Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 408 You are not suitable at all

"Master Xu."

Although Su Ho had a good relationship with Xu Nuo, he had very few contacts with other members of the Xu family.

Especially with Xu Zhi.

Not really an enemy, but not a friend either.

There hasn't been a direct confrontation in the past few years. It must have been because of the promise of face, so they didn't restrain each other even once.

But it didn’t go as far as meeting for dinner or making a special appointment.

Although she had promised before, she did not expect that Xu Zhi would call in person.

"Miss Su, do you have time today?"

Su Ho hesitated, "Is there something wrong with Mr. Xu?"

"I have something to do, so I want to meet and chat with Miss Su in person. If Miss Su has time, can we make an appointment?"

For the sake of promise, Su Ho hesitated and agreed, "You decide the time and place."

"Okay, I'll send you the time and address later."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho told Qin He the truth about the matter.

Now Su Ho will report everything to Qin He.

Especially if you need to go out, you will tell him as soon as possible.

When Qin He heard that Xu Zhi asked Su Ho to meet, his reaction was the same as Su Ho's, "What did he ask you to do?"

"Previously Xu Nuo said that he wanted to apologize to me. I replied to Xu Nuo and said yes, but today Xu Zhi called himself. For Xu Nuo's sake, we decided to meet him." Su Ho paused after speaking. "When will you finish your work there? If you don't have time, can I ask Su Yuan or Chi Cheng to come with me?"

Qin He was silent for a few seconds, "What time did he make an appointment?"

Su Ho said nothing, "I haven't said anything specific yet."

"If it's after five o'clock, I'll accompany you. As I said before, I asked Chi Cheng to pick you up. I'll come find you later."

"Okay, I'll tell you then."

Qin He has been busy with new projects these two days, and taking care of Su Ho at the same time, so he is busy every day.

The two of them now talk on the phone, because Qin He usually comes back when Su Ho is asleep at home.

Either Su Ho was still sleeping and Qin He had already gone out.

The two people's time was completely staggered.

Xu Zhi's appointment time was at 04:30 in the afternoon. Qin He still had some unresolved matters, so Chi Cheng came to Xiyuan to pick up Su He and go to the appointment.

When he arrived at the place, Su Ho called Xu Zhi and asked about the location.

When Su Ho took Chi Cheng into the box, Xu Zhi was obviously surprised.It seemed that he didn't expect Su Ho to bring Chi Cheng here.

"Assistant Chi is here too?" Xu Zhi knew Chi Cheng and took the initiative to say hello to Chi Cheng after the brief accident.

Chi Cheng was also respectful and responded politely, "Young Master Xu, long time no see."

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone took their seats.

Su Ho also got straight to the point and directly asked Xu Zhi what he wanted from her.

Xu Zhi asked someone to bring the menu first, and then got down to business after ordering.

When talking about the original recording, Xu Zhi sighed, "I was thinking of recording something else, but I didn't expect that Qin He would be so resolute and say those words without hesitation."

Xu Zhi was somewhat frank, but within this frankness he hid some thoughts.

Su Ho listened without interrupting him, and waited until he finished speaking before answering, "Young Master Xu, since the past has passed and has been turned over, we should look forward and tie ourselves up. The memories of the past were too painful, and life is short, so it’s better to take big strides forward and live a good life in the future. That’s the most practical thing, right?”

Xu Zhi nodded, "That's true, but I still want to apologize to you for what I did before."

"it's already over."

Su Ho thought that he was not a generous person, but now there was no need to dwell on the past.

So even for Xu Promise's sake, Su Ho didn't intend to keep talking about the past.

It was just Xu Zhi's few words back and forth, which made Su Ho feel bored. "Then if nothing happens, I'll go back first. If it's too late, Qin He will be worried."

When Xu Zhi saw Su Ho was about to leave, he quickly stopped him and said, "Miss Su, can I have a few words with you alone? It won't take long, three to five minutes, okay?"

Su Ho looked at him and hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Chi Cheng.

Chi Cheng glanced at Xu Zhi's face, and then looked at Su Ho, "I'll wait for you at the door."

Su Ho hummed.

After Chi Cheng left, Xu Zhi greeted Su Ho and sat down again.

"I heard from Xu Nuo that you and Qin He are planning to have a wedding?" Xu Zhi asked aloud.

Although Su Ho didn't know why he suddenly said this, he still responded, "That's the plan. Life is short, and it will be as perfect as possible."

Xu Zhi nodded, "Yes, be as consummate as possible, so that you won't regret it when you think about it in the future."

Su Ho didn't answer this and waited for his next words.

As a result, Xu Zhi didn't speak for a long time.

Helpless, Su Ho had no choice but to ask, "What does Mr. Xu want to say..."

Before she could finish her words, Xu Zhi suddenly said, "Su He, Qin He is actually not suitable for you at all. I think we are quite suitable. Can we give it a try?"

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