Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 429 Su Ho likes him very much

Qin He hummed, "Su Ho likes him very much."

Qin Cheng nodded, but said nothing more.

Qin He glanced at him, put the document in his hand aside, and then said, "I'll let Chi Cheng take care of your mother's affairs. If it can, I can ease it. If it doesn't, then I don't have any good ideas. After all, this aspect cannot be solved by me in just one or two sentences, and the Zhou family will not give up."

Hearing this, Qin Cheng nodded repeatedly, "Okay, thank you, brother."

Qin Cheng is very good at calling him Brother Qin He. This is the first time in so many years that he has been called twice in a row.

It was probably because he really had no choice but to lower his head to find Qin He.

But these are no longer important to Qin He.

He used to think about what to do, but now what he wants is for Su Ho to be healthy and safe, so that they can live the rest of their lives peacefully, and nothing else matters.

As for what Qin will do in the future, that is all a matter for the future.

Although all the power of the Qin family is now in his hands, he has no intention of letting go until his death.

What should be given to Qin Cheng and what should be given to Qin Wei, he never thought of taking it all by himself.

It will be given to them when the time comes, but not now.

After Qin Cheng left, Qin He called Chi Cheng and asked him to take care of Wang Yun's affairs.

In fact, it is also difficult to do this.

If Zhou Wan is still alive, there is still some hope, but Wang Yun was killed on the spot, which was intentional homicide, so the chance of mitigating this matter is not high.

However, if Wang Yun had a good attitude towards admitting her mistakes and took care of herself, she might be able to relax a little.

But she will never come out of it again in her life, except on the day she dies.

But even this is enough for Qin Cheng.

At least that person was still there when he wanted to take a look.

Instead of not even having a chance to take a look.

When Qin He returned home in the evening, he also told Su Ho about the matter.

Su Ho didn't have much reaction after hearing this, which was even expected.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Qin He couldn't help but be curious when he saw her humming calmly without saying a word.

Su Ho handed the forked fruit to his mouth, "Isn't this expected? The only person Qin Cheng can turn to now is you. No matter how bad that person is, you are the one who gave birth to him and raised him. If he is truly indifferent, then he is not worthy to be the son of man.”

Although Qin Cheng was extremely stupid at certain times, he still had some conscience in such humane matters.

Qin He raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll let Chi Cheng take care of it. Whether it works or not depends on fate." "What should be done is done, and the rest can only be left to fate."

After saying this, Su Ho put the fruit plate on the table, "By the way, Uncle Wang and the others are coming over tomorrow. They were originally going to stay in a hotel, but the room at home is empty. Should I let them come and stay for two days?"

Qin He hummed, "Let Auntie sort it out tomorrow. I may not have time to pick them up tomorrow, so you ask Su Yuan to pick them up."

"What do you want tomorrow?"

"There is a new project starting in the east of the city. It was negotiated some time ago. I want to go over and take a look at the site."

Su Ho hummed, "Then I'll call Su Yuan and ask him to pick it up."

"If you need anything, you can send it to me when the time comes, and I'll have it delivered."

"There is nothing necessary. They just came to see my dad and aunt, and then went back. It would only last for a day or two at most."

Qin He heard this and looked at her, "The room at home is empty. Since I'm here, I'll stay for two more days and I can stay with you for two more days."

As the end of the year approaches, Qin He becomes busier and unable to leave.

Su Ho knew what he meant, "If Uncle Wang is willing, I hope they can stay here for a few more days. Let's see then."

The gap between her and Wang Heng had been too deep over the years, and it was slowly being resolved. It always took a process to truly let go.

In the early hours of the morning, Su Ho was awakened by a cell phone ringing. He groggily moved towards the direction of the sound, and fumbled to connect the phone without even opening his eyes.

Before she could say anything, a drunken voice came from the phone, "Qin He, why did Qin He do this to me? What's so good about her?"

Su Ho was awakened from sleep by this question. She opened her eyes and glanced at the caller ID. There was no note.

This number is naturally not Mu Silan's original number. If it were, he would definitely not be able to call in.

So I changed my number so I could make this call.

Su Ho stood up and sat up, "Why is Miss Mu so crazy in the middle of the night?"

The person on the phone seemed to have not heard what she said, and repeated what she just said over and over again.

Su Ho simply hung up the phone.

Who knew that before she even left her cell phone, another call came over there.

Su Ho directly pressed mute this time and did not answer the call.

But the other party refused to give up and kept fighting.

Just when Su Ho was about to turn off her phone, someone took the phone first and turned it off, and then took Su Ho's phone and turned it off too.

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