Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 351 It’s a pity that I married the wrong person and ruined myself

"Jiang Chen brought him back to the Jiang family." Qin He replied, "Has the matter with the Zhou family been settled?"

Qin Jianliang shook his head, "Not yet. They want me to give them an explanation, otherwise they will have to go through judicial procedures."

Qin He looked at Qin Jianliang and felt that he had aged much in a short period of time, and with the injuries on his face, he looked miserable.

"Then let's go through the judicial process and leave this matter to judicial personnel to resolve."

Qin Jianliang opened his mouth to say something, but after meeting Qin He's eyes, he thought for a few seconds and swallowed the words that came to his lips. "

"Have something to say?" Qin He asked directly without any mincing words as he saw the expression on his face.

Qin Jianliang was stunned for a moment, then hesitated before saying, "What, Zhou Wan disappeared so suddenly. After all, she followed me back to the Qin family, and I am somewhat responsible, so I want to give the Zhou family a sum of money. It’s also comforting.”

"How much do you want to give?"

Qin Jianliang hesitated and made a number.

"what ever."

In any case, Zhou Wan's incident happened at the Qin family, and with her relationship with Qin Jianliang, the money must be paid.

Seeing that he had no objection, Qin Jianliang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, "When this matter is settled, let's have a good talk as father and son. It's also time to resolve those messy things."

After speaking, Qin Jianliang sighed, "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first."

Qin He hummed, "Should I have someone send you off?"

Qin Jianliang waved his hand, "I asked the driver to pick him up."

"Okay, then you go back first."

Qin Jianliang responded, turned around and walked out.

Qin He sat in his seat and looked at his back. He was so handsome that he couldn't help but frown slightly.

From the time he could remember, Qin Jianliang gave him the impression of being arrogant, even so strong that people thought he was the most powerful and unbeatable.

Suddenly seeing him like this, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Rather than looking so listless, Qin He would rather see the unreasonable and superior Qin Jianliang from the past.

"You must be curious about what the so-called shocking secret I'm talking about is?" Wang Yun leaned on her seat, her eyes falling on Su Ho's face.

Su Ho glanced at her and nodded cooperatively, "I'm really curious."

"You have been with Qin He for more than ten years, right? Has he told you about his mother?"

Su Ho shook his head, "No."

"That's true, no one wants to bring up such horrible memories."

Su He didn't know much about Qin He's mother Xia Luo, except that she died of depression.I heard that the death was very tragic and bloody.

As for the more detailed information, Su Ho didn't deliberately understand it, nor did he think of asking Qin He. After all, this kind of thing was not worth knowing.

There is something in everyone's heart that they don't want to mention in this life.

So after knowing Qin He for so many years, Su He never asked about his mother.

"So the shocking secret you want to say is about Qin He's mother?"

Wang Yun nodded, "I have to admit, Xia Luo is very good-looking. I felt ashamed back then, but I let Qin Jianliang choose me, so from this point of view, good looks are not everything."

Wang Yun sighed, "It's just a pity that she married the wrong person and ruined herself."

Originally, Su Ho was not very interested in Xia Luo's affairs.

But when Wang Yun said this, Su Ho became a little curious.

How did Xia Luo die back then?

Although it is said that people suffering from depression may have suicidal tendencies, Xia Luo was not that serious at that time.

"So, how did she die?" After Wang Yun finished speaking, Su Ho asked directly.

Wang Yun sneered, "It's Qin Jianliang!"


"It was Qin Jianliang who forced her to commit suicide! She didn't have to die! But Qin Jianliang threatened her with Qin He, that's why she died so miserably!"

When Wang Yun said this, her smile became even weirder, "It was Qin Jianliang who forced her to death!"

After listening to Wang Yun's words, Su Ho didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

She imagined many possibilities in her mind before Wang Yun spoke, but she did not expect this result.

Not to mention anything else.

I heard that Qin Jianliang and Xia Luo changed from school uniforms to wedding dresses, which means they should be in love, and maybe it was a good story at that time.

But who could have imagined that the final end would be so miserable.

"Qin He has always had a hard time with him. He just feels that he betrayed his mother. If he knew the cause of Xia Luo's death, Qin He would probably want to kill him."

After Wang Yun finished speaking, she raised her eyes and looked at Su He, "When the old man asked you to follow Qin He, he was worried that Qin Jianliang would be so vicious that he wouldn't let Qin He go, so he placed someone beside him who would never betray Qin He. .”

After Su Ho heard what Wang Yun said, he didn't speak for a long time.

It took her a while to find her voice, "Why do you suddenly want to tell me?"

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