Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 350 Am I the kind of person who does random things?

Su Ho shook his head gently, "It's okay. She is now cooperating with the police's inquiry and investigation."

At this point, Su Ho stopped talking, "Is Jiang Chen done? Let Qin Cheng come over."

"Wang Yun wants to see him?"

Su Ho nodded, "I promised her."

She didn't say anything about Wang Yun's shocking secret in front of Qin He, she simply said that she agreed to Wang Yun.

Qin He didn't ask any further questions, picked up his cell phone and called Jiang Chen.

The call was answered quickly after the call was dialed, and Jiang Chen's voice came through the phone, "I was just planning to call you."


"That kid didn't know why he was so angry. Before I said anything, he put the child in my arms and ran away."

Jiang Chen didn't know what happened in the Qin family at this moment, so he didn't know why Qin Cheng suddenly acted like this.

Qin He heard that Qin Cheng left, "Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know that. Anyway, he put the child in my arms and left. I have my fists ready."

"You take him back and take care of him first. I'll pick him up after I finish my work here."

Jiang Chen looked at the sleeping little kid lying on the back seat with a look of helplessness on his face, "How the hell am I going to take care of a child?"

He was answered by the beep of the phone hanging up.

Jiang Chen: "..."

The driver turned to look at Jiang Chen and said cautiously, "Master, why don't you take it back to your husband and wife? If they know that you gave them this big surprise, I'm sure they won't rush you into a blind date."

Jiang Chen was immediately amused when he heard what the driver said, "Brother, this belongs to the Qin family and has nothing to do with me. If this is my seed, Uncle Qin will chop me up and make soup!"

Driver: "'s not yours?"

He thought Jiang Chen was wandering around outside every day, and the child came out.

"Am I the kind of person who comes here randomly? I have always kept myself clean and never do such shameful things." After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he adjusted his posture and said, "Okay, let's go back."

"Go back to your old home? Or should I send you directly back to where you live?"

"Come home, I'll take it back here. Maybe tomorrow's headlines will say that a young master of the Jiang family took care of a three-year-old child to death."


Qin He couldn't find Qin Cheng at Jiang Chen's side, so he could only call Qin Cheng.

It's just that when I called it, it said it was already powered off.

Qin He called it again and the result was the same.

"Use mine." Su Ho handed Qin He his cell phone.

Qin He called Su Ho's cell phone once, but it was also turned off.

"That's probably because his cell phone battery is out of battery."

Qin He handed Su He's cell phone to her, "You have dealings with Dong Hui, ask her to ask Dong Ning if he has met Qin Cheng."

Su Ho responded, picked up the phone and called Dong Hui. "Su Ho? What's wrong?"

"Are you convenient now?" It was always inappropriate for Su Ho to call him so late at night.

Dong Hui responded, "It's convenient. I live by myself. If you have any questions, just tell me directly. You don't have to be so out of touch with me."

Su Ho said directly, "Help me ask Dong Ning if there is any news about Qin Cheng."

"That kid has been pestering Ning Ning every day recently, and Ning Ning is getting annoyed with him to death, so in the afternoon Ning Ning went to the next city to watch a concert with her friends, and she was not in Zhoucheng."

From what Dong Hui said, Dong Ning probably didn't know where Qin Cheng was.

"That's it, then it's okay."

"What's wrong? Qin Cheng is missing?"

Su Ho responded vaguely, "We can't contact him. We have something to ask him about."

"Then it's probably at that woman's place again. Ask your Mr. Qin to look for it, and he should be able to find it soon."

Su Ho hummed, "Then you can rest, I won't disturb you."

"Why don't you bother me?"

The two exchanged pleasantries before hanging up the phone.

"Dong Ning is not in Xuancheng. He should not go to Dong Ning now."

Qin He frowned slightly when he heard this, "I'll let Chi Cheng find it."

"it is good."

Qin He called Chi Cheng and asked him to find someone.

After Wang Yun finished questioning, she took the initiative to say that she wanted to see Su Ho.

Su Ho was not surprised at all when he heard that Wang Yun wanted to see her.

She wanted to see Qin Cheng. Although this matter was very simple, now she couldn't believe anyone.

Wang Yun's heart is very simple now.

She had a verbal agreement with Su Ho, so she subconsciously planned Su Ho to be in her camp. As for Qin Jianliang, it was impossible for her to trust him, and it was impossible for Qin He to follow her.

So the only person she can trust now is Su Ho.

Qin He heard that Wang Yun wanted to see Su He, "Why is she meeting you?"

"Maybe you have something you want to say to me. Why don't you go wait for me in the car?"

Qin He hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Okay."

Su Ho turned around and went to the interrogation room inside.

Qin He did not leave, but waited for Su Ho in the hall.

When Qin Jianliang came out after finishing the notes, he saw Qin He sitting in the hall. He stepped forward and asked straight to the point, "Have you found Qin Wei?"

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