Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 359: Wanting to turn conflicts into friendship

[It will take about an hour or two. ]
[If your friend doesn’t mind, can you bring me one?I want to talk to you about the house over there. ]
Fu Shen thought he was too busy before and indeed there were still some details that had not been discussed yet. He just settled some normal procedures first.

Su Ho hesitated for a moment, then called Dong Hui and briefly explained the situation.

Dong Hui is also an informal person. After listening to Su Ho's words, she agreed, "No problem. It's still lively with more than one person. Just ask him to come directly."

"Okay, excuse me."

"Why don't I bother you? You are always so outgoing." Dong Hui had just arrived at the door. "Are you here? I just arrived."

"I'm in the parking lot, come in now."

"Then let's meet in the lobby." Su Ho said in a low voice.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho sent Fu Shen a message back: "Then let's meet in the lobby later." ]
[it is good. ]
Fu Shenwei really planned to go with Mu Sirou and Mu Silan, but he found a temporary excuse and left first.

Naturally, Mu Silan and Mu Sirou couldn't really go to Su Ho. After watching Fu Chen leave, they also left directly.

Fu Chen stood at the corner and watched the two people leave. His eyes darkened, and then he turned to look at Zhou Yang who was standing behind him. "In the future, keep your eyes open when making friends. Don't be bought by others who are still attentive." Give people money.”

No matter how dull Zhou Yang was, he could tell that Mu Sirou came to see Fu Chen for a purpose today.

"Feel sorry."

Fu Chen looked at him and said, "Okay, you go and do your business first. I'll call you later. Just stay in the hotel tonight. I don't want to go back to Fu's house."

"Okay, then I'll take your things to the hotel first, and then I'll come and pick you up."


After Zhou Yang left, Fu Chen went to the bathroom before going to the lobby.

When he went down, Su Ho happened to come in from outside, and the two of them met their eyes.

Su Ho took the initiative to say hello, "Mr. Fu."

Fu Chen nodded, "Why are you alone?"

"My friend is parking the car. Let's go to the private room first. It's not convenient to talk here."

Taking into account Fu Chen's identity, Su Ho spoke to Dong Hui and went directly to the box.

Little did they know that their backs were photographed while walking side by side.

From the lobby to entering the elevator, and even to the door of the box, photos and videos were all recorded.

"Miss Su shouldn't have any contact with the two Mu family members, right?"

After sitting down, Fu Chen looked at Su Ho and asked.

Su Ho smiled and said, "We are not the same people."

"That's true. I almost believed what they said."

Su Ho couldn't help but be curious when he heard this, "What did they say?"

"He said he wanted to turn the conflict with Miss Su into friendship." Su Ho smiled and did not answer the question.

She might reconcile with anyone.

But it is absolutely impossible to reconcile with Mu Sirou and Mu Silan.

Some things just happened once and cannot be forgotten casually.

That's fine with Mu Sirou, she was just complaining about Mu Silan.

But Mu Silan never thought about forgiving.

It is impossible to say that everything that happened before will be overturned.

Fu Chen saw her expression clearly and did not continue the topic. Instead, he changed the topic to the house.

"Are you interested in selling?"

"The decision was made during this period. If you have an idea, you can consider it. The price will be based on the market price. If you have no plan, I will wait until you want to change the place in the future."

Soho actually planned to buy a place directly at the beginning, but after thinking about it, he chose to rent.

"let me consider it."

While the two were chatting, Dong Hui and Dong Ning arrived.

Seeing Su Ho and Fu Chen were both a little surprised.

"Pay Shen?"

"Sister Dong Hui."

Su Ho didn't expect them to know each other, so he didn't need to introduce them.

"I really didn't expect that the friend Su Ho mentioned would be you."

Fu Chen was also a little surprised, "I didn't expect you to know Su Ho better."

Dong Ning looked at Fu Chen, "You have changed a lot over the years. You usually don't contact us when you come back. Now that you see a beautiful woman, you have time?"

"Sister Ning, don't talk nonsense. Why do you mean I have time when I see a beautiful woman?" Fu Chen took his hat off when he saw that they were all acquaintances. "I have been thinking about you all the time."

Dong Ning clicked his tongue twice, "I don't believe it at all. You have been enjoying great success outside for the past two years, so you still remember us little people."

"Oh, Sister Ning, please stop making fun of me. I seem to be so prosperous on the outside, but I'm so tired behind the scenes."

"Okay, let's sit down first." Dong Hui asked the two of them to sit down first, then turned to look at Su Ho, "Ning Ning said she wanted to thank you in person, so we came together."

Although Su Ho and Dong Ning both have some connections with the Qin family, they rarely interact with each other.

Firstly, Su Ho didn't go to Qin's house, and secondly, Dong Ning was busy with his favorite things. He had very little time at Qin's house, and it was impossible for him to go to Qin's house often, so the two of them naturally didn't have time to go to Qin's house. Opportunities for intersection.

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