Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 437 Staying in Zhoucheng

Lin Yu's face was originally a little angry, but when he saw Su Ho coming in, his expression immediately changed, "Su Ho, is there any news from your Uncle Wang?"

"He should still be undergoing an examination. I asked Xunuo to do a full body examination for him, so that I can feel at ease." Su Ho stepped forward and sat down opposite Lin Yu, thinking about how to tell her about Wang Heng. .

At this moment, the office door was pushed open and Xu Nuo came in from the outside.

When Lin Yu saw Xu Nuo, he stood up first and greeted him, "Doctor, how is he? Is there nothing wrong with him?"

Xu Nuo glanced at Su Ho's face first, and then asked Lin Yu to sit down, "That's it, Uncle Wang's situation is not bad, but he may need to be hospitalized for a period of time for treatment. If the treatment is effective, , and if the right organ source can be found at the right time, and the operation is successful without other rejection reactions, then there will be no big problem.”

Lin Yu was a little confused after hearing this. He looked at Xu Nuo and then turned to Su Ho, as if he didn't understand what Xu Nuo said. He looked a little confused.

Su Ho took a deep breath, "So what's Uncle Wang's situation now?"

"Heart problem, and the final result will be out in the afternoon." Xu Nuo didn't mince words anymore and said very straightforwardly.

After she finished speaking, Lin Yu's face became a little unhappy, but it wasn't that she was disgusted or anything like that. She just looked worried and at a loss.

Su Ho tried to comfort him, but he couldn't come up with the right words.

Xunuo pursed her lips and said softly, "Aunt Lin, Uncle Wang's condition is actually quite stable. Because he was discovered early, he can be treated this morning. Now that medicine has developed so much, there must be no problem, so you Don’t worry too much, we will definitely treat it actively.”

"Then he...will he be sad?"

Lin Yu was a little incoherent.

"It's definitely a bit sad. I can't feel anything yet. There may be some obvious symptoms later, but these are within the normal range. I wouldn't say it's too painful or anything. It's just that But the treatment time is a bit long.”

Having said this, Xu Nuo paused and said, "As far as the current situation is concerned, I suggest that you stay in Zhoucheng directly for treatment. The medical conditions in City B are not as good as here, so I still hope that Uncle Wang can stay in Zhoucheng. We will go to Zhoucheng for treatment.”

"How long will it take?"

"It will definitely take three to five months. After all, it is a heart problem, and it will need to be reviewed and reexamined later. Therefore, it will take a year and a half to fully recover, and we must pay attention to it in the later stage." Lin Yu was silent for a few seconds. "I understand, then stay."

Su Ho spoke up at the right time, "I remember Uncle Xu is very professional in this area. Could you please trouble him to take over Uncle Wang's affairs?"

"I'll ask him later to see what he means. He has been taking care of people for the past two years. He feels that he is getting older and sometimes he can't stand it anymore."

Su Ho nodded, "Okay, if there is a suitable doctor, that's okay."

"Okay, I'll ask him later."

As soon as the promise was finished, a nurse's voice came from outside, "Doctor Xu, the patient in bed [-] said he was feeling a little uncomfortable. Please go over and have a look."

Xu Nuo responded and then looked at Su Ho and Lin Yu, "Uncle Wang will be transferred directly to the ward later. The nurse will come to find you. I will go to the ward to find you later."

"Go and do your business first." Su Ho motioned for her to do her business first.

After Xu Nuo left, Su Ho looked at Lin Yu and said softly, "Aunt Lin, I think Xu Nuo's suggestion just now is quite good. The medical conditions in City B are indeed limited. If you treat her in Zhoucheng, the conditions are very good." It must be better than that in City B, so I have the same intention as promised, let Uncle Wang stay in Zhoucheng for treatment, so that we can take care of him more conveniently."

Speaking of this, Su Ho paused, "Uncle Wang used to live here. After my aunt died, he took Wang Rui to City B. Now Wang Rui is about to go to elementary school, so why not stay here?" Over here, what do you think?"

Lin Yu was silent for a few seconds after listening to Su Ho's words, and then said, "I know it is definitely the best choice for you, Uncle Wang, to stay in Zhoucheng, but if you want to stay in Zhoucheng from now on, I still have to stay with you, Uncle Wang." Let’s discuss it. This matter has to be decided by the two of us. I can’t have the final say alone. Besides, Rui Rui’s grandparents are still in City B. They are old and they always need someone to take care of them. If we all stay here, , it’s not appropriate for them to have no one to look after them.”

Su Ho looked at Lin Yu and suddenly understood why Wang Heng accepted Lin Yu.

Because she is really a considerate and understanding woman.

What man wouldn’t want a woman like this to run the household?
  "It's okay. You can discuss it with Uncle Wang first, and we will make a decision then. But for now, let Uncle Wang do the treatment here. We can discuss these things later, but the treatment cannot be delayed."

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