Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 422 Just because you don’t have the strength to support him

Qin Wei turned his head and looked at her, "Is that okay?"

Su Ho hummed, raised his hand and touched his head, "Of course."

"I would."

"Well, go to sleep."

Perhaps because there was an extra person in the family, Su Ho lived a fulfilling life every day. Some of the severe pregnancy reactions that she had had gradually disappeared. She ate more, but she didn't gain weight.

Qin He also asked his aunt to cook different kinds of food for her every day, and she ate quite a lot, but she just couldn't see her gaining weight.

Su Yuan and Wei Yun came early the next morning and brought a lot of food.

"Sister, don't you eat on time every day?" Su Yuan placed the cut fruit plate in front of Su Ho and asked.

Su Ho took the fruit fork and handed it to Qin Wei immediately before answering Su Yuan's words, "Three meals a day, and sometimes a midnight snack at night."

"Then why haven't you gained any muscle?"

Su Ho smiled helplessly, "If you ask me, I can't answer that. I ate and drank. Even if he doesn't gain weight, there's nothing I can do about it."

Wei Yun sighed, "I dare not eat this or that in a day. I have gained two pounds in the past half month."

When Su Yuan heard this, he immediately answered, "You are not fat, not at all."

Su Ho also nodded and answered, "Indeed, this is good. Don't be too thin."

Wei Yun pouted, "I'm almost a hundred and eleven."

"With your height here, you are not fat even if you are one hundred and twenty."

Wei Yun shook his head, "That won't work. It's already good for me to stay at this weight. If it grows any longer, I'll go crazy."

Su Ho glanced at Su Yuan's face and asked in a low voice, "When are you going to finish the matter? It's the end of the year soon."

Hearing Su He's words, Wei Yun glanced at Su Yuan's face and said, "We have also discussed it, and we plan to do it before the end of the year."

Su Ho counted the time and said, "It's still too late. You can take care of the things at hand during this period and get them done before the end of the year."

Su Yuan responded, "Okay."

The flight to City B was at two o'clock in the afternoon, so a few people went directly to the airport after lunch.

Before boarding the plane, Qin He received a call from Qin Jianliang, "What's the matter?"

"Where is Qin Wei?"

"At this."

Qin He glanced at Qin Wei, who was being held by Su He, "What's wrong with you?"

"I heard that the Zhou family almost took him away yesterday?"

"The person is here with me, no matter who comes, he can't take him away."

Qin Jianliang was silent on the phone for a while before asking, "When will you send him back?" "He will live in Xiyuan from now on and will not go back to his old home. I have no objection to you coming to Xiyuan to see him." ." Qin He spoke very directly.

Qin Jianliang's voice suddenly became louder when he heard this, "I'm not dead yet, what do you mean by leaving him at your place? He is my son, you have no right..."

"Just because you are penniless now and have no ability to support him."

Before he could finish his words, Qin He interrupted him, "If you don't have anything else to do, just leave it like this. I have something else to do."

After saying that, Qin He hung up the phone without waiting for Qin Jianliang to say anything.

Su Ho saw that he had hung up the phone before asking, "What's wrong?"

"Look for Qin Wei."

"Your father?"

Qin He hummed, "Don't worry about him, just go in first."

Su Ho nodded and took Qin Wei to check the tickets first.

When the three of them arrived in City B, Wang Heng came to pick them up in person.

I thought there were only Qin He and Su He, but now I saw a three-year-old child accompanying Su He, and I couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Is this?"

"Qin He's younger brother." Su He simply replied, "We will take him with us from now on."

Although Wang Heng is in City B, he still hears a lot about the Qin family. After all, whenever something happens, it spreads on the Internet first.

So when Su Ho said this, Wang Heng understood.

"Very good, let's go, get in the car first."

This is the first time in so many years that Su Ho has entered Wang Heng's home so openly.

Before, she only dared to follow him from a distance, for fear of making Wang Heng unhappy.

Now that he can come in so openly, Su Ho is still a little bit emotional.

As soon as they entered, an extremely gentle woman came up to them, "Is it Su Ho? You're tired from the plane ride. Sit down and have a rest. Your uncle Wang doesn't know what you like to eat, so I'll just follow the food in Zhoucheng." I’ve made a few dishes based on your taste, you can eat some first, and if there’s anything wrong with it, tell me and I’ll improve it next time.”

Faced with the other party's enthusiasm, Su Ho was a little flattered, "I'm not very picky about food."

"It doesn't matter. We can eat whatever we like, and just tell us if we don't like it. We don't have to be so open-minded as a family."

As she said this, she noticed Qin He, who was standing next to Su He, also saying hello with a smile.

After exchanging pleasantries, the woman turned around and told Wang Heng to pick up Wang Rui after class.

Wang Heng put the things away first, then brought fruits and water for Su Ho and the others, "Rui Rui went to learn guitar and said she liked it. I was not willing to do it, but she said that if the child likes it, she should go learn it. It’s also good to cultivate it.”

Wang Heng glanced towards the kitchen and said, "She has nothing to say to Ruirui."

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