Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 394 Preparing for Pregnancy

After eating, the two walked for a while on the roadside before returning home.

As soon as Su Ho got home, he entered the study.

The company is not on the right track yet, and many things still need to be discussed in the long term. Especially some customers who have just negotiated in the past two days need to be explained clearly to each other in more detail so that customers can place orders and cooperate willingly.

Qin He came out of the shower and Su Ho was still busy in the study. He didn't go in to disturb him. He made a glass of milk and put it on Su Ho's table. He took his notebook and sat down beside him.

Su Ho didn't finish his work until almost early in the morning. When he looked up, he found that Qin He was still there.

"Why didn't you go to bed?"

She was so busy that she forgot about it just now.

Qin He looked up when he heard the sound, "Are you done?"

Su Ho stood up and stretched his muscles, "It's over, you go to bed first, I'll take a shower."

Qin He hummed and closed the computer, "I'll help you put out the water first, and you can tidy up first."

Su Ho glanced at the messy desktop and nodded.

It was already one o'clock by the time I finished packing and took a shower.

After going to bed, Su Ho found no sleep at all, so he just closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep.

But the more this happens, the more awake I become.

Su He wanted to talk to Qin He, but thinking that he had been with her until now after a busy day, he simply remained silent.

"Can't sleep?"

Suddenly the person next to me asked.

Su Ho was stunned, "You're not asleep?"

Qin He reached out and took the person into his arms, "Falling asleep."

Su Ho: "...Are you talking in your sleep now?"

"No, I woke up again."

Su Ho turned around and faced him, "I'm a little uncomfortable."

In fact, Su Ho felt a little uncomfortable when he finished eating, but at that time he thought it might be because he had eaten a little too much at night, so he took Qin He and walked along the roadside for a while.

After walking, I felt a little better, so I didn't take it to heart.

But the uncomfortable feeling I had when I took a shower suddenly came back. I couldn't put it into words, but I felt very panicked, as if something was about to happen.

As soon as Qin He heard that she said she wasn't feeling well, he immediately stood up and sat up, "Go to the hospital?"

As he said that, others had already gotten out of bed first.

Su Ho tried to reach out and stop him in time, but his outstretched hands were in vain.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that her hand was empty, Qin He turned around and reached out to hand his hand over for her to grab.

Su Ho used a little force to bring him to the bed again, "No, I just feel uncomfortable, not because of my body."

In fact, his health was a little bit bad, but Su Ho didn't want to bother with it so late.

She planned to go to the hospital by herself in the morning if she still felt unwell, but it was so late now and she had no intention of going to the hospital again.

Qin He stared at her for a while, then got on the bed again and hugged her, "Did something happen?"

Su Ho thought for a while and said, "We encountered something." "Tell me about it?"

Su Ho raised his head and kissed his chin, "But I'm sleepy now. Let's go to bed first."

Qin He was helpless and could only respond and hug him tighter.

Plans don't always keep up with changes.

At three o'clock in the morning, Su Ho still woke up from the pain. He was sweating profusely and had no strength in his body.

Some are cold and some are hot.

Qin He also woke up at the first moment, stretched out his hand to try on Su Ho's forehead, then got up and quickly got out of bed to get the medicine box.

I took my body temperature and it was [-] degrees.

Su Ho's face was a little pale. Qin He didn't dare to give Su Ho any antipyretic medicine. He just wrapped him in a blanket, lifted him up and carried him downstairs.

After putting it in the car, Qin He got in and started the car while calling Lu Peng.

It was a coincidence that every time Qin He called Lu Peng, he happened to be on night shift.

"What's wrong? In the middle of the night..."

"Suho has a fever, 39 degrees Celsius. I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

Lu Peng swallowed the words that came to his lips on the other side of the phone, "I understand, I'm working the night shift tonight, I'll wait for you in the lobby later."

After finishing speaking and hanging up the phone, Lu Peng asked casually, "Have you given her any antipyretic medicine?"


"Why don't we even have antipyretics at home? You guys are so careless." Lu Peng couldn't help but accuse.

"Yes, I don't dare to eat it. We are preparing for pregnancy during this period."

Hearing this, Lu Peng yelled, "We'll wait until you arrive, and be careful when driving."

Qin He responded.

Lu Hao hung up the phone and turned around to find Xu Nuo.

I was originally promised to work the night shift tomorrow night, but today I took over for someone else, and now I am staying in the office.

I promise not to sleep when I'm on duty at night, so I'm watching dramas.

She was startled when the office door was suddenly pushed open. When she saw it was Lu Peng, she glared at him displeasedly, "It's okay, why do you keep running to me?"

"Suho has a fever. Find an experienced gynecologist to examine her later."

"Ah? What does a gynecologist do when he has a fever?" Xu Nuo looked at Lu Hao in confusion.

Lu Peng looked at her and said nothing.

The couple stared at each other for a long time.

Xu Nuo's IQ suddenly came online, "Ah, okay, I understand."

After saying the promise, he picked up the phone and called someone.

After finishing the phone call, Xu Nuo looked at Lu Peng and said, "Are you sure?"

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