Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 410 How to deal with it

On the other side, the Municipal Bureau.

Jiang Chen came out of the office on one side and walked out while answering the phone. "It's up to you. I sent this person to you personally. How many days he will be detained does not depend on how you handle it. After all, this is yours." It’s not easy for me to get involved in making accusations.”

The person on the phone also answered the call with a smile, "We must follow the normal procedures, but what I mean is that it is better for the victim to come forward in person. This way it is easier to judge. Do you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Chen responded, "You also know that it would be inappropriate for her to come forward to accuse her in person, but she was indeed wronged today. You can deal with it as seriously as you want, don't make too much difference. That’s fine, just think of it as a favor that I owe you.”

"This is a bit exaggerated to say. This is a matter of duty, a matter of duty."

Jiang Chen finished being polite, so he said bluntly, "Then I'll leave you with this matter, and I won't bother you here."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen raised his head and met Xu Nuo standing in the hall.

He didn't know how much Xu Nuo heard from the conversation just now, so he didn't rush to say hello for a while.

I still promised to speak out first, "Young Master Jiang."

Jiang Chen nodded, "Are you here?"

Xu Nuo responded, "What about that, is Assistant Chi okay? Is the injury serious?"

"I don't know about this. I didn't go to the hospital. I was planning to call and ask."

Xu Nuo was a little embarrassed. He opened his mouth to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he hesitated and swallowed them.

Today's incident is all Xu Zhi's fault.

Xu Nuo never expected that after she had just had a righteous discussion with Xu Zhiyi about Su Ho, he would do such an unqualified thing.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Su Ho. If Su Ho had an accident, she would have to live with guilt and self-blame for the rest of her life.

She wanted to ask about Su Ho just now, but she didn't answer the phone, which made her even more uneasy.

But Xu Zhi couldn't ignore it, so she had to come here to see Xu Zhi first. After the matter here was settled, she would go see Xu Nuo and solemnly apologize to Xu Zhi and Su Ho.

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first." Jiang Chen and Xu Nuoben were not very familiar with each other, so they greeted each other politely.

Xu Nuo nodded, "Okay, go back."

Seeing that Xu Nuo didn't ask about Xu Zhi, Jiang Chen didn't intend to take the initiative to say anything more.

What Xu Zhi's final verdict will be cannot be determined by anyone in just one or two sentences.

But Xu Zhi couldn't leave here unscathed as if nothing had happened.

Detention for at least half a month is required.

This was the biggest concession Qin He had ever given for the sake of Su Ho and Xu Nuo.

At that time, Qin He's expression showed that he wanted to kill Xu Zhi. Fortunately, he was thinking about Su Ho, so he retained some sense and just beat him up.After Jiang Chen got into the car, he called Qin He back, and Jiang Chen told Qin He the truth about the situation.

After he finished speaking, he said, "I saw Xu Nuo in the lobby when I came out just now. She didn't ask about Xu Zhi, she just asked about Chi Cheng's injury."

Qin He hummed, "Go back and rest."

Jiang Chen saw that he had no intention of mentioning the Xu family's affairs, so he didn't say much and hung up the phone after chatting casually for a few words.

Qin He put down his cell phone, stood up and walked to the kitchen door, telling his aunt to add some side dishes and make them lighter.

Then he returned to the living room and sat down.

Su Ho's cell phone was placed on the table, and there was a missed call on it for a promise.

In fact, Qin He knew a little about Xu Nuo. She didn't call Xu Zhi to plead for mercy. She just wanted to ask about Su Ho's situation.

But as long as you want what Xu Zhi did today, you don't want to hear the voice of any Xu family member.

Suddenly, another call came in from Su Ho's cell phone.

Qin He took a look and saw that the call was from Lu Peng.

Qin He reached out to answer the phone after the phone rang several times.

After the call was connected, Qin He remained silent.

Lu Hao's voice came over the phone first, "Su Ho, are you okay? Are you injured?"

Qin He responded slowly, "It's okay."

Hearing Qin He's voice, Lu Peng coughed unnaturally, "As long as everything is fine, what about, how about I ask Xu Nuo to make an appointment with a professional doctor for a check-up?"

"No need." Qin He's tone was very calm.

Lu Peng originally wanted to say something, but Qin He's tone made him really dare not say anything more.

So with just two sentences, the call ended.

Lu Hao hung up the phone and sighed helplessly, then opened the door and got out of the car, and walked into the city bureau.

As soon as I entered, I saw Xu Nuo sitting in the waiting area of ​​the lobby waiting for me.

He walked over, "My parents haven't come here yet?"

"On the road, there was a car accident and there was a bit of a traffic jam."

Xu Nuo replied before looking up at him, "Why are you here? Aren't you busy?"

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