Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 413: Suffocating in pain but no blood

In the afternoon of the next day, Xu Nuo and Lu Geng came to Xiyuan.

Su Ho's attitude was the same as before, no different at all.

But Xu Nuo has always been cautious, as if she was the one who did something wrong.

Although he didn't mention anything about Xu Zhi, Su Ho knew in his heart that they must have come today because of what happened yesterday.

During this period, while Lu Yu was answering the phone, Su Ho took the initiative to mention what happened yesterday, "Don't take it to heart, just deal with it how you want. I won't add fuel to the fire, but I can't say that nothing happened. But no matter what, the relationship between me and you will remain unchanged, and you don’t have to think that you are wrong because of Xu Zhi’s matter.”

Listening to Su Ho's words, Xu Nuo's eyes turned red. He opened his mouth to say something, but his voice choked up before he could speak.

Su Ho reached out and patted her shoulder gently, "Okay, aren't I fine now?"

"I'm sorry, Su Ho, I didn't expect that my brother would do such a thing, I..."

"Stop, stop, stop, let's not talk about this." Su Ho interrupted her and handed a tissue over, "Lu Peng came in later and thought I was bullying you."

Xu Nuo quickly adjusted his emotions and said, "Su Ho, don't worry, we won't interfere in my brother's affairs. We will handle it as we want. If he does something wrong, he will be punished as he deserves."

Su Ho hummed and changed the topic directly, "Let's stay for dinner tonight. Su Yuan and Wei Yun will come later. Xiyuan has not been lively for a long time."

Xu Nuo hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement, "Then I'll ask aunt to send Lu Yu over later. She has been mumbling about not seeing you for the past two days."

"I've been thinking about it for a while. You can ask Auntie to send it over."

After some words were said, each other felt comfortable.

A group of people gathered together for dinner in the evening. Su Ho was in better condition today. He had dessert in the afternoon and a lot of food in the evening, and he didn't vomit when he went to bed.

Qin He felt much better when he saw this.

"Xu Nuo didn't mention anything about Xu Zhi today?" Qin He asked after both of them were lying on the bed.

Su Ho said truthfully, "She won't ask for mercy."

Qin He hummed and reached out to pull the person over, "Is Uncle Wang going to do something next Monday?"

Mentioning Wang Heng, Su Ho suddenly remembered the phone call he received from Wang Heng two days ago.

"Yes, do you have any arrangements here?"

"Everything has been arranged. Are you going tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

Su Ho thought for a moment, "The day after tomorrow, I want to go to Nanshan Cemetery tomorrow."

In the past few months, she had either been busy with work or preparing for the design company, and had not visited them.

Now Wang Heng has something to do, and she wants to share the good news with Su Ying.If she knew that Wang Heng had finally let go of the past and was willing to take that step forward, she would definitely be very happy.

"Okay, I'll accompany you there tomorrow morning."

Su Ho hummed, "Okay."

Early the next morning, Su Ho went out with Qin He after breakfast to buy flowers, and then drove to Nanshan.

It's been a long time since I came, and the people guarding the tomb have changed.

After registering, Su Ho asked casually, "Where's Uncle Li who was here before?"

"He is in poor health, so he quits his job and goes home to retire."

Su Ho nodded, "Thank you."

When walking inside, Su Ho mentioned Uncle Li, "When I came here before, he always stood carefully not far away waiting for me. Sometimes when I stayed for a long time, he would come over to remind me. Say something to me, and then stand next to me and comfort me for a few words, or just stand quietly with me for a while."

Qin He has always felt regretful about what happened before.

Every time he came here or mentioned the Nanshan Cemetery, he would always think of Su Ho lying motionless in front of the tombstones of Su Yong and Su Ying that day when it rained heavily, his face pale, as if he had already passed away.

Every time he thought about it, he would feel as if someone had stabbed him hard in his heart, which was so painful that there was no blood.

So when Su Ho talked about what happened before, he listened quietly without answering or interrupting her.

Because he didn't know anything about what happened here before.

When they arrived at the tombstones of Su Yong and Su Ying, Su Ho talked a lot as usual.

Finally, he turned his attention to Su Ying's tombstone and whispered, "Aunt, Uncle Wang is getting married. Uncle Wang said that she was very good to Ruirui, and Ruirui also liked her very much. They will officially become a family next week. ”

After finishing what he had to say, Su Ho stood up and looked at Su Yong again, "Dad, I will bring your grandson to see you after the Chinese New Year."

The two of them bowed and slowly left the cemetery.

As soon as he returned to the city, Qin He received a call from Chi Cheng, saying that there was something in the company that he needed to handle personally.

Seeing that it was still early, Su Ho followed Qin He to the company.

Su Ho went into the lounge when Qin He was busy. The morning sickness has decreased in the past two days, but he has become more lethargic again.

In addition, I woke up a little early this morning, and now I feel a little sleepy.

So I went in and lay down on the bed in the lounge and fell asleep not long after.

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