Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 412 Then we’ll be together for the rest of our lives

Hearing the sound, Qin He's movements froze, "It's downstairs, I'll bring it up to you later."

"Did Xu Nuo call again?"

Qin He simply sat down by the bed, "Lu Peng called me and I took the call. He asked about your situation and didn't say anything else."

Seeing his unhappy expression, Su Ho stretched out his hand to hold his hand and said softly, "Believe me, I promise you won't say that."

According to her understanding of Xu Nuo, she would never come to her to intercede with Xu Zhi.

Qin He did not answer the question, but changed the subject, "Want to go for a walk? Or lie down for a while?"

Seeing that he didn't want to talk about today's incident, Su Ho followed him and said, "I want to lie down for a while."

Qin He hummed, stretched out his hand to pull the quilt for her, "I'll put the things away and come up to accompany you later."

"it is good."

After Qin He left home, Su Ho didn't think about today's events. He adjusted himself to a comfortable position and lay down, touching the book from the side and reading it.

During this time, she developed the habit of reading.

Sometimes I can sit on a recliner and watch it all afternoon.

At first, I read mostly design-related ones, and then I read some about business management, as well as some miscellaneous anthologies.

Qin He went upstairs more than half an hour later.

She put Su Ho's cell phone on her bedside table, then said hello and went to the bathroom.

When the sound of water rang, Su Ho's cell phone rang.

When Su Ho heard the ringtone, he thought it was a promise, but he didn't expect it was Wen Xin calling.

After answering the phone, Su Ho heard a warm voice before he pressed the button, "Sister Su, have you rested?"

Su Ho marked the book in his hand and put it aside, "No, what's wrong?"

"That's it. I have a drawing here that is a bit difficult to draw. I want you to help me take a look."

Su Ho glanced at the time and said, "Send it to my computer and I'll tell you after reading it."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Su."

Su Ho hummed, hung up the phone, got up and went to the study to get his notebook.

The warm design methods and habits are not much different from the previous Soho. I always like to challenge some difficult design sense.

So it's easy to be restricted.

Su Ho gave his opinion after reading it, and Wen Wen also understood it in one click.After chatting with Wen Xin here, Qin He just came out of the shower and frowned slightly when he saw her holding her notebook, "Do you still have work at the moment?"

Su Ho closed the notebook smoothly, "Wen Xin encountered some problems just now. Please help her solve it."

Qin He reached out and took the notebook from her hand and put it aside. He turned around and sat down by the bed, and said in a serious tone, "Su Ho, I want to discuss something with you."

Su Ho heard the sound and looked up at him, "What's the matter?"

Qin He thought about his words before he said, "You should not go to the company if there is nothing particularly important from now on. If there is anything they can come to Xiyuan to find you, or if you insist on going, I will accompany you."

Qin He had actually said this before, but something still happened.

Su Ho could understand his current mood, and knew that luckily nothing happened this time. If something really happened, he would probably never forgive himself in this life.

So after a brief hesitation, Su Ho nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

Qin He didn't seem to expect that she would agree so readily, and was stunned for a moment.

"I didn't expect that he would choose to come at this time, so it is an unexpected surprise. The company has started operations now, and we cannot stop or not do it. Since these are all things we cannot avoid, then we will Take it seriously and take care of it.”

Su Ho paused for a moment when he said this, "Chi Cheng and the others must have asked you before why you didn't let me go back to the Qin family. Your answer to them must have been that you didn't want to force me. You will support whatever choice I make." , as long as I’m happy, right?”

Qin He didn't say anything, so Su He continued, "I really haven't thought about going back to Qin's, because I think it's good for us to be like this now. We are busy with our own things, and we can chat with each other after we get home from get off work. Different things always add some spice to life."

"But now I have more important things to do, so Mr. Qin, would you mind buying my company? The price is negotiable."

After listening to Su Ho's words, Qin He was stunned for a while before reacting, "I don't mind, you have the final say on the price."

Su Ho smiled and said, "Then for the rest of your life, you will always be by our side, and we will always be together."

Su Ho had never bothered to say these sensational words before, let alone say them out loud.

But I have experienced so many things, and if I don’t say some things, I may never have the chance to say them in my life.

So now Suho just says what he has to say and never mince words.

"Okay, deal."

The design company was taken over by Qin He and was put under the Qin family, so no one suffered any losses or took advantage.

It can be said that they benefit each other.

Su Ho works alone, and the only people who want to cooperate with her are those who knew Su Ho before. Others will still choose the larger and more secure Qin family.

But now that it has been merged, some concerns are no longer there, so both sides have gained.

Wen Wen and the others are also much more relaxed. Many things can be solved directly by Qin He or Chi Cheng without Su He personally coming forward.

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