Hearing this, Su Ho lowered his head and glanced at his slightly bulging abdomen, "It will take some time."

Su Ho waited for them to play for almost half an hour before taking them back.

Wang Heng's situation was not told to Wang Rui.

After all, no matter how sensible you are, you are still just a child.

Wang Rui was very happy just because he wanted to stay in Zhoucheng.

After dinner, Lin Yu accompanied Su Ho for a walk in the front yard. While discussing something with Su Ho, "Xiao He, I plan to go back after your Uncle Wang has been admitted to the hospital tomorrow."

Hearing this, Su Ho stopped and looked at her, "Is something wrong?"

"I probably know a little bit about your Uncle Wang's situation, and I also know that the cost of his surgery plus the later cost of cicada must be quite a lot of money. I bought a house in the center of City B before, what's the location? They're all pretty good, and now that house prices are so high, I'm thinking of selling the house. Anyway, I have room to live at home, so I'll keep this house, and I'll buy a new one for Xiao Rui when I get rich."

Su Ho was silent for a while after hearing this, "Aunt Lin, you don't need to sell this house. After all, it is your hard-earned savings. It is also a guarantee for you. I will deal with Uncle Wang..."

"I know you have money, but you have earned it with your hard work. We can't just use it without any pressure. What's the point? If it's really not enough, then you don't have to tell me. I will shamelessly ask you to borrow it, but if it is within our ability, we can do it ourselves, so that we will not feel pressure."

Hearing this, Su Ho probably understood what Lin Yu meant and didn't make it difficult for her. "Okay, then you can speak at any time if necessary. We are a family and don't have to worry too much."

"I'll definitely speak up if necessary. After all, I can't joke with your Uncle Wang's life."

With Lin Yu's words, Su Ho felt more at ease, "Then I will buy the tickets for you. Uncle Wang, you don't have to worry. I can take care of you even if I don't go to the company now."

"You are heavy, so you have to be careful. I have asked my friends to help me put the house up. Then I will see if the price is suitable. It will only take a day or two. After completing the procedures, I can come back. By the way, I will also Once Wang Rui's schooling is settled, let him go to school here first, and the children's affairs can't be delayed."

Su He responded, "I will ask Qin He to find someone to help deal with Wang Rui's matter. You can still go to the elementary school, there are not so many hard conditions."

"Then it's up to you and Xiao Qin to trouble you."

"We are all a family, there are not so many things to pay attention to."

Lin Yu returned to City B the next afternoon, while Wang Heng stayed in the hospital.

When Wang Rui first learned that Wang Heng was hospitalized, he felt exhausted. He didn't talk or eat at home, so he wanted to go to the hospital and stay with Wang Heng.

There was no other way, so Su Ho took the man to the hospital and asked him to stay there during the day, accompany Wang Heng by the way, and pick him back up at night.

Su Ho was also taken to the hospital during the day. Sometimes Wenxin and the others would come directly to the hospital to see Su Ho if anything happened. The ward has almost been turned into an office.

Xu Nuo looked a little speechless, "Are you going to make hundreds of millions from this order?"

Su Ho finished reading the last document and handed it to Wen Xin, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Then Sister Su, I will go back to the company first."

Su Ho nodded, watched Wen Xin leave, and then turned to Xu Nuo, "We can't just leave everything to Chi Cheng and the others. It's almost the end of the year, and they have their own things to do."

Xu Nuo handed her the fruit in his hand, "Now that you are here, Qin He can send me a hundred messages, which is scary."

Su Ho raised his eyes and looked at her after hearing this, "Why is he sending me a message?"

Xu Nuo unlocked his phone and handed it to her, "See for yourself, I am purely your tool and a personal nanny."

Su Ho took her phone and looked at the message Qin He sent to Xu Nuo. He couldn't help laughing, "He is becoming more and more cautious."

Xu promised to take back his phone, "I understand."

As he said this, Xu Nuo turned his head and looked at Su Ho, "But then again, you're already four months old, right? Why don't you look pregnant?"

Su Ho also lowered his head and said, "I don't know either, but all the tests showed nothing wrong."

"Then this may be your personal problem. When I was pregnant with Lu Yu for more than three months, it looked the same as four or five months later, and it was even more scary later. If I hadn't known that there was only one, I wouldn't have Thought I was pregnant with two.”

"I thought it was two."

Xu Nuo exclaimed, "By the way, I saw Mu Silan in the hospital yesterday. Do you know what she came to do?"

"Aren't you here to see a doctor?"

"Pregnancy test."

Hearing this, Su Ho was stunned, "Pregnancy test? Her?"

Xu Nuo agreed, "I thought I was wrong at the time, but later I quietly inquired, and it turned out that I was indeed here for a pregnancy test. It seemed that I had just become pregnant, and I don't know whose child it is."

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