Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 388 It seems that he doesn’t give any face at all.

Su Yuan's matter was resolved on the third day.

Su Ho and Wei Yun went to pick them up.

After staying there for a few days, Su Yuan obviously lost a lot of weight, but there were no injuries on his face or body, which made Su Ho feel relieved.

"Okay, everything is settled, let's go home." Su Ho raised his hand and patted Su Yuan's shoulder, motioning for him to get in the car.

Su Yuan looked at Su He and hesitated to speak.

Su Ho glanced at him, then walked over and opened his arms to him.

Su Yuan stepped forward, hugged Su Ho, and said sorry in a voice that only two people could hear.

When Su Ho heard this, the smile on his face froze, and he raised his hand and patted him on the back.

She knew why Su Yuan said sorry. It was just because he thought he had caused her trouble again.

Su Ho and the two sent him back before driving to the company.

The cleaning is almost done and the equipment is almost ready.

Now we just need personnel.

After Su Ho read it, he called Chi Cheng and asked about the recruiter.

Chi Cheng said they had hired a few people and asked Su Ho when they could meet for interviews.

Su Ho glanced at the time and said, "It will be around three o'clock this afternoon. I will wait for them at the company. You can ask them to come directly."

"At the new company? Or go to Mr. Yang?"

Su Ho couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Assistant Chi, have you fainted from work lately?"

Chi Cheng didn't understand what Su Ho meant at first, and was stunned for a while before he suddenly realized what he meant.

"Sorry, I'm really busy lately, so I'll notify them later."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho called Wei Jia.

The call was quickly answered, "Is someone out?"

Su Ho hummed, "Just sent it back."

"That's fine. I also said that if you don't come out, I'll find someone here."

"I also found someone, and I owe him a huge favor."

"Whenever there is a need in the future, just pay it back slowly. I still owe a little favor.'

The two chatted for a while before Su Ho brought the topic to the topic, "Can you tell Wen Xin that she will come to me later?"

"Have you done everything over there?" After hearing what Su Ho said, Wei Jia asked smoothly.

"It's almost done. We're sending people now. I asked Chi Cheng to recruit someone. We'll do the interview later, and she happens to be here too."

Wei Jia exclaimed after hearing this, "I thought you could give her a backdoor for my sake, but it seems you don't give her any face at all."

"One code will lead to another code." "Okay, one code will lead to one code. Then I will ask her to come to you now. If anything happens, you can just tell her directly. She is a more straightforward person."

After hearing this, Su Ho joked, "I didn't see that you were quite caring about people, and I never saw that you were so caring about Shen Qing."

"Su Ho, let me tell you, if you talk like this, I will be unhappy."

Su Ho held back his laughter, "Then don't be happy. Emotions have to be neutralized. It's boring to be happy all the time."

Wei Jia: "..."

Not long after Su Ho hung up the phone, a call came in.

Su Ho answered the phone. Before he could say anything, the other party took the initiative to introduce himself, "Sister Su, hello, this is Wen Xin. Just now, Brother Jia asked me to call you. He said he would come to the company for an interview in the afternoon, right?"

Hearing this, Su Ho responded, "Yes, are you comfortable today?"

"It's convenient. You can do it at any time. Then Sister Su, please send me the location. I'll come directly when the time comes."

Su Ho glanced at the time, "Where are you now?"

"Well, I happened to be with my friends and was about to go back."

"Have you had lunch?"

"Not yet. They have to go back to class, so I'm going home for dinner."

"Add WeChat and send me your location. I'll pick you up. I happen to have something else I want to talk to you about."

Hearing this, Wenxin responded, "Okay, this is the mobile phone number, right?"


"Okay, let's chat on WeChat."

Su Ho hung up the phone and quickly added a friend there. After notifying him, Wenxin sent his location.

Clicking it and taking a look at the location, it was only five kilometers away from where she was currently shrinking.

[I will arrive in about ten minutes. ]
When Su Ho arrived, Wen Xin was already waiting by the roadside.

It has been almost a month since the two last saw each other.

"Sister Su." When Wenxin saw Su Ho, he took the initiative to say hello.

Su Ho nodded, "I'll park the car. Let's have something to eat here later and then go back to the company together."

"Okay." Wenxin responded, turned and looked around, "Sister Su, there is a parking space in front of you. You can park there. It is relatively close to the entrance of the mall."

Su Ho nodded, "Okay.'
After parking the car, the two of them walked side by side into the mall to find a place to eat.

"Didn't Brother Jia say that it will not be officially operational until the end of the month? Has it suddenly been brought forward?"

"Basically everything has been done. The staff should be prepared in advance and the business will be officially opened at the end of the month, so that there will be no rush."

Wen Xin nodded, "Indeed, does Sister Su need an intern here? If so, I will ask my friends to come over. They will all study in this area. Although they are not professionals now, they will definitely be in the future. professional."

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