Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 436 Requires hospitalization

Lin Yu shook his head, "Usually it's just some minor ailments, nothing serious. Today he may be emotionally unstable. Please give him a full body checkup. If nothing happens, we can feel at ease. If there is anything, we can treat it as soon as possible."

Xu Nuo didn't know Lin Yu, but after listening to her words, he almost guessed her identity, "Okay, aunt, I'll tell the doctor here. You and Su Ho should go to my office and wait for a while. I'm here." It’ll be okay.”

Lin Yu originally wanted to follow him, but after hearing what Xu Nuo said, he subconsciously looked at Su Ho.

"Let's go to the office and wait."

Lin Yu hesitated and looked eagerly in the direction of the emergency room.

Su Ho reached out and held her hand, leading her to Xu's office, "It'll be okay."

In fact, these words are just words of comfort.

What Wang Heng's condition will be depends on the results of the examination.

Lin Yu turned around and followed Su Ho to Xu Nuo's office.

Su Ho had been here too many times and poured Lin Yu a glass of water with ease. "The Xu family is in the medical field. Her parents are both doctors. There are relatives in the family who also work in the hospital and their professional abilities are good, so there is no need." If she is too worried, she will tell us truthfully as soon as possible if something happens."

Seeing Lin Yu's nervous expression, Su Ho comforted him with a few words of warmth.

Lin Yu nodded, "I know, I know. Stop standing and sit down for a while. We'll just wait here."

Su Ho originally wanted to say a few more words, but when the words reached his lips, he hesitated and swallowed them.

Sometimes speaking too much to comfort may not necessarily have any effect, so it is most appropriate to just stop at the point.

So Su Ho didn't say anything to comfort Lin Yu, turned around and sat down aside, and sent a message to Qin He by the way.

Not long after the message was sent, Qin He called.

Su Ho didn't answer the call in front of Lin Yu. He got up and went outside with his cell phone.

"How is Uncle Wang? Why did he faint suddenly?" Qin He asked about Wang Heng's situation on the phone.

Su Ho truthfully told what happened today, "Maybe he was too excited. Aunt Lin said he usually has no problems."

"Then don't worry. Let Lu Peng and the others check it out. If nothing happens, go home and have a good rest. It may be because of too much mood swings."

After saying this, Qin He turned to ask about Su He's situation.

She was a little worried about whether her body would be tired after all this torment.

"I'm not a fool. How can I get tired so easily? Besides, I haven't done anything. Don't worry, I know it well."

After experiencing what happened last time, the two of them were extremely careful this time, fearing that there would be regrets again. Qin He said warmly, "I have a few things left to deal with. I'll come over and take a look then."

"You go about your business. I'll be fine here. There's no need to make a special trip."

"No matter how busy I am, I still have to come and see you. I want to see Uncle Wang and you."

Su Ho didn't say anything after hearing Qin He's words, "Then give me a call when you come over later."

"Okay, please pay attention to yourself and call me anytime if you need anything."

Su Ho responded before hanging up the phone.

As soon as I hung up the phone, the promised phone call came.

Su Ho answered the phone immediately, "How are you? Is there nothing wrong?"

Xu Nuo's tone on the phone was a little solemn, "We still need to do some more tests, but I'll tell you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared."

Hearing Xu Nuo's words, Su Ho's heart suddenly skipped a beat, "Is it serious?"

"Judging from the current situation, it is a bit serious. If it is confirmed after further examination, it may be necessary to be hospitalized immediately, and then take good care of yourself and perform surgery under appropriate circumstances."

"How long will it take for the results to come out?"

"Afternoon, there are other tests that need to be done at the moment."

Su Ho hummed, "I understand, I'll tell Aunt Lin."

"Don't be in a hurry. I'll come over later and tell you. After all, I know more than you."

Su Ho understood the meaning of the promise, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho stood there stunned for a long time before he regained consciousness and turned around and walked into Xu Nuo's office.

When he reached the door, Su Ho was about to open the door and go in. His hand on the doorknob paused when he heard voices coming from inside.

"He fainted because of his excitement today. Where did you think he was? He is not the kind of thoughtful person. Can you please stop speculating about him? Who can live without getting sick at all? " Lin Yu's tone sounded a little unhappy, and his tone was also very serious.

Not knowing what the other person said, Lin Yu directly raised his voice, "No matter what, I can't leave him alone. Since we are together, we are a family. There is no reason to leave him alone." Yes, don’t always think so badly of others, just hang up if nothing happens.”

Suho stood at the door for a while before opening the door and going in.

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