Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 409 He is not the most suitable person for you

These words were like a muffled thunder, which struck Su Ho and was stunned on the spot.

She thought of many reasons, or rather purposes, for Xu Zhi to seek her out.

But I didn't expect that he would suddenly say such words.

For a moment, I didn't even know how to answer this question.

It took her a while to come back to her senses, "Young Master Xu, this joke is not funny at all. If you invited me here today to apologize for what happened before, then I will accept your apology, and we will be clean from now on." If nothing happens, I will go back first."

After saying that, Su Ho stood up and planned to leave.

As soon as she stood up, Xu Zhi grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, "Su He, I don't think Qin He is the right person for you. You can answer me without haste. We can discuss it in the long run. I..."

"Xu Zhi."

Su Ho used some force to pull his hand out of Xu Zhi's hand, "I'm not suitable for Qin He, then I'm not suitable for you. For Xu Nuo's sake, I can take what you said today as I haven’t heard of it, and I hope Young Master Xu can stop it and don’t go too far.”

But Xu Zhi couldn't listen to what she said at this moment, so he reached out and hugged Su Ho again.

The force of the stranglehold caused Su Ho some pain.

Su Ho struggled several times but failed, "Let go!"

"Su Ho, I really like you, can you try with me?"

At this moment, Xu Zhi seemed to have suddenly gone mad. He hugged Su Ho and even tried to kiss her.

Su Ho slapped him with all his strength, "Don't go too far!"

But the more she behaved like this, the crazier Xu Zhi became. He didn't care about the slap just now, and then pounced on her again.

Su Ho knew his situation and did not dare to do anything too big. He could only turn around and shout towards the door, "Chi Cheng!"

But Chi Cheng didn't come in and was answering the phone in the corridor.

He reported the situation to Qin He truthfully.

"I'll be right there."

Chi Cheng hung up the phone and walked to the door again.

As soon as he stood firm, he heard a sound coming from inside.

Chi Cheng didn't have time to think about it and just pushed the door open and went in.

When she opened the door, she saw Xu Zhi holding Su Ho and trying to kiss her. Su Ho struggled desperately.

Chi Cheng was so frightened that he stepped forward and grabbed Xu Zhi's collar to throw him away. "Miss Su, are you okay?"

Su Ho felt a little nauseous at the moment, and because Xu Zhi had moved too much just now, she accidentally twisted her waist and was out of breath for a while.

Chi Cheng's expression changed when he saw this, "Mr. Qin will be here soon, how about I take you to the hospital first?"

Su Ho waited for a while before waving his hand. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Xu Zhi holding a fruit knife from nowhere and coming from behind.

"Chi Cheng!"

Su Ho shouted urgently.Chi Cheng reacted quickly. When he turned around, he saw Xu Zhi stabbing him straight with a fruit knife.

If he got out of the way, the knife would definitely hit Su Ho.

So before he had time to react, he reached out and grabbed the knife in Xu Zhi's hand.

The blade was sharp, and blood dripped down immediately.

Chi Cheng frowned and raised his foot to kick the person away, then stepped forward and stepped on his wrist holding the fruit knife, forcing him to let go of his hand with a little force.

Then he kicked the fruit knife aside.

Xu Zhi seemed to feel no pain and was about to get up.

Chi Cheng didn't give him a chance to get up and kicked him several times.

The movement here had already alerted people outside, and soon the store manager and waiters came.

Su Ho originally wanted to ask Chi Cheng about the injury on his hand, but now he couldn't help it and went straight into the bathroom and vomited.

After he finished vomiting, he happened to bump into Qin He who came in with a calm expression from outside.

"Are you injured?"

Su Hogang suddenly felt a little weak. Seeing the worry in his eyes, he shook his head at him, stepped forward and handed his hand to him, then held it back, "It's okay, don't worry."

Qin He didn't say anything, just bent over and picked him up.

When Su Ho walked out, he realized that Xu Zhi was missing and Chi Cheng was also missing.

Thinking of Chi Cheng's injured hand, Su Ho asked, "Chi Cheng was injured. Did he go to the hospital?"

Qin He hummed.

Su Ho wanted to say something else, but looked at his expression and swallowed it.

After arriving home, Qin He put the hot water on and asked her to take a bath first.

After coming out of the shower, the indescribable nausea in Su Ho's heart dissipated, and he felt more comfortable after drinking a glass of warm water.

Just then, Su Ho's cell phone rang, and the call was Promise.

Su Ho probably knew what was going on, and was about to answer the phone, but Qin He took the phone first and hung up.

"Qin He, promise her..."

"What do you want to eat later? Chi Cheng said you haven't eaten yet." Qin He interrupted her before she could finish her words.

Su Ho met his gaze and had to swallow the words that came to his lips, "Let's have some porridge, I want something lighter."

Qin He hummed, stood up and left the bedroom, taking away her mobile phone before leaving.

Su Ho knew that she was angry, but thinking of Xu Zhi's actions, Su Ho still felt uncomfortable.

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