Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 423 I am happy to serve Ms. Su

Su Ho knew that he was telling her this and wanted to reassure her.

"I think it's pretty good too. Just live a good life from now on."

Having said this, Su Ho paused and said, "After you finish your work, come with us to Zhoucheng to stay for two days."

Wang Heng nodded, "I originally planned to go, but I haven't had the face to see her all these years. Now I finally have some courage and want to take Ruirui to see her."

Su Ho hummed, "We went to see them before we came here."

Wang Heng nodded, "When things here are over, we will go and have a look together, and we will all move forward in the future."

They are all people who have imprisoned themselves in the same place. It is not easy to suddenly think about it and move forward.

Su Ho also felt the same way about this matter.

She also imprisoned herself in the past, thinking about those things that had happened, and then let herself get stuck in it, suffering, and finally ended up covered in wounds.

In fact, looking back now and thinking about it carefully, at that time, I was too persistent and obsessed with people in the past. If Su Yong and Su Ying were here, naturally I wouldn't want them to be like that. I definitely want them to live a better life. I don't want to Let them be trapped in painful memories.

Wang Heng's affairs were relatively simple. He only entertained relatives and close friends on both sides and had a meal in a restaurant. The affairs between the two of them were completely settled.

After spending two or three days together, Su Ho felt that Li Ling really liked Wang Rui.

No matter what she does, she is not the kind who has no bottom line or is brainless to pamper. Instead, she discusses with Wang Rui very gently or reasons.

If she thinks it's okay, then it's okay. If Wang Rui's requirements are a little difficult to meet, she will be reasonable or give him some requirements. If he meets them, she will help him do it well.

Few people would be so patient to manage a child who is not related to them by blood, but Li Ling was devoted to Wang Rui, and on the wedding day, Li Ling also said it in front of the elders on both sides. From now on, they will only be like Wang Rui. a child.

In other words, she was ready not to have any more children.

In fact, Su Ho thought it didn't matter if he wanted another one, but Li Ling had thought carefully and was worried that Wang Rui would have thoughts in his heart, so he just didn't want it and just wanted Wang Rui.

Su He and Qin He stayed in City B for several days before returning to Zhoucheng.

Wang Heng didn't go with them when they went back because Li Ling hadn't arranged her work yet and would be three or four days late.

So Su He and Qin He took Qin Wei back to Zhoucheng first.

In just three or four days, the temperature in Zhoucheng suddenly cooled down.

As soon as he got off the plane, Su Ho received a call from Fu Shen.

In fact, Su Ho was a little surprised when he saw the caller ID. They were not friends, at most they were acquaintances, or the relationship between the tenant and the landlord, so Su Ho was a little surprised to see his call.

"Mr. Fu."

"We haven't seen each other for a while, and we have become so unfamiliar again." Fu Chen said jokingly on the phone.

Su Ho was stunned and changed his words, "Fu Shen."

"Do you have time? Have a meal together?"

Su Ho was about to open her mouth to refuse, but before she could refuse, Fu Chen said, "I bought a small villa in Xicheng some time ago, and I want to find a decoration company, so I want to see you. Let me take a look at a few plans."

The company has just started, and Soho is accepting almost all the orders now. There are no high requirements, and the villa has a relatively large development space. After it is completed, taking pictures can also be used as publicity to attract customers for the company.

After thinking for a while, Su Ho agreed, "Okay, let's make an appointment in the evening."

"Okay, then contact me then."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho walked in the door.

While she was answering the phone, Qin He and Qin Wei had already moved the suitcases and the specialties Wang Heng had prepared for them when he left from the car to the living room, and were now letting their aunt pack them away.

When Qin He saw her coming in, he took two steps forward and handed over a glass of warm water, "What about the company?"

Su Ho took a few sips from the water glass and handed it to him. He bent to change his shoes and said, "Fu Shen said that he bought a small villa and wanted to find a designer. I asked if I have any ideas."

After changing his shoes, Su Ho stood up and looked at Qin He, "I want to do it. At present, the projects we are taking are all large flat-floor apartments in residential areas. The villas have a relatively large development space. Once completed, we can take pictures for publicity."

Although the design company is now tied to Qin's, it is only in name. Su Ho still has the final say on some decision-making matters alone, which does not match up with Qin's internal design department.

After listening to her words, Qin He didn't say much, "I'll go with you then."

Su Ho hummed, "Okay."

Qin He didn't expect Su He to agree, and was obviously a little surprised.

Su Ho looked at his expression and couldn't help laughing, "What? You weren't just talking, were you?"

Qin He shook his head, reached out and took her hand and led her into the living room, "I am happy to serve Ms. Su."

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