tried my best, and the rest is up to him.”

Su Ho chuckled after hearing her words, "Aunt Wang has been with Mr. Qin for so many years, but she still hasn't understood him at all."

Wang Yun frowned and looked at her, "What do you mean?"

"Aunt Wang has been with Mr. Qin for so many years, have you ever really gotten to know him?"

Su Ho's words seemed to stop Wang Yun. She looked at Su Ho with a confused look on her face.

"You have never understood him, so he has someone else outside, but you don't know at all. You are even too self-righteous and think that he will never have anyone else beside you in this life."

Wang Yun did not answer Su Ho's words, because what Su Ho said was basically on point.

She had indeed never understood Qin Jianliang. Ever since he betrayed Xia Luo, she had always felt that Qin Jianliang would never betray her again, because after they got together, Qin Jianliang's care for her could be said to be meticulous, even so good. Even she herself has forgotten how she got into the position of Mrs. Qin. After enjoying the status of Mrs. Qin for so many years, she has forgotten that as long as Qin Jianliang is willing, Mrs. Qin's position can be replaced.

It was Xia Luo then, then she was, and now Zhou Wan is almost on the verge of succeeding in ascending to the throne again...

Thinking that she had enjoyed life too much over the years, thus neglecting some fundamental issues, Wang Yun felt that it was normal for Qin Jianliang and Zhou Wan to be together.

Even at this time, she felt that even if Qin Jianliang was raising Zhou Wan outside, she could pretend to turn a blind eye.

But the only thing she couldn't do was that Zhou Wan came in to occupy the magpie's nest, which she couldn't allow.

"So what? If you don't know him, he will always look for someone else. If he can look for Zhou Wan today, he will look for Wang Wan and Li Wan in the future." Wang Yun smiled at herself, "At the beginning, I was very proud and thought that I could do it without any effort. I pulled Xia Luo from Mrs. Qin's position and let her disappear into this world on her own, but now I have no idea that one day I will be pulled down from Mrs. Qin's position by others without any effort."

"Actually, if Zhou Wan doesn't die, she won't have any impact on you." Su Ho looked at her, "Although Qin Cheng is not very capable, he has some brains."

Wang Yun seemed to not understand the meaning of Su Ho's words, so she just looked at her.

"Do you know what Qin Cheng did after the Qin family party tonight? That was when you stabbed Zhou Wan at the Qin family."

"If you have something to say, say it directly. What's the point of beating around the bush now?"

"He took Qin Wei away when he left the Qin family tonight. He wanted to use Qin Wei to threaten Mr. Qin."

Hearing Su Ho's words, Wang Yun couldn't help but think that her conversation with Qin Cheng tonight ended on bad terms.She originally thought that Qin Cheng had no plans for this matter.

But I didn't expect that he also had his own arrangements.

Then by killing Zhou Wan, does that mean she disrupted his plan?
Thinking of this, Wang Yun couldn't help herself, "I want to see Qin Cheng, can you let me see him?"

Just as Su Ho was about to answer, Wang Yun couldn't wait to say, "If you can help me see Qin Cheng, I will tell you a shocking secret. Only I know this secret. As for the other person, even if He won’t be able to tell about this until he dies.”

"How do you know that I am interested in the shocking secret you told me? What if I don't want to know at all?"

"No, you will want to know!" Wang Yun said firmly.

Su Ho just looked at her for a few seconds, "Okay, I can let Qin Cheng come to see you, but you have to cooperate with the police in the investigation. You also know very well that even if you don't cooperate, you will never leave here in your life, but you If we cooperate well, life here will be more comfortable in the future."

"Okay, as long as I see Qin Cheng, I will cooperate with the police."

Su Ho nodded, "Aunt Wang, I don't like others to play tricks on me. I may not be able to do anything to you while you are here, but you should think more about Qin Cheng. If you keep your word, I can see that in these years When we met, we didn't let Qin He embarrass Qin Cheng."

Compared to threatening people, Su Ho dared to recognize the second one and no one dared to recognize the third one.

In the past, she was just bluffing, pretending to be powerful in the name of Qin He.

But now, she is confident and regards Qin He as her trump card.

Although Wang Yun said that Qin Cheng would have his own fate in the future, she still hoped that he could have a good future and live a more comfortable life in the future.

After Su Ho communicated with Wang Yun, he asked the police to come in first for questioning.

Su Ho went to find Qin He.

Qin He and Qin Jianliang had finished chatting long ago, so Qin He remained sitting in the hall.

The moment he saw Su Ho coming out of it, he immediately stood up and rushed forward, his eyes full of worry, "How's it going?"

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