Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 362 How can there be so many accidents and coincidences in this world?

"Didn't I tell you? The human heart is the least able to withstand the test. Once is an accident or a coincidence, but two or three times? How can there be so many accidents and coincidences in this world?"

Mu Sirou smiled when he heard this, "That's true. Even if Qin He won't be shaken in any way after seeing this photo, the same can't be said for Su Ho."

The matter between Su Ho and Fu Chen can be explained in many ways, but if the relationship between Qin He and Mu Silan is not clear, even if Su Ho thinks it is impossible at first, the more times it happens, there will always be a gap in his heart. .

What's more, Mu Silan is a sensitive being to Su He and Qin He.

Mu Silan and Qin He must not be able to bear the "accidental encounters" with Su Ho now that they have no idea.

Just as he was talking, the mobile phone in Mu Silan's hand rang.

When she saw the call coming, Mu Silan's lips curved into a mocking smile.

I deliberately waited for the phone to ring several times before answering, "Su Ho."

Su Ho on the other side of the phone knew who it was when he heard the voice.

"When did Miss Mu return to China?"

"Don't you know? Didn't Qin He tell you?" Mu Silan leaned lazily on the seat, "I thought he told you."

Su Ho's tone was as usual, "Where is Qin He?"

"Where do you think he is at this point? Or guess what he is doing now?"

"Mu Silan." Su He called her, "I used to think that Qin He didn't have a heart, but later I discovered that he actually had a heart, so are you amusing yourself, or are you going to treat me with Qin He?" Are you all a fool?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think Qin He will fall in love again with a woman who killed his child."

Su Ho paused after speaking, "Although I'm not sure why his cell phone is with you, I hope Miss Mu can stop it, so that you don't end up embarrassing yourself in the end."

"Su Ho, you really know how to comfort yourself."

"I know best whether I am comforting myself or not, so I won't bother Miss Mu to remind me. And if you like Qin He's cell phone, you can keep it and don't have to return it."

After saying that, Su Ho hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho was about to start the car and drive away when the car window was suddenly knocked.

Su Ho turned to look at the ball and was a little surprised to see Fu Chen who had entered and then turned back out. He raised his hand and lowered the car window, "Mr. Fu, what's wrong?"

"I see you haven't left yet, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. I just took a call. You can go in. It's getting late. Go to bed early."

Fu Chen leaned against the car window and asked seriously, "Su Ho, what kind of man do you like?"

Su Ho was a little confused by his question, but he still said truthfully, "I have a boyfriend, and he's ready to get married."

Fu Chen smiled and said, "Marriage is not enough to bind a person now."

Su Ho looked at him and was about to speak, but Fu Chen took a step back and said, "Thank you for sending me back today. I will treat you to dinner another day when I have the opportunity."

Su Ho didn't follow Fu Shen's train of thought, but he still responded out of politeness, "Okay." After the others walked away again, Su Ho drove the car away again.

When he stopped at the intersection and waited for the traffic light, his mind uncontrollably thought of what Mu Silan said just now.

How could it be possible that one's heart could be as calm as water without any impact?

Mu Silan himself was an influence on her.

Not to mention she was still holding Qin He's cell phone.

Under normal circumstances, only people close to you have the opportunity to touch things like mobile phones.

Why did Qin He's cell phone end up in Mu Silan's hands?

The more I think about it, the more confused my mind becomes.

Su Ho only came back to his senses when the car honked from behind and drove the car towards Xiyuan.

When she arrived home, she didn't see Qin He's car.

Mu Silan's words, "Why don't you guess what he is doing at this time?" appeared in Su Ho's mind so inappropriately.

She sat in the car for a long time before turning off the engine, opening the door and getting out of the car.

After entering the living room, the light in the living room is on.

As soon as I changed my shoes, my aunt came out and said, "Miss Su, are you back?"

Su Ho hummed, "Qin He didn't come back?"

"Not yet. Didn't Mr. Qin pick up Miss Su?"

Su Ho shook his head, "It's getting late. You should go and rest first. I'm going upstairs."

After going upstairs, Su Ho took a shower first without thinking about anything. When he came out, the room was still empty.

It's not like he has never been alone before, but tonight, Su Ho felt more uncomfortable than before, indescribably uncomfortable.

She stood there for a long time before making any move.

I dried my hair, walked to the bed, lifted the quilt, and lay down directly on it.

He clearly didn't feel sleepy at all, but he just closed his eyes.

The more things you don't want to think about, the more clearly they swirl in your mind.

Suddenly there was a bright light shining through the window and the sound of a car engine.

Su Ho opened his eyes almost instinctively, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and walked a few steps to the balcony outside.

When I saw the car for the first time, I felt a sense of loss in my heart.

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