Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 360 Can’t you trust Su Ho?

"I always thought you were very powerful before. Qin Cheng once said that if I were half as good as you, he would have become the head of the Qin family long ago. I think he is just dreaming. Even if I have half your ability, Mud like him will probably never be able to get on the wall in this life."

Su Ho smiled faintly, "His mind is too wild and he has ignored many things. Even if he has this ability, he cannot sit firmly in that position."

Some people are born to be leaders and will become that leader even when circumstances are tough.

But some people have the heart of a leader, but they don't have the ability to be a leader and can only have their own whims.

Qin Cheng and Qin He are completely opposite.

Qin He can do anything well, but Qin Cheng can do it even if he works hard for a long time. This is the difference between the two people.

Even if Dong Ning has the same perseverance and ability as Su He, Qin Cheng can only be a piece of mud that cannot hold up the wall.

No one can save him.

Dong Ning also had the same idea as Su He, "So from the beginning, I never thought that Liangyan could become the person in charge of the Qin family. I had even persuaded him before to let her do her own thing in the company and do her own thing. , it would actually be good to be a vice president in the future. He keeps insisting on doing things according to Wang Yun’s ideas. He is now in such a situation and it is his own fault."

In fact, Dong Ning has always been very clear-minded in his thinking. He does not have unrealistic ambitions and does what he wants to do in a down-to-earth manner.

But Qin Cheng was different. Under Wang Yun's instigation, he always liked to think about things that had nothing to do with him.

It’s easy to lose track of time when talking about common topics.

By the time Suho went to the bathroom and took a look at his phone, it was already ten o'clock.

The strange thing is that Qin He didn't call her, not even a message.

Su Ho looked at the empty phone for a long time before taking the initiative to call back.

When I called it, it showed that it was already powered off.

After Su Ho died, he called her home again.

Auntie answered the phone, "Miss Su?"

"Is Qin He back?"

"Mr. Qin said he was going to pick you up. He has been out for almost an hour."

"Didn't he bring his cell phone?"

"I don't know about that. Have you called him?"

"I called, but the phone is turned off. If Auntie comes back, ask him to call me back."

"it is good."

Su Ho hung up the phone and returned to the box, "Um, it's getting late, should we break up?"

"Okay, let's make an appointment another day." Dong Hui glanced at the time and saw that she had something to do until tomorrow, "Go back and rest early."

Fu Chen stood up and looked at Su Ho, "Shall I see you off?"

"No, I drove here."

Fu Chen smiled and said, "That's just right. Miss Su, please take me to the hotel." "You are over there, I'll see you off on the way." Dong Hui also knew what kind of character Fu Chen was, plus Fu Chen If Shen's identity was photographed alone with Su Ho, he wouldn't be able to explain it clearly with ten attempts, and he would cause trouble everywhere.

"No. [-]."

"Why do you live so far away?"

"I like it quieter, the downtown area is too noisy."

Su Ho didn't think much about it, "I happen to be on my way, so I'll see him off."


"It's nothing inconvenient, let's go." Su Ho bent down and took the bag, looking at Fu Chen.

Fu Chen said hello to Dong Hui and Dong Ning, and then left the box with Su Ho first.

"Do you think Fu Chen has any bad intentions towards Su Ho?" Dong Ning looked at Dong Hui and whispered.

"No, the Fu family also has contacts with the Qin family. Besides, everyone knows the relationship between Su He and Qin He. Even if Fu Chen is not a good person, he won't have any thoughts about Su Ho, right?"

Dong Ning shook his head, "I don't think so."

"I'll talk to him later, don't let your thoughts wander." Dong Hui reached out and pressed her coat, "Let's go first."

At the same time, Yunyue.

Qin He finished the wine and put the glass on the table, frowning.

Jiang Chen looked at him helplessly, "You can't trust Su Ho?"

"She said she had an appointment with Dong Hui."

Jiang Chen screamed, "Then we couldn't have just met her by the way? I think you just don't believe her."

Qin He shook his head, "It's not that I don't believe it, I just feel that there is an inexplicable distance between me and her. This distance makes me panic."

Jiang Chen looked at him for a while, then took out his cell phone and handed it to him, "Call Su Ho now and find out who she is with now. If you are alone, I think you are overthinking it."

Qin He looked at the mobile phone handed over by Jiang Chen with some hesitation.

"Forget it, I'll call you. I said you drank too much and asked her to pick you up." Jiang Chen had already dialed the number while speaking.

After the phone rang a few times, the phone was answered, and Su Ho's voice came, "Jiang Chen?"

"Hey, it's me."

Jiang Chen responded and was about to say that Qin He had drunk too much when a man's voice came over the phone, "Su Ho, can you drink this bottle of water?"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Because the button was pressed externally, Qin He naturally heard this.

Jiang Chen's hand holding the phone tightened involuntarily, and he wanted to throw the phone out of the window. He really didn't expect that there was someone in the Suho car, and he was a man.

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