Wei Yun quickly stood up and followed Su Ho's footsteps.

"Sister Su, are you back?" As soon as they left, Jiang Xing lit up his cigarette and came over to greet them.

Su Ho hummed, "You should go back first. Su Yuan's matter should be discussed slowly and long-term."

"Okay, I'll get back to you first. If you need anything, just call me."

"Okay, drive slowly."

Jiang Xing nodded and said hello to Qin He and Wei Yun before leaving.

Su Ho turned to look at Wei Yun, "Leave your car here for now and stay in Xiyuan tonight."

Wei Yun originally wanted to refuse, but when he met Su Ho's eyes, he nodded and agreed, "Okay, then I won't bother my cousin."

Su Ho looked at her without saying anything and walked towards the car.

Qin He came up and tapped Wei Yun on the head, then threw the car keys to her, "Drive."


Along the way, Su Ho lay on Qin He with his eyes closed and didn't speak much.

Wei Yun didn't dare to say anything more.

Until he returned home, Su Ho talked to Wei Yun while changing his shoes, "Go take a bath and have a good rest first. You don't have to be too anxious about Su Yuan's matter, it will be taken care of."

Wei Yun nodded and said, "Okay, cousin."

Su Ho changed her shoes and told her aunt to prepare dinner, then went directly upstairs.

"Brother, is your cousin in a bad mood?"

Qin He heard the sound and glanced at her face, "Go take a shower."

Wei Yun stood still and said, "Can this matter be handled well? When will Su Yuan be able to come out?"

Qin He was about to go upstairs, but after hearing Wei Yun's words, he took back his step, "In three to five days, we still have to go through the required procedures, and we still need to pay some compensation." , do you have one here?”

"How much do you want? Su Yuan and I have invested a lot in this project, so we may not have much left."

"I'll let Chi Cheng handle it."

"elder brother……"

"Go take a shower." Qin He interrupted her without giving her a chance to speak again.

Wei Yun had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his lips, said thank you to Qin He's back, and then turned around and went to the guest room.

A special room is reserved here for Su Yuan and Wei Yun.

Upstairs, Su Ho took a shower and changed clothes. Then he stood on the balcony with his cell phone, found a contact method and made a call.

No one answered the call for a long time. Just when Su Ho was about to hang up and call again, the other party answered the phone, "Miss Su?"

"Mr. Dong, long time no see. I didn't expect you to still remember me."

The person on the other side of the phone smiled and said, "I thought Miss Su had forgotten me, an old guy. I never thought I would receive a call from Miss Su in my lifetime." Su Ho said repeatedly, "Who did you forget? Don’t forget about Mr. Dong, I just haven’t had the chance to go to you for fear of causing trouble to you.”

"Then you won't be afraid of causing trouble if you call me now?"

Su Ho said awkwardly, "I'm here to cause you trouble this time. Do you think you should reject it immediately? Let's talk about something else?"

"Then I'm more curious. What troublesome thing made you put down your dignity and come to me?"

Su Ho thought about his words and narrated the whole story, "That's what happened. I know my brother's personality very well, so I really can't find anyone who can talk to me and help. I have the audacity to come to you for help.”

"This matter does sound serious, but it is all a fake operation. What are you worried about?" Mr. Dong said on the phone, "If you go for a walk with me tomorrow, this matter will be almost solved."

Su Ho responded repeatedly, "Okay, tell me what time it is and I will tell you on time."

"At five o'clock in the morning, come and wait in front of my house."

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Su Ho hung up the phone and turned around to see Qin He standing not far behind him.

She walked over and asked, "Where is Wei Yun?"

"Going to take a shower."

Su Ho put his phone on the table and said, "Remember Mr. Dong I told you before?"

Qin He nodded.

Su Ho walked into the room and said while arranging his hair, "I asked him for help. After all, he is from that circle and can do things faster than us. I will go for a walk with him tomorrow morning."

After listening to Su He's words, Qin He was silent for a few seconds before speaking out, "Is it reliable?"

"I can trust him."

Qin He walked over and hugged her from behind, "Sorry."

Su Ho's movements froze, and he turned to look at him, "Why are you apologizing?"

Qin He didn't explain much, lowered his head and kissed her neck, "What do you want to eat tonight? Let aunt prepare something?"

"I'm fine with it. Just tell Auntie to follow Wei Yun's taste. She will definitely be in a bad mood with Su Yuan in there."

"it is good."

After eating, Wei Jia's call came to Su Ho's mobile phone.

Su He was chatting with Wei Yun in the front yard, and his cell phone was at Qin He's side.

Seeing the caller ID, Qin He glanced outside and then answered the phone, "Say."

Wei Jia clicked his tongue when he heard Qin He's voice on the other side of the phone, "Why do you think you, a big man like you, are so slimy? Give the phone to Su Ho. I have something to tell her."

"Is there anything I can't say or do?"

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