Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 393 All shares are discounted

The Zhou family are not fools. Even if it is Zhou Wansheng's child, it is still a foreigner. How could they really be willing to raise an outsider?
At first, they kept saying that they wanted to get Qin Wei's custody rights from Qin Jianliang, but it was just because they wanted to hire Qin Wei and then asked Qin Jianliang to get more benefits.

But now that Qin He has spoken out, leaving them almost no room for choice, it is naturally impossible for them to be entangled in Qin Wei's custody rights.

Qin Wei was insignificant to them, just a dispensable "item" that could be used.

In essence, they don't really want to raise Qin Wei.

Now that they have secured the greatest benefit, they naturally choose to turn this matter over.

Father Zhou was the first to speak out, "Then just follow what Mr. Qin said and we will be clear from now on."

Having said this, Zhou's father still did not forget to play the role of a loving father, "But I still hope that neither Mr. Qin nor Mr. Qin will argue for the murderer, and let her pay the corresponding price for her actions."

As soon as he said this, before Qin Jianliang could say anything, Qin He answered first, "Don't worry, we won't interfere. Besides, the police will naturally make their own decision in this matter, and it's not our turn to intervene."

Father Zhou nodded, "That's it, I won't bother you tonight."

"Auntie, see you off."

Qin He also issued an order to expel the guests without any courtesy.

The Zhou family members were sent out by their aunt, and then only the Qin family's father and son were left in the living room.

Qin Cheng just sat aside without saying a word, and now he spoke, "Really...really want to give 5000 million to the Zhou family? They are obviously just talking like a lion and taking advantage of the situation."

Qin He turned his head and glanced at his face when he heard the sound, "Do you have a better solution than this? If so, I can ask Auntie to call the people back now, and you can argue with them?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Cheng immediately waved his hand and refused, "That's what I said."

Qin He ignored Qin Cheng and turned to Qin Jianliang, "You asked me to come back tonight just to let me handle the Zhou family's affairs?"

Qin Jianliang did not deny it, "Aren't you in charge of this family now? Then of course you have to step forward if something happens."

Qin He frowned slightly, "Now that the matter is settled, we will go back if there is nothing else."

"Won't you stay for dinner?"

"No need." Qin He stood up directly after answering, and looked at Qin Cheng before leaving, "Qin Wei, you can continue to stay with you, but you can't get the shares, because the shares in his hands are free of charge." Starting today, all discounted compensation will be given to the Zhou family."

Hearing this, not only Qin Cheng, but also Qin Jianliang was stunned.

"What did you say?" Qin Jianliang didn't seem to understand.

Qin He patiently repeated what he just said, "What? Do you still want me to solve your own affairs for you?"

"You..." "If you are not satisfied, then you can call the Zhou family back now and you can slowly talk about it, but I will not interfere anymore."

Qin He didn't give Qin Jianliang a chance to speak. He paused for a moment after finishing speaking, "Also, I will ask Chi Cheng to bring the share transfer contract to you tomorrow morning. I hope you can sign it as soon as possible. When you finish signing, I will naturally transfer the money to the Zhou family, but if you don't sign it, you will have to deal with the Zhou family's affairs by yourself after tomorrow."

Qin He had just finished speaking, and Su Ho had just returned from answering the phone.

Seeing that Qin He had already stood up and the Zhou family members were gone, he asked, "Want to go back?"

Qin He hummed, stretched out his hand and pulled Su He towards the door.

Qin Jianliang's voice came from behind, "You did it on purpose, didn't you? Did you do this on purpose?"

Qin He paused when he heard the sound, but said nothing and left with Su Ho.

After getting into the car, Su Ho asked, "Is it resolved?"

Qin He raised his hand tiredly and pinched his eyebrows, "5000 million."

"What about the shares?"

"What more do they want? That I give up my seat to them?"

Su Ho was amused by his tone. He raised his hand to smooth his wrinkled eyebrows and said softly, "Just solve it and don't worry about other things."

After saying that, Su Ho pressed her whole body against him, "I'm hungry."

Qin He glanced at the time and said, "Chi Cheng, go to Yaju."

Chi Cheng responded, increased his speed, and drove towards the place where he was eating.

On the way, Su Ho chatted with Qin He about things in the company.

"Introduced by Wei Jia? Reliable?" Qin He immediately became defensive when he heard that Su He's current assistant was someone introduced by Wei Jia.

Su Ho nodded, "The person introduced by Wei Jia is quite reliable. His ability and reaction ability are very good. In the future, he will be trained slowly and become his right-hand man."

Although Su Ho had only been officially in contact with Wen Xin for a day, he could tell from some of the details of how he did things that Wen Xin was a very good and capable person.

It will surely be reused if it is slowly cultivated in the future.

After hearing what Su He said, Qin He nodded, "As long as it's reliable."

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