Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 414: You won’t put this debt on us, right?

In the office outside, the atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

"The secretary put the document on the table in your office at that time. I also saw her come in, but when I finished my work here and prepared to get it in the car and send it to Xiyuan later, she disappeared after she came in." Chi Cheng said truthfully. He told the truth about the situation at that time.

"I also watched the surveillance, but that section is missing."

Qin He listened to Chi Cheng's words, his expression was not very good, "Who has been here during that time?"

Chi Cheng paused and said, "Qin Cheng, and Mr. Qin."

Hearing Chi Cheng's answer, Qin He frowned slightly, "Just the two of them?":
"They are the only ones who have come here during this time. Mr. Qin said he came to see you, so neither the front desk nor the secretary stopped him."

Qin He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, "You should contact Mr. Cheng first and tell him that this plan has many shortcomings and the design drawings need to be modified. Ask him not to give it to the construction team for the time being."

Chi Cheng responded, "I'll contact Mr. Cheng now."

Qin He hummed and motioned for him to go ahead and get busy.

After Chi Cheng left, Qin He picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed Qin Jianliang's number.

After the call was dialed, it rang several times before being answered, "Where are you?"

The background sound on Qin Jianliang's side was a little noisy, and Qin Jianliang's voice came intermittently, "I'm outside, what's wrong? What do you want?"

"You came to the company today? Looking for me?"

"Wait a moment, there's a bit of noise here, I'll call you later."

Before Qin He could say anything else, Qin Jianliang had already hung up the phone.

Qin He looked at the call interface that had been hung up and frowned slightly.

Qin Jianliang waited a moment and didn't call back until half an hour later.

Qin He didn't fight again.

Just at this time, Chi Cheng hurried in from outside, "Mr. Cheng gave the construction drawings to the construction team yesterday. Work has started there today, but there shouldn't be a big problem. Mr. Cheng has stopped it."

"We will bear the losses there."

"I have communicated with Mr. Cheng."

Qin He hummed, raised his hand and glanced at the time, "You wait here until Su He wakes up and take her to Xiyuan, then book two tickets to City B, and I'll go to my old house."

Hearing Chi Cheng responded, "Okay, do we need to book together for the return trip? Or should we wait until then?" "We'll talk about it then." Qin He stood up, took the car keys and left the office directly.

At the same time, a certain teahouse in the city.

Qin Jianliang drank the two glasses of wine in front of him, then looked at the person sitting opposite with a smile, "You have also read the documents. They have probably started construction now. When the time comes, you can find someone to mix it up. This project is certain." It’s yellow.”

"Mr. Qin is indeed brave enough to kill relatives in such a righteous way. Don't worry, when I win this project, you will definitely get a share of the profits."

Qin Jianliang smiled and said, "This is easy to talk about, but you can't lie to me about the things we agreed on."

"What are you talking about? How could I trick Mr. Qin?"

Qin Jianliang picked up the wine glass and said, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Pleasant to work with."

Qin Jianliang had no choice but to leave now, so he took Qin's important documents and gave them to the company that had been secretly competing with Qin's.

Qin Jianliang knew that doing so would have a great impact on the Qin family, but Qin Jianliang still did it.

Because he wants to win over people's hearts, this is the only way he can think of that will produce the quickest results.

Although it is a way to lose one thousand to the enemy and eight hundred to oneself, as long as it can succeed, it is the right choice.

As long as he can win over enough companies to support him and ensure his future development, then it won't hurt even if Qin is losing some money now.

After all, after he takes over, these losses will be recovered in these companies, or even doubled.

But Qin Jianliang is a brainless person after all. These people have promised him well now, but at that time, no one is a fool. How can they take out the money that they have in their pockets again?

But now Qin Jianliang doesn't care about these at all. He only thinks that what he is doing now will be beneficial to him in the future.

"Do you think Qin Jianliang is stupid or fake? This is like tearing down his own home." Someone asked the people around him in a low voice while drinking.

"I heard that he has nothing to rely on now. He could still rely on Qin Cheng before, but now he has an illegitimate child. Now Qin Cheng probably wants him to die quickly so that he can directly inherit the Qin family's shares in his hands. As for That little one, what can a little kid do?"

When he said this, he seemed to have thought of something and chuckled, "As for Qin He, it is even more impossible to take care of him. Now he can only find a way to save him and his illegitimate son."

The people listening smiled and said, "The fact that the Qin family has been able to survive until now is really embarrassing for Qin He. If Mr. Qin had handed the company directly into his hands back then, the Qin family would have been gone long ago."

"But then again, if we do this, Qin He won't blame us for this, right?"

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