Then she saw Jiang Chen getting out of the car, went around to the side, opened the door, and reached out to help the people in the car out.

"Can you still hold on?" Jiang Chen helped the person down and asked aloud.

Qin He responded, "Go back."

Jiang Chen stood there and looked at his staggering voice, "Don't get into trouble."

Qin He waved his hand at him, indicating that he could leave.

When Jiang Chen closed the car door and was about to get in the car, he looked up and saw Su Ho standing on the balcony of the second floor.

"Sorry to trouble you." Su Ho took the initiative to speak.

"It's okay. He's in a bad mood tonight. He drank a little. Just keep an eye on him."

Su Ho nodded, "Go back and drive slowly."

After saying hello, Su Ho turned around and went downstairs.

Qin He walked in and sat on the chair at the entrance, sitting there without changing his shoes.

Su Ho stepped forward to get his slippers, bent down and took off his shoes, "Have you been drinking?"

Qin He seemed to have just reacted. He avoided Su Ho's hand to help him take off his second shoe and took it off himself. After changing his shoes, he looked at Su Ho and said, "Drink some."

After saying that, he stood up, but stumbled a bit because of the force of getting up.

Su Ho stood up and stretched out his hand to support the person, "Did you drink with Jiang Chen?"


Both of them clearly wanted to ask each other something, but neither of them asked.

Su Ho helped him to the sofa and sat down, "Wait for me for a while."

As she said that, she turned around and entered the kitchen. She simply brewed the chair-back honey water and brought it out to him, "Drink a little."

Qin He reached out and took the drink. After finishing the drink, he raised his eyes and looked at Su Ho, "Told Dong Hui? Did she agree?"

"I didn't have time to say it, because she came with Dong Ning tonight, so I didn't mention it."

Speaking of this, Su Ho paused, "Then I met Mr. Fu. He happened to know Dong Hui and the others, so we sat together for a while. After that, I dropped by to see Mr. Fu off."

Su Ho told the truth about his schedule tonight, then lowered his eyes and looked at the person sitting on the chair, "What about you? Auntie said you went out to pick me up, why didn't you call me and ran to talk to Jiang Did you drink together in the morning?"

"I went to pick you up, but something happened on the way and I lost my phone. Then I went to Jiang Chen's place."

Su Ho didn't answer immediately after he finished speaking, but waited for a while.

But Qin He had no intention of speaking again, so Su He asked, "What accident happened?"

"There was a rear-end collision. I came down to deal with it later. The other party was a little unreasonable and pushed me a few times. The phone must have been dropped at that time. Later, when the police came and dealt with it, I left first and went to Jiang Chen's place."

"Didn't you meet anyone you knew?"

Qin He was a little slow to react, as if he was thinking about it seriously, and then shook his head at Su Ho, "No, I haven't seen anyone else except Jiang Chen tonight."

Hearing his words, Su Ho's depression disappeared in an instant.

Su Ho raised his hand and scratched his hair, "Go upstairs to take a shower and sleep now?"

Qin He didn't move, opened his arms and hugged her, "Su Ho."

"Huh?" "Stay away from Fu Chen."

"it is good."

Su Ho would have definitely asked why before, but after Fu Chen asked her that question tonight, she had a rough guess in her mind.

So when he heard what Qin He said, he agreed without hesitation.

Su Ho originally wanted to say something about Mu Silan, but he still swallowed the words.

She believed in Qin He more than Mu Silan, and she was more willing to believe in Qin He.

Su Ho, who had not dreamed for a long time, dreamed of the day he lost his child.

The pain from the knife stabbing her abdomen was so real and lifelike that it woke her up even in her dreams.

He opened his eyes and couldn't help but take a few deep breaths before calming down a little.

"what happened?"

A man's soft question rang in his ears.

Su Ho calmed down for a while before turning around and leaning closer into his arms, "It's okay, I just woke up suddenly."

Qin He used a little force to bring the person into his arms, "It's okay."

Listening to the man's strong heartbeat, I felt a little relieved.

But I didn't feel sleepy at all.

Su Ho got up at dawn.

The aunt downstairs has already gotten up to prepare today's breakfast.

Su Ho went downstairs and said hello, "You don't need to prepare mine today. I have something to do at my company and I have to go early."

The aunt heard the sound and responded, "Okay, then I can prepare Mr. Qin's?"

"Well, he has a morning meeting today and is getting ready a little earlier than usual."

"Good Miss Su."

Su Ho packed up and went out.

There were no cars on the road at this point. Su Ho drove to the hospital and parked the car before calling Lu Peng.

Lu Peng worked the morning shift today and arrived at the hospital at five o'clock.

"So early?"

"In the hospital or at home?" Su Ho asked directly.

"At the hospital, I have an early shift today."

"it is good."

Su Ho answered and hung up the phone.

Lu Peng looked confused at the sudden hanging up of the phone. Just as he was about to call, Xu Nuo called again, "Have you gone to work?"

"Yes, didn't I tell you last night that I would have an early shift today? Are you going to have an afternoon shift today?"

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