Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 67 I asked you to leave him because he doesn’t love you

Chapter 67 I asked you to leave him because he doesn’t love you
Su Ho kept his eyes closed and his brows furrowed together, as if he was very uncomfortable.

Jiang Xing glanced in the rearview mirror from time to time, fearing that something had happened.

Su Ho was not actually asleep, "You drive well, I'm fine."

Only then did Jiang Xing retract his gaze and concentrate on driving.

The distance from the hospital to Lanting is not far, and it takes more than ten minutes to reach the destination.

After the car stopped, Su Ho opened his eyes, glanced out the window, and then looked at Jiang Xing, "Just wait for me in the car. I'll be down soon."

Jiang Xing nodded, "Okay, Sister Su, if anything happens, just call me. I'll be waiting for you below."

After getting out of the car, Su Ho walked directly into Lanting.

The waiter at the door saw someone coming in and greeted him warmly.

Su Ho directly reported Mu Silan's name.

"Okay, please come this way. Miss Mu is already waiting for you inside."

Su Ho followed the waiter and entered the elevator.

When he arrived at the door of the private room, the waiter raised his hand and knocked on the door. Then he turned around and said to Su Ho, "Just go in. If you need anything, you can ring the bell."

Su Ho responded, raised his hand to push the door open and walked in.

The decoration style of Lanting is very unique.

What you see when you open the door is a large floor-to-ceiling window.

Mu Silan was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window looking outside. After hearing the sound, she turned around with a slight smile on her face, "Here we come, come in and sit down."

Su Ho closed the door and walked over.

The two sat down facing each other.

Mu Silan raised her hand to pour a glass of water for Su Ho and pushed it in front of her, "I heard that you have been sick for the past two days? Are you feeling better?"

Su Ho didn't think Mu Silan invited her over today to care about her health.

However, she didn't show any shame in front of him, and responded calmly, "I caught a cold because I got caught in the rain."

Mu Silan stared at Su Ho for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled, "I thought you were sick."

When she heard that Su Ho was ill, she thought that she was up to her old tricks again and wanted to use such despicable means to compete with her for Qin He, but now it seemed that he was indeed ill.

However, Mu Silan was a little disappointed.

She thought she had some serious illness.Su Ho didn't want to greet Mu Silan in a pretentious manner, so he asked directly, "What do you want from me?"

Mu Silan poured herself a glass of water slowly, "Have you eaten? What do you want to eat?"

"Mu Silan..."

"Su Ho, I heard that something happened to the brother you picked up who is not related to you by blood?"

Before Su Ho could finish his words, he was interrupted by Mu Silan, "How's it going? Is there anything you need my help with?"

Hearing this, Su Ho raised his eyes and looked over.

Mu Silan didn't pay attention to her eyes and said directly, "The people in the Wei family will never give up. Although Mr. Wei has been retired for a while, the connections he has handled over the years are very strong. You That younger brother is quite brave and dares to provoke the Wei family."

"But I do have some connections with the Wei family. If you need help, you can just ask."

After she finished speaking, Su Ho chuckled, "Mu Silan, don't you want to laugh?"


"Don't you think what you just said is ridiculous?"

Mu Silan was stunned and looked at Su Ho. She seemed to have thought of something and chuckled, "Su Ho, actually I don't understand one thing. From the time we met until now, why do you always treat me so badly?" With such great hostility? It seems that I have never provoked you, right? And I did have a relationship with Qin He at the beginning. It was your appearance that broke the peace between us. I didn't say anything. Why do you always Do you look like I'm sorry to you?"

"And this time, I didn't plan to have anything to do with Qin He when I came back, and I wasn't going to Xiyuan. It was Qin He who wanted to pick me up and live there for a while. Why are you putting all your hostility on me? "

For a moment, Mu Silan seemed to have suffered a great deal of grievance, "The reason why I asked you to let Qin He go and leave him was just because I felt that Qin He didn't love you and didn't care about you. We are both women, so I did this What’s wrong?”

The more innocent and calm Mu Silan is, the more Su Ho feels as if she is the only one who has done wrong things from beginning to end.

She couldn't even say anything to refute, but every word Mu Silan said was like a knife stabbing into her heart, causing her unbearable pain.

When Mu Silan saw that she was silent, she continued, "Okay, I don't want to argue with you. I came to you today because when I had dinner with the eldest son of the Xu family, he gave me a I wanted to give you something before, but you have never been to Xiyuan since you went on a business trip and never had the chance, so I wanted to ask you out for a meal and give you something by the way."

Su Ho watched her take out her phone, clicked it a few times, and then pushed it in front of her.

A piece of audio was displayed on the interface, which made Su Ho couldn't help but play the previous audio.

His eyes couldn't help but darken a little.

Before she could react, a male voice came from the phone.

Su Ho didn't recognize who this voice was at first, but then he heard an extremely familiar voice.

(End of this chapter)

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