Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 396 Don’t let more people know

"I can say it, but I think it's better for Qin He to tell you personally." Xu Nuo helped the person to the bathroom, "Am I here to watch?"

Su Ho quickly waved his hand, "Not that delicate."

Xu Nuo nodded, "I'm at the door, call me if you need anything."

Su Ho hummed.

When Su Ho came out of Ten Wan's bathroom, he was still thinking about what Xu Nuo had just said, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open. Qin He came in carrying something. Seeing that Su He was awake, he took a few steps forward and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Much better, why did you bring so many things here?" Su Ho looked at the big and small bags he brought in and put aside, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"The doctor said that you will still have recurring fevers. I feel more at ease here."

Su Ho was so shocked by what he said that he didn't know what to say for a moment, "It's just a fever. The fever will go away after taking some medicine. There's no need to live here."

I stayed in the hospital for too long before, and now I have a physical aversion to hospital Soho.

Qin He's attitude was very firm, "When it's ready, we'll go home."

"Qin He, I just..."

"What are you talking about? I'm going back to the office first. I'll get off work later." Upon seeing this, Xu Nuo quickly said hello and ran away.

After Xu Nuo left, Qin He sat down on the chair next to the bed and said, "Su Ho, there is something I haven't told you yet. You must be mentally prepared."

Su Ho couldn't help but feel nervous after hearing this, especially because Qin He's tone just now was too serious, which made her also nervous.

He thought it had something to do with her body, otherwise Qin He wouldn't have been so determined just now.

So she was mentally prepared in the short time it took Qin He to formulate his words.

"you are pregnant."

Just when Su Ho was preparing for the worst, Qin He's voice sounded in the room.

She clearly heard it clearly, but she felt that what she just heard was an auditory hallucination.

Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, Qin He felt a little nervous for a moment, and reached out to hold her hand, "Su Ho, did you hear what I said?"

After a long while, Su Ho moved and held his hand with his backhand, as if with all his strength, "What did you just say?"

Qin He stood up and moved to the bedside, stretched out his hands to take her into his arms, and repeated what he just said in her ear.

This time Su Ho heard it clearly, and before she could speak, her eyes turned red.

Qin He held her face and said again gently and solemnly, "Su Ho, you are pregnant."

Su Ho blinked, "I'm...pregnant?" Qin He responded, approached her and kissed her on the lips, "We have a baby."

Only now did Su Ho seem to have completely reacted, or adapted to this topic.

"are you sure?"

Qin He hummed, "I'll go for a checkup later. The doctor said that your condition is prone to high fevers in the past two days, but you can't take medicine randomly, so we will stay in the hospital for two days until you are completely recovered. Can you go home again?"

Su Ho would definitely cooperate at this time. She would be willing to stay for a week, let alone two days.

The excitement lasted for a long time before Su Ho calmed down and truly accepted the news.

After the procedure, I checked that everything was normal, and then I went for a prenatal check-up on time.

Apart from Qin He and Su Ho, the only parties involved in Su Ho's pregnancy were Lu Peng and Xu Nuo.

The two of them had a tacit understanding about this matter and kept it quiet.

Not even Su Yuan or Wei Yun said anything, which meant that Su Ho had a cold or fever.

They were caught off guard before, but they must be extremely careful this time.

Su Ho stayed in the hospital for three days before his body temperature returned to normal before he was discharged.

Lu Peng came over specially to tell Su Ho, "You don't need to take that medicine now. What you took before had no effect. I asked Director Wang, so you don't have to worry, but don't take it next time. Your daily routine is up to you." Pay attention to yourself and come to your prenatal check-up on time."

Xu Nuo also echoed, "If you don't understand anything, feel free to ask me. I'm an experienced person."

The two of them chatted around Su He for a long time, and they didn't stop until Qin He packed up his things.

Su Ho looked at the two of them helplessly, "I am an adult, not a child."

Xu Nuo curled his lips, "I'm teaching you my experience for free."

Su Ho smiled and said, "Okay, thank you, Teacher Xu."

Xu Nuo also smiled, stepped forward and took her arm and walked out, "You should pay more attention in the early stage, you know? If you have nothing to do, just let Qin He follow you when you go out. If you can't, you will always be safe with someone by your side."

As Xunuo said, he glanced back at Qin He secretly, and then whispered, "Don't let other people know about your pregnancy now, do you understand?"

In fact, Xu Nuo didn't say it very directly, but the meaning he wanted to express was very clear.

Nowadays, the people staring at Su He and Qin He are not only the Qin family, but also other people.

Especially Mu Silan.

Xu Nuo has never understood. Qin He's attitude towards her has been clearly stated. Why is she still so entangled?They are all people who have been to the Palace of Hell and reported on it, so why torture themselves for someone who has no self in their heart?

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