Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 407: Being too addicted to it can lead to accidents

After Xu Nuo finished speaking, he looked at Xu Zhi seriously and said, "I don't care about your date with Su Ho for dinner. Su Ho may not still remember what happened before. Even if he does, it's Mu Silan's problem." , has nothing to do with you."

After Xu Nuo finished speaking, he turned around and got in the car to leave without giving Xu Zhi a chance to speak again.

She never thought that Xu Zhi would fall in love with Su Ho.

This is something she never dared to dream about.

She had always felt that Xu Zhi had a grudge against Su Ho. After all, if Su Ho had not blocked it, the benefits of the marriage between Qin and Xu would have been very objective.

So Su He interfered with her and Qin He failed to get married. It also cost the Xu family a great opportunity.

Moreover, Xu Zhi's attitude towards Su Ho had always been annoying or even annoying, but she really didn't expect that Xu Zhi would like Su Ho.

This thing is like the sun suddenly rising from the west, which is surprising.

The more I thought about it, the more outrageous the promise seemed.

Finally, he couldn't help but call Xu Zhi again.

After the call was connected, Xu Nuo tried to keep his tone calm and calm, "Brother, I know it's hard to let go of someone, but Soho is really not suitable for you. Even if it's for my sake, can you stop messing around? ?Okay?"

"When your parents asked you to give up Lu Peng, why did you refuse to let go? How many times did you threaten them with death?"

Hearing this, Xu Nuo frowned and said, "We are different and have different natures. Lu Yu and I are in love, and your situation is also different from ours at that time. You..."

"Nonuo, I know what I'm doing, and I naturally have a sense of proportion." Xu Zhi interrupted Xu Nuo before she could finish her words, "I know your concerns, but I don't want to have any regrets in the future. , so I will handle my affairs myself, and you don’t need to interfere.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

When Xu promised to call again, it already indicated that the phone was shut down.

Xu Zhi's paranoia made Xu Nuo feel a little uneasy. He wanted to call Su Ho directly, but felt that it was inappropriate.

In the end, I could only go to the hospital holding my breath.

"Why are you here so early? Don't you still have two hours to take over?" Lu Geng had just seen off a special person, and happened to meet Xu Nuo in the hall, and the two walked inside side by side.

Xu Nuo remained silent until he entered the office and vented his emotions.

Lu Hao stood aside and listened quietly, then turned around and gave her a glass of warm water, "This incident is indeed a bit surprising, but your brother should not be so impulsive to confess to Su Ho at this time. Besides, Su Ho is now Qin He will follow him when he goes out, so you don’t have to worry too much."

Xu Nuo looked at Lu Hao. In fact, she really wanted to say that Xu Zhi was a relatively persistent person. No matter what happened, he had the courage to not give up until the Yellow River was reached.

Since he had liked Su Ho for so many years, he never showed that he had such thoughts.

Now that he suddenly showed his affection for Su Ho, Xu Nuo felt very uneasy. "If you are really worried, pay more attention to his schedule to avoid irreversible things happening."

Xu Nuo sighed irritably, "Every day is full of things. If I hadn't gone upstairs to find him today, I wouldn't have discovered that he was actually treating Su Ho..."

Thinking of the humanoid mold, Xu Nuo felt that one head was as big as two.

Lu Peng comforted him and said, "Okay, maybe this matter is not as bad as you think. Maybe your brother will figure it out by himself."

"You still don't understand him very well."

Xu Nuo knew Xu Zhi well, that's why she was so uneasy after knowing that he liked Su Ho.

Seeing her say this, Lu Hao didn't know what to say. After all, he and Xu Nuo had been together for so many years, and his relationship with Xu Zhi was average.

We usually only exchange a few polite greetings when we meet, and we don’t have much contact with each other on weekdays. We only meet three or four times a year at most. Each time we meet, we only exchange a few polite words and everyone goes about their own business. things.

To say that he understands, Lu Peng must not understand Xu Zhi as much as he promised.

"By the way, I asked my friend here to make some changes and it has been transferred to your card. If it is not enough, I will think of another way."

Hearing this, Xu Nuo raised his eyes and looked at him, "You know everything?"

Lu Peng glanced at her, "I was indeed tired that night, but I fell asleep, not dead asleep, so I heard a little bit."

Xu Nuo pouted, "I didn't want you to get involved in the first place. I've already asked Su Ho to transfer the money, and I'll pay her back slowly when the time comes."

"Su Ho probably doesn't have much money at this time. She has spent so much money during this time."

Xu Nuo agreed, "But she is the only one I can find. She can turn around a little bit."

"How far is it?"

"Su Ho said to give it to me in these two days, and then we'll see. If it's much worse, we'll find a way."

Lu Hao nodded, "Your brother... please give me some advice. Things like stocks are unstable. It's fine to play with them occasionally, but if you get too addicted to them, something could easily happen."


There are some things that Lu Peng doesn't want to say more about, so he'll just leave it at that.

That afternoon, as soon as Su Ho woke up from his nap, he received an unexpected phone call.

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