Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 442: Too much influence on the Qin family

For some reason, Su Ho felt a little uneasy when he heard Xu Nuo's words.

But at the same time, I couldn’t tell where I felt uneasy.

"Su Ho? What are you thinking about? Are you thinking so absorbedly?"

Hearing Xu Nuo shout like this, Su Ho came back to his senses and said, "It's okay. She has her current life now. No matter whose child it is, it is still a living life. I hope she can treat it well."

"The doctor who examined her said that her condition is very unstable, so it remains to be seen whether the child can be saved."

Thinking of what happened to Mu Silan before, Su Ho did not accept the promise.

Su Ho heard about Mu Silan's pregnancy from Xu Nuo and didn't think about it anymore.

It wasn't until three or five days later that Su Ho was woken up by a phone call during his lunch break. He answered the phone without even looking at who was calling.

Before she could say anything, she heard an urgent voice coming from the phone, "Su He, what's going on between you and Qin He? Did you have a quarrel or an awkward situation?"

Hearing such a question, Su Ho woke up a little and looked at the caller ID, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Chen's voice on the phone couldn't help but raise a few decibels, "Have you not seen the news on the Internet?"

"I was busy drawing pictures this morning. I just took a lunch break and didn't read it."

Jiang Chen sighed, "I think this matter is a bit difficult to deal with. Although those things are fake to a discerning eye, the impact on the Qin family is too great."

"Speak the key."

‘Reports broke out on the Internet that Mu Silan is pregnant with Qin He’s child. "

When Su Ho heard this, the little sleep he felt disappeared immediately, "What did you say?"

Jiang Chen was talking loudly over there, but Su Ho didn't listen to a word.

She stood up, walked to the side, opened her tablet, and immediately saw the news pushed over her.

At this time, Su Ho finally came to his senses and found out where the uneasiness came from after hearing that Mu Silan was pregnant that day in front of Xu Nuo.

Putting aside everything else, this matter definitely has nothing to do with Qin He.

Even though the photos in the news seemed very close to the two of them, none of them could prove that the child in her belly was Qin He.

It's just that people nowadays like to add fuel to the fire and like to watch the excitement without taking it too seriously.

After Su Ho finished reading, he responded to Jiang Chen, "How is Qin's situation now?"

"It should be a mess now. Qin He probably doesn't even have time to call you and tell you. The stock must be falling."

"I see."

Su Ho answered and hung up the phone. I got up, took my clothes, took my car keys and walked out.

Just as he reached the door, Qin Wei's voice came from behind, "Sister, do you want to go out?"

Hearing the sound, Su Ho stopped and turned to look at him, "You, brother and Grandma Li are here soon. I'll be back in a minute."

After saying hello and talking to his aunt, Su Ho went out and drove directly to Qin's.

Since becoming pregnant, Su Ho has only gone to his own company a handful of times, let alone Qin's.

When she drove to Qin's downstairs, she saw a dense group of reporters surrounding the door.

Su Ho did not park the car at the door, but drove directly to the basement.

After parking the car, Su Ho called Chi Cheng.

It's just that no one answered the phone after I dialed it.

Su Ho was not in a hurry to get out of the car and waited in the car for a while before calling Qin He again.

I thought no one would answer, but just as I was about to hang up, the call was connected, and Qin He's hoarse voice came, "Su Ho?"

Su Ho responded, "I'm downstairs in the company. Is it convenient for me to come up?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Ho heard the sound of a chair being dragged on the ground, "Are you downstairs? Stay in the car and don't come down. I'll come down to find you now."

Su Ho said, "I'm in the basement, in the car, not at the front door. You don't have to worry about me."

Qin He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Su He, regarding the matter on the Internet, I..."

"I know, you don't need to explain, if it's convenient, I'll go up by myself now.

Qin He responded in a low voice on the other end of the phone, "It's convenient, but don't wait for me downstairs. I'll come down to pick you up."

Su Ho originally wanted to say no, but thinking of his current situation, he agreed, "Okay, here in Area A."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho clicked on the news information on his phone and took a look.

Perhaps because the Qin family also took measures, the original news was suppressed, but later many photos and events from the past were released, some were true and some were false. Su Ho casually told the story about Qin He and Mu Silan. Almost everyone clicked on the news and glanced at it.

In fact, the contents are similar, and they are nothing more than promoting Mu Silan's pregnancy.

What the purpose is is actually obvious.

But what they didn't expect was that Su Ho would no longer make aggressive counterattacks or responses like before.

After experiencing too many things, such things are now insignificant and trivial to Su Ho.

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