Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 439 A good life is better than anything else

Listening to Lin Yu's words, Wang Heng's eyes were a little hot. He opened his mouth to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out. He just held Lin Yu's hand tightly, tighter and tighter.

Lin Yu also knew that Wang Heng was not good at words, so even if he didn't say anything, she could probably guess what he wanted to say.

"We can find a way to deal with the medical expenses. We can borrow the money from Suho, but we can't just use it for nothing. No matter how rich she is, it's what she earned back with hard work. You can't say let us spend it. It’s just spent.”

Wang Heng nodded, "I know, she always felt that what happened back then was her fault. I also thought it was all because of her at first. Now looking back, she was also a victim back then. What could she do even if she was around them? ? Maybe she is safest outside. If she had been in the country back then, maybe..."

Wang Heng did not say the rest of the words, but the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

When Zhou Wen got involved with the Fu family's eldest son, she had no conscience at all.

He could let Su Yong die there, and let Su Ying lose two lives.

If Su Ho was here, maybe another life would be saved.

So it was the most fortunate thing that Su Ho was not around that year.

"I understand that what you did was wrong back then, but I can understand it." Lin Yu comforted her warmly, "Now that those things have passed, let's move on. Let's live a good life in the future, which is better than anything else."

Lin Yu paused after saying this, "Listen to me about medical expenses."

"Lin Yu, I..."

"Okay, didn't we just agree? We are a family, and we should always hold each other's hands and never let go. Don't fight about this kind of thing. And when you get better, you will also pay me back."

Hearing this, Wang Heng nodded and said seriously, "That's for sure, I will definitely pay it back."

Lin Yu was actually just joking, but he didn't expect him to be so serious.

He was originally going to explain, but then he thought that it would be okay if he thought this way and it would make him feel more relaxed, so Lin Yu didn't say anything more.

Qin He brought lunch when he came over, but he only brought Wang Heng and Lin Yu's lunch.

Su Ho planned to go back to have lunch with Wang Rui and Qin Wei at noon, and then come to the hospital in the afternoon to see the test results before bringing Wang Heng and the others back to tidy up before being officially admitted to the hospital tomorrow.

"You guys should go back to eat first. Don't worry here." Lin Yu asked Qin He to take Su He back first.

There was indeed nothing going on at noon, so Su Ho didn't stay much longer and returned to Xiyuan with Qin He.

When he went back, Wang Rui took Qin Wei to play in the front yard. When they saw them coming back, they both came over to greet them at the same time.

Wang Rui glanced behind them, "Where are my dad and the others?"

Su Ho stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, "They have something to do and won't be back until the afternoon."

Wang Rui nodded, "Then shall I play with my brother at home today?" Su Ho responded, "Can I ask Grandma Li to take you to the amusement park in the afternoon?"

Before Wang Rui could respond, Qin Wei cheered and responded, "Okay, okay, will sister go?"

"I have to pick up Uncle Wang and the others in the afternoon, so I can't come with you, but after picking them up we can go find you together."

After all, children don't think that much and can handle it in a few words.

Su Ho and Qin He had lunch with them at home, and then arranged for their aunt to take them to the amusement park, and then Su Ho went to the hospital.

Qin He had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he accompanied Su He in the hospital to wait for Wang Heng's results.

The results came out after two o'clock, and they were exactly as promised.

"The situation is actually very good now. It's not that bad. As long as we take active treatment now and stabilize it later, we can arrange surgery. Then we can take good care of ourselves and there won't be any big problems."

After saying this, Xu Nuo turned to look at Su Ho, "Shall we go out and have a chat?"

Su Ho nodded and followed Xu Nuo out.

"What you said before, I asked my dad, and he said it's no problem. He will personally follow Uncle Wang's situation in the future, and he will also perform the surgery himself." Xu Nuo looked at Su Ho, "But the matter of Zongyuan may not be the same. It takes a while to search, and once you find it, you can match it and perform surgery at that time. I think the success rate is quite high."

"Will there be any effects or sequelae later?"

"Let's put it this way, this kind of surgery is a major surgery, and it will definitely have sequelae. It's impossible to say there are no sequelae at all. It still depends on the results of training and personal physical issues."

Su Ho was silent for a while, "How much is the approximate budget for the surgery fee plus the treatment fee?"

"Almost more than one hundred and eighty."

"You're just being conservative, right?"

Xu Nuo smiled and said, "Yes, if you put it all together, more than two hundred is considered a small amount."

"When the time comes to report it to them, please report a little less, and I will make up for the rest."

Xu Nuo nodded, "Understood, but it shouldn't be too low. This kind of surgery is definitely not too rare."

"You can find a way to neutralize it, just offer a cap of one million."

"Okay, I'll think of a way for you. When the time comes, you can bid as low as possible."

Su Ho hummed, "Okay."

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