"Ignore it."

Qin He reached out and took the person into his arms, patting him as if coaxing a child.

Su Ho adjusted to a comfortable position and said, "Well, go to sleep."

The next morning, when Su Ho turned on his cell phone, he saw a dozen missed calls on it, all from the same number.

You don't need to think about it to know that it was Mu Silan who called last night.

Su Ho directly dragged the number into the blacklist, and then dialed Su Yuan's number.

"Is there anything going on this morning?"

"no, what happened?"

"Qin He has to go to a new construction site today and doesn't have time to pick up Uncle Wang. Can you pick him up later?"

"Uncle Wang is coming to Zhoucheng?"

Su Ho hummed, "Come and see my dad and the others."

"Okay, when will they arrive? I will pick them up later and send them directly to Xiyuan then."

"Well, it just so happens that you and Wei Yun come over here to have dinner tonight."

Su Yuan responded, "Okay, I'll tell Wei Yun later."

Before hanging up the phone, Su Ho asked again, "Have you visited the house?"

"Not yet, I was planning to go today."

"Uncle Wang and the others didn't arrive until three in the afternoon. It just so happens that you and Wei Yun come over now and let's go take a look together."

"Sister, we..."

"I'll wait for you at home. I'll make an appointment with an agent and ask him to take us there."

Without waiting for Su Yuan to say anything, Su He hung up the phone immediately.

Then she got up and went downstairs.

Qin He left early in the morning because he had something to do, so his aunt and Qin Wei were the only ones in the living room downstairs.

"Good morning, sister."

Su Ho responded, "Have you finished your breakfast?"

Qin Wei nodded, then stepped forward and pulled Su Ho to the dining table, "Sister, you should eat quickly, it will get cold soon."

"Okay, go change your clothes first and ask Grandma Li to help you find it. I will take you out later."

When Qin Wei heard that he was going out, he nodded happily, "Okay, I'm going to get dressed now."

It was already around eight o'clock and almost nine o'clock when Su Yuan and Wei Yun arrived. "Let's go. I made an appointment there at around nine o'clock. It's almost time to go there now."

Su Yuan stood at the entrance and did not move, obviously not wanting to go.

"Sister, I'm really not in a hurry about the house. The place where Su Yuan and I live now is pretty good. There's no need to buy another one. We won't be able to buy it again when we want to change our house in the future, and..."

"Consider this my wedding gift to you." Su Ho interrupted Wei Yun and raised his hand to push the two of them out. "You just need to see if you like it. You don't need to worry about the rest."

Su Ho could actually guess the psychology of the two of them.

It's just because of what happened to Su Yuan some time ago that the two of them are now a little short of money, and they don't want Su Ho to keep working for them, so they are both resisting.

Originally, when Su Yuan was not in trouble, he had discussed changing houses with Wei Yun, but now both of them have no plans to do so. After all, it is not easy for anyone to make money.

Especially Su Yuan, he is very satisfied to have such a life now. Su Ho has helped him and given him too much. He cannot always be such a drag on Su Ho.

So after hearing that Su Ho was going to buy them a house, Su Yuan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It even made him feel that from the time he met Su Ho to the present, it was Su Ho who was doing everything for him, but he had done nothing for Su Ho, and that feeling of guilt arose spontaneously.

Sometimes he even wonders, if he had not met Su Ho and not become a drag on Su Ho, would her life be better now?
  Seeing that he was stunned and didn't know what he was thinking, Su Ho raised his hand and patted the back of his head gently, "What are you standing there for? Let's go."

Su Yuan came to his senses and wanted to say something, but Su Ho didn't give him a chance to speak and said directly, "Okay, I don't want to hear anything now. I made an appointment with them at nine o'clock, and they estimate that now We’re already here, drive quickly.”

"Sister, I..."

"Su Yuan, go drive."

This time, before Su He could speak, Wei Yun interrupted him first, stretched out his hand and took Qin Wei's hand, "Let's go."

When Su Yuan reached his mouth, he had to swallow it again.

Soho chose three areas, all of which are above average in Zhoucheng.

In fact, he could have chosen something better, but Su Ho knew that Su Yuan would definitely not be willing, so he chose a house in a mid-range location.

The first one is a new house that was just handed over at the beginning of this year. It is very popular. There are only a few houses left that have not been sold because the price is too high.

The second one is a single-family villa, which has a better environment, but one thing is that it is a little big. If two people live in it, it may seem very empty.

The third one is relatively close to Xiyuan. It is a large flat and suitable in all aspects, but the price is twice as much as the first two.

Su Ho fell in love with this set, because the distance was so close that there was someone taking care of him.

Wei Yun also thought this was okay, but the price made Wei Yun choose the first one.

Su Yuan also chose the first one without hesitation.

Su Ho looked at the two of them helplessly, "Otherwise, if you are willing, how about paying me back in the future without giving you interest?"

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