Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 438: Keep holding hands and walking down

Lin Yu naturally understood what Su Ho meant, "I know, nothing is as important as your health."

The nurse came after a while, "Ms. Su, we had an examination here last night. I'll take you to the ward."

Su Ho responded, "It's troublesome."

"It's okay, it's what we should do."

Su Ho took Lin Yu and followed the nurse to the ward.

Maybe it was because he fainted suddenly and had to undergo so many examinations, but he still didn't recover for a while, so Wang Heng looked a little tired.

But when he saw them coming in, he still pushed himself up and sat up, "Are you scared?"

"We are not children, how can we be scared so easily." Lin Yu stepped forward and tucked him in, "How do you feel now? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"There's nothing wrong with me. I think we can go home, but the nurse just said that I need to be hospitalized. If I don't have any problem, where can I stay?" Wang Heng looked puzzled.

Lin Yu sat down by the bed, "The nurse may not have made it clear to you about your situation, but the doctor has told us that you do need to be hospitalized for a while, but don't worry too much, it's nothing too important. , we just need to cooperate with the treatment, and you don’t have to worry about anything else.”

Lin Yu's words made Wang Heng stand up and sit down immediately, "My situation? What's the situation?"

After saying that, he looked at Su Ho again and whispered, "Su Ho, tell me, what's going on with me?"

Su Ho pursed his lower lip and thought about his words before telling Wang Heng exactly what he had just promised.

"Uncle Wang, what I mean to Xu Nuo is that you stay here for treatment. After all, the conditions here are better than those in City B. The doctors are also more technically mature and the equipment is comparable. Yu Qianqi, after the surgery and recovery, if you want to go back, you can go back, what do you think?"

Wang Heng was silent for a long time after listening to Su Ho's words, and then asked in a hoarse voice, "How much does it cost to treat my disease?"

As soon as Wang Heng finished speaking, Lin Yu answered first, "It doesn't matter, as long as it can be cured, it will be good. You don't have to worry about money. No matter how much it is, we will treat it."

Wang Heng looked at Lin Yu with deep eyes, "Lin Yu, you can't be too nice to me."

Originally, he felt that it was unfair that he brought Wang Rui with him and caused trouble to Lin Yu. He had to take care of him and Wang Rui at the same time.

Now that he was in this situation again, Wang Heng felt indescribably depressed and sad.

If this situation could have been known earlier, he would rather owe Wang Rui than involve an innocent person.    This is not fair to Lin Yu at all.

Lin Yu understood what he was thinking and reached out to pat his hand, "It's too late to say anything now. We are a family now. A family should always be together and treat each other well. Don't think about those things. very messy."

Lin Yu glanced at Su Ho's face and said warmly, "I think Su Ho is right. The conditions in City B are indeed not as good as here, and some equipment and technology are not mature. The equipment in Zhoucheng We can keep up with the technology. Let's cooperate well with the treatment. After we recover, we will return to City B. As for the medical expenses, you don't have to worry about it. I also have some savings in hand and the house in the city. I'll be here in two days. When I go home and sell it, I will definitely..."

"No!" Before Lin Yu could finish her words, Wang Heng interrupted her, "The house can't be sold, and your money can't be touched either!"

"Don't worry about money." Su Ho said promptly, "Treat him well first, everything else is secondary."

Wang Heng wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Su Ho, "Qin He will come over soon, and I asked him to bring some food. I will go home later to see Ruirui and the others. We will go home to stay tonight and wait until tomorrow." Come here again, bring your daily necessities, and then just receive treatment."

After talking to this point, Wang Heng didn't say anything anymore.

Su Ho didn't stay in the ward either, knowing that the two of them must have something to say at this time.

So he went outside on the pretext of calling Qin He, leaving space for them.

Su Ho took a deep breath after closing the door.

Su Ho actually knew what Wang Heng was worried about.

Medical expenses, as well as Lin Yu and the Lin family.

When the two met before, the Lin family felt that it was inappropriate for Wang Heng to have a child and Lin Yu was not married. After all, being a stepmother is not that easy.

If you don't pay attention, it will fall into your mouth.

But sometimes when it comes to your eyes, other external conditions are not so important.

The atmosphere in the ward was inexplicably depressed, and neither of the two people spoke.

It was as if they were all waiting for the other person to speak.

In the end, Lin Yu spoke first, "Old Wang, since I have chosen you to live with you, I have made all preparations. No matter what happens, I have never thought about leaving you, nor have I thought about you. You will be a drag on me. Neither you nor Ruirui are a drag on me. You are my family. Family members need to hold hands and move forward together, so you must hold our hands tightly and don't let go casually. ,do you know?"

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