Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 379 It's Not A Thing

"The man's tone softened a lot at that time. Su Yuan and I both thought it was a joke, but after eating and drinking, he finally told us to think about it carefully." Jiang Xing frowned, "I told Su Yuan at that time, That old boy is hanging on to us, if it doesn't work we will change the project, at least we can make less money, Su Yuan agreed at the time, but in the end he was still unwilling to go and see him again."

Jiang Xing told Su He the truth, "Actually, that kid Mu Jun did it on purpose. He chased Wei Yun vigorously before, but then Wei Yun didn't choose him. Now he sees Su Yuan and Wei Yun together. , I must feel uncomfortable, just doing it like this, it’s really not a thing.”

Su Ho didn't answer the words and just said in a low voice, "This incident should be considered as a warning to him. You should be more cautious when doing things in the future, otherwise you will still be counting money for others if you are sold."

Jiang Xing nodded awkwardly, "Now that we know Sister Su, we will all be more cautious in the future."

Su Ho hummed, raised his hand and glanced at the time. Just as he was about to say something to Jiang Xingzai, Wei Yun's voice came from behind him.


Su Ho followed the sound and turned around and looked over, "Here?"

Wei Yun nodded, "Please make another trip."

"We are all a family, why are we seeing each other like this?"

Wei Yun glanced around and said, "My brother is gone?"

"Going to make a phone call."

Wei Yun nodded, and then handed the bag he was carrying to Jiang Xing, "Brother Jiang, go get something to eat first. I'll be here. Thank you for your hard work."

Now Wei Yun is also very respectful to Jiang Xing and no longer looks down upon him as before.

Jiang Xing reached out and took it, "Okay, you guys wait for a while, I'll eat something, I'm really hungry."

"Go eat."

Jiang Xing took his things and went outside to eat in the car.

Qin He came over after making a call, "Will you go in and ask later?"

"Have the communication been completed? Can we go in?"

Qin He hummed, "But the time is limited, only 15 minutes."

Su Ho nodded, "Okay."

After a while, someone came out and took Su Ho in to meet Su Yuan.

Su Ho really had a subconscious plan for this place, but she actually came twice in a short period of time.

Last time it was Wang Yun, this time it was Su Yuan.

Su Yuan was sitting on a chair when she entered, looking a little decadent.

Su Yuan became nervous when he saw her coming in, ", why are you here?"

Su Ho walked up and sat down on the chair opposite him, "Are you happy if I don't come?"

Su Yuan remained silent and didn't speak.Su Ho stared at him for a long time before saying, "Tell me, what do you want to say?"

Su Yuan looked up at Su He and said awkwardly, "Sister, Wei Yun is not to blame for this matter. It's because I didn't have a good grasp of the situation. Don't..."

"What should you do if you don't consider this matter until now? What are you worried about first is Wei Yun?" Su Ho interrupted him, "What do you think I can do to her?"

"I'm sorry, I... I just think this matter is my problem and has nothing to do with Wei Yun. After all, I handled the contract signing alone."

"Wei Yun has told me, so who should be blamed for this matter in the end?" Su Ho said in a serious tone, "Is it because you don't have your own opinion? Or is it because Wei Yun trusted the wrong person? Or should you blame Mu Jun directly? , if it’s useful to blame him, why is it you and not Mu Jun who is sitting here?”

Su Ho's few words left Su Yuan speechless. It took him a long time before he said, "I didn't think things through."

"Things have already happened. Now is not the time to ask who is responsible. Now we should think about how to deal with this matter to minimize the losses. Do you understand?"

Su Yuan nodded, "I understand, sister."

Su Ho had almost already understood everything that Wei Yun needed to know from Jiang Xing, so Su Ho simply asked Su Yuan, and then when he stood up to leave, Su Ho whispered, " Don't worry, it will be taken care of soon."

Su Yuan's eyes were a little red when he looked at Su Yuan.

Su Ho glared at him, "Don't treat me like a loser. It's a shame!"


"I'm going back first. You don't have to worry about Wei Yun. I won't touch her."

"Thank you ma'am."

Su Ho stepped forward and rubbed his head twice, "Just wait and reflect."

When Su Ho went out, Qin He and Wei Yun were sitting on chairs in the hall. They didn't know what they were talking about.

Wei Yun had a serious look on his face and kept nodding towards Qin He.

Su Ho stood aside for a while, then stepped forward and said, "Okay, since when did you talk so much?"

Although there was a distance, Su He still heard that Qin He was preaching to Wei Yun, saying that Wei Yun had a heavy responsibility for this incident.

"It's okay, cousin, what happened this time is indeed my problem."

"Su Yuan said the same thing. Do you want to share this responsibility equally now and then talk about how to solve this matter?"

When Wei Yun was questioned by Su Ho, he immediately fell silent.

Qin He stood up and said, "Are you done talking?"

"Well, go back."

Su Ho said and reached out to pat Wei Yun's shoulder, "What, are you going to sit here and wait?"

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