Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 389 I also have a purpose

Su Ho thought for a while, "Maybe we don't need it yet, but they can come over when they need it."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Su."

"I also have a purpose. If I pass the internship, I also want to keep the talents in the company."

Wen Xin heard too much about Su Ho from Wei Jia, so she felt that every arrangement made by Su Ho was right.

In fact, instead of slowly cultivating Wen Xin, Su Ho still missed Ling Feng.

So last time in front of Wei Jia, I didn't just mention it, I had that in mind.

But from another perspective, when she left the Qin family, she handed Ling Feng into the hands of Wei Jia. During the two years that Wei Jia took Ling Feng with him, he gave Ling Feng everything he could. If she really took care of him like this, It's too late to come back.

So Su Ho still planned to cultivate Wen Wen. After she saw Wen Wen last time, she had also seen many of her works during school and later designs, which was considered a very good seedling.

Just like Wei Jia said, Wen Xin will definitely be her right-hand man in the future.

However, you still need to pay before you can receive rewards again.

Su Ho told Wen Xin everything he needed to say while eating, "I have just started here, and the requirements are definitely more than those of other companies you were in before, so you have to be mentally prepared and work hard. My requirements are also very strict."

Wen Xin nodded, "Sister Su, don't worry, I will definitely do what you say and will not make decisions without permission."

"What I want is not only a subordinate who listens to me in everything, but also has the ability to make my own judgment. Do you understand what I mean?"


There were some words that were mentioned before they were mentioned. When Su Ho saw that Wen Xin had listened, he didn't say any more.

After eating, the two returned to the company together. .

Those people arrived on time at three o'clock.

After an interview, only three people were left in Suho.

They are all relatively experienced.

So now including her, the company has a total of five people.

"Let's go here today. You can come over at eight o'clock tomorrow. From now on, the working time will be 08:30 and the get off work will be off at 05:30 in the evening."

"Alright Mr. Su."

Su Ho glanced at the time and said, "I've made a reservation and we'll have a meal together later."

After all, if we want to do business together in the future, we always need to get to know each other first.

Su Ho called Qin He when he was driving.

It happened that Qin He also had a dinner party there, and he made an appointment with Sun Yue.

We met that night. They were both business people and we could chat with each other in just a few words.

Sun Yue had a project that lacked investors, and Qin He was looking for a suitable investment project recently, so the two hit it off.

After Su Ho finished, he called Qin He.

The phone rang for a long time but no one answered. It was only when I called the second time that I picked up that there was a loud noise. '

"Qin He?" It took a while for Qin He's voice to come through. The background sound disappeared and it became quiet instantly. "Sorry, it was a little noisy in there just now. Are you finished over there?"

Listening to his voice, Su Ho knew that he must have been drinking, "Want to pick you up?"

"Yes, we are in Yunyue."

Su Ho responded, "Okay, I'll be there in about half an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho turned around and said hello to Wen Xin, "Then be careful on the road and tell me when you get home."

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Sister Su."

Su Ho nodded, turned around and walked in the direction of the car.

It was almost ten o'clock by the time she drove to Yunyue.

The people on Yunyue's side were naturally familiar with Su He. Knowing that she was here to see Qin He, they took her directly to the box upstairs.

Before the door opened, Su Ho heard the deafening music inside.

In this kind of situation, if you have to talk together, it is most likely to cause misfire.

"Thank you, I'll just go in by myself."

Su Ho thanked the staff, then pushed the door open and went in.

The place was full of people and feasting, but Su Ho couldn't find Qin He at first glance.

After walking a few steps inside, he saw Qin He sitting in the corner.

Everyone else was surrounded by people, except for him, separated by two empty seats.

"Eh, Miss Su?"

Just when Su Ho was about to step forward, someone called her from behind.

Su Ho turned around when he heard the sound, saw it was Sun Yue, and nodded towards him.

Sun Yue shouted at someone to turn off the music, and then looked at Su Ho, "Why are you here, Miss Su? Are you here to pick up Mr. Qin?"

Su Ho hummed, "It just so happens that we've just finished talking about things, so we're on our way."

"Since we're all here, why don't we have two drinks together? Mr. Qin really doesn't have the capacity to drink. He started waving his hands before he even drank." Sun Yue was also a straightforward person. He wanted to let Su Ho go when he pulled her. drink wine.

"Sun Yue, she can't drink."

This is when Qin He stood up and sat up, calling Sun Yue, "I'll drink with you."

Sun Yue exclaimed, "You're like this, how can you still drink?"


Just as Su Ho was about to speak, Qin He shook his head at her, indicating that he was fine.

Sometimes on such occasions, Su Ho still knew how to behave, so he didn't stop him.

After three rounds of drinking, Su Ho saw that Qin He couldn't drink any more, and then reached out to take the last glass he took, "I'll take this glass for him, and I'll give you a toast."

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