Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 395 Is there something wrong with my body again?

"It's said that I'm preparing for pregnancy. Taking medicine for fever will definitely have an impact. I'll check it first. If I check it, won't I know what I'm doing?"

Xu Nuo nodded, "That's true. Are they here now? How long until they arrive? There is a woman over there who may be giving birth tonight. She is short of people tonight. She is there to help."

Lu Peng raised his hand and glanced at the time, "It should be almost there."

"Then let Director Wang come over and take a look. I'll keep an eye on it over there."

Lu Peng hummed, "I'll go find them and wait for them."

When Lu Hao arrived at the hospital lobby, Qin He and the others arrived.

As soon as the car stopped, Qin He got out of the car first, then turned around and took Su Ho out of the car.

Lu Peng took two steps forward and glanced at the person in Qin He's arms, "I asked Xu Nuo to find a professional doctor to come over and take her for an examination first, and then do physical cooling to lower the temperature first."

Qin He hummed and followed Lu Geng calmly inside.

The doctor here came very quickly. After all, he took Xunuo's side through the back door.

After a series of inspections last night, Lu Hao first helped Su Ho to cool down.

But Su Ho's temperature never came down, and they didn't dare to give Su Ho medicine because they had to wait for the test results to come out.

Half an hour later, Suho's body temperature was still over 38 degrees.

"The results are in." Director Wang came over and handed the list to Lu Peng, "Early pregnancy."

Upon hearing this, Lu Geng first looked at Qin He.

Seeing him looking at Director Wang with a confused look on his face, he knew that he was stunned for a moment, so he had no choice but to thank Director Wang first, "Sorry to trouble you, I'll let Xu Nuo treat you to dinner another day."

"You're welcome." Director Wang glanced at Su Ho, "Let's do physical cooling first, it may be slower."

"What if the temperature never comes down? She can't just take medicine casually."

Director Wang said, "She has an acute fever. It may come down after a while, but it will come back again and again. Be careful, drink more warm water, and don't keep suffocating."

Lu Hao nodded, "Okay, please."

After Director Wang left, Lu Peng looked at Qin He who was still standing aside, "What are you still doing? Change the towel and go to the ward to wipe her body later. Be patient."

Qin He seemed to be reacting now and looked at Lu Hao blankly, "What did she say just now? Early...early pregnancy?"

Lu Hao nodded and handed him the list in his hand, "Congratulations."

Looking at the order handed over by Lu Hao, Qin He was a little afraid to take it.

It was Lu Hao who directly pushed it into his hand. "I understand your mood, but the most important thing now is to help Su Ho lower her body temperature quickly. If she has been burning for too long, it will not be good for her body."

Qin He hummed and hurriedly stuffed the report sheet into his pocket, then turned around and helped Su Ho change his towel, picked him up and walked out.

Lu Hao originally opened the door for him and asked her to push the bed directly over, but then she turned around and looked at him and picked him up directly.

Lu Peng: "..." Seeing this, he closed the door silently and followed him, "I'll get you some fever-reducing patches, and then you can help her wipe her body to cool down faster."

"Thank you."

Qin He carried Su Ho to the ward, filled him with hot water and wiped Su Ho's body. ,
Lu Peng brought the anti-pyretic patch over and stood at the door without coming in. "You put it on her first and then wipe her body more. She should be gone soon. Director Wang said it will still happen again. You must pay attention to it in the past two days." , I’ll do a detailed inspection after I get to work tomorrow morning.”

Qin He reached out and took the antipyretic patch handed over by Lu Peng, "I know."

"Okay, take care of Su Ho first. If anything happens, just ring the bell."

Qin He nodded.

The temperature in Soho didn't drop until dawn.

The whole person was burned in a daze.

"How are you feeling now?" Xu Nuo handed over the warm water in his hand, "Qin He just went back and will be here soon."

Su Ho drank water and felt that his throat felt a little better, "Why am I in the hospital?"

"Are you feeling dizzy from the fever? You don't remember anything about last night?"

Su Ho thought about it for a moment, then vaguely remembered that she complained of feeling unwell last night. Later, Qin He said that she had a fever and brought her to the hospital.

"it's better now."

Xu Nuo took the water glass and said, "How about some porridge? Is it lighter, or do you want to eat something else?"

"Just porridge." Su Ho said as he lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed. Xu Nuo stopped her, "What are you doing?"


Xu Nuo then helped her up and said, "I'll take you for a checkup later."

"Huh? If I just have a fever, what else should I do to check?"

"You are so confused that Qin He must not have had time to tell you yet."

Su Ho stopped when he heard the sound and looked at Xu Nuo, "Is there something wrong with my body again?"

This is the only possibility Suho can think of.

Xunuo sighed twice when he heard this, "Why don't you want to order something good?"

Seeing her reaction, Su Ho immediately felt relieved, and then walked towards the bathroom, "Then tell me, what's wrong with me?"

"It's better to wait for Qin He to come over and tell you personally about this matter."

Su Ho turned his head and glanced at her face, "You can't say it yet?"

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