Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 392: Get money 2 clear

Seeing this, Su Ho glanced at Zhou's mother's face and couldn't help but feel funny.

Qin Jianliang has been showing off his power in these years, always using the old man to suppress Qin He, and always pretending to be a father to order Qin He to do things he doesn't want to do. Now, being stepped on the ground by a woman like this is not very impressive. Dare to breathe.

Some people really have never met an opponent, but whenever they meet an opponent, they will always be shorter.

This is the case for Qin Jianliang today.

Zhou's mother was also a strong woman. Once Qin Jianliang said something, she would have ten words waiting for her, so Qin Jianliang didn't say much after that.

Although the Zhou family was unreasonable and took advantage of the situation, they still left themselves a three-point margin when facing Qin He.

"Mr. Qin, we are all sensible people. We are not deliberately entangled. My daughter, a good person, only followed him for a few days and then lost her living life. We always have to ask for an explanation. This is okay. Wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Qin He glanced at Father Zhou's face with disgust, and then asked, "What do you want?"

As soon as Qin He finished speaking, Mother Zhou answered, "What you are asking is wrong. What do we want? We are discussing how to solve this matter realistically. I Our daughter can't just die for no reason, you always have to give us a reasonable explanation."

"Is the person who killed your daughter one of us here?" Qin He looked at Zhou's mother, "The person who killed your daughter is at the police station now. If you want an explanation, you should go find the murderer, not here. There is no such thing as saying this. Furthermore, how the murderer should be punished is a matter for the police. So you are here just to get some benefits. Why not be more straightforward? Why keep claiming justice for your daughter? What’s the excuse?”

Qin He didn't show any mercy to the Zhou family and was straightforward.

Originally, the people from the Zhou family came here just to get something, and they would not return empty-handed after coercing and luring them.

In this case, why not be more honest and ask them what they want.

If the lion is still asking for [-]% of Qin's shares as before, then there is no need to continue the conversation.

Qin He's tone was a bit deep when he spoke, so Zhou's mother did not dare to answer easily for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

What finally broke the calm was Su Ho's cell phone ringtone.

She glanced at the caller ID, turned her head and spoke to Qin He, then stood up and answered the phone.

After Su Ho left, Qin Jianliang spoke up and said, "I told you about the compensation before, that's all. If you are not satisfied, then we will let the police issue a sentence."

As soon as these words came out, the Zhou family members immediately became unhappy.But he knew it in his heart. Qin Jianliang invited them here tonight, saying he was going to solve Zhou Wan's matter, but in fact he was giving them the last chance.

If they are still insistent on getting Qin's shares, then there is no need to continue this negotiation.

The Zhou family members looked at each other, and finally Zhou's father said, "We need to add some chips to the original foundation. My daughter who was so happy is gone, and there must be an explanation."

In fact, the people of the Zhou family keep saying something, and they just want more benefits.

1000 million is too little for them.

How can someone who dares to ask for 50.00% of Qin's shares be satisfied just for 1000 million?

Qin Jianliang glanced at Qin He's face and saw that Qin He had no intention of speaking, so he said, "Tell me a number."

After all, the incident did happen in the Qin family anyway, and he and Wang Yun were not divorced yet. From a legal perspective, Wang Yun was also a member of the Qin family. If Wang Yun committed a crime, they would naturally have to bear the consequences.

So they should pay this compensation no matter what.

But if the request is too outrageous, they can't just be led by the Zhou family. They always have to bargain for more.

In the end, Zhou’s mother asked for 5000 million.

Qin Jianliang did not agree immediately, but looked at Qin He again.

When the Zhou family members saw Qin Jianliang looking at Qin He, they couldn't help but look at Qin He.

They also all know that the Qin family is now controlled by Qin He.

Let alone 5000 million, Qin Jianliang may not be able to get out 500 million now.

So it was obvious who would pay for the money in the end, and it would be Qin He.

The living room was quiet for a while, and just when everyone in the Zhou family couldn't sit still, Qin He slowly said, "Okay, but after you take the 5000 million, from now on we will be together." It’s clear. The perpetrator of Zhou Wan’s incident is already in jail. How to solve it is a matter for the police. As for Qin Wei, he is from the Qin family and you can’t take him away, so you have to think carefully about it. The 5000 million will be settled, or we should resolve this matter through legal procedures."

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