Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 68 What does he think of you?

Chapter 68 What does he think of you?

Su Ho thought the owner of this audio was Mu Silan and the eldest son of the Xu family.

But now she slowly realized that the speakers were the eldest son of the Xu family and Qin He.

"Qin He, who do you think you are? Do you really think that our Xu family has no one left?" Young Master Xu's voice was full of anger, "I tell you, if you want to marry

You, Qin He, are not the only ones who belong to her. Do you really think that you can do whatever you want now that you are in charge of the Qin family? "

"What do you mean?" Qin He's tone was not very good either.

"What do I mean? What do you mean by asking me? I haven't asked you what you mean yet. The dog you keep next to you wants to climb on your head and become the master of your Qin family, right? How dare you come up to me and take Qiao! Who do you really think she is?"


"There are so many dogs around you, but I think she dances the most happily." Young Master Xu sneered, "What's the matter, when did your Qin family allow dogs to be the masters of the house?"

Young Master Xu showed his provocative feelings with every mouthful, "I just want to ask you one question today, are you still committed to the engagement you promised?"

"My engagement with Xu Nuo will not have any impact. Su Ho will never stay in the Qin family again, let alone with me."

"What do you mean? Are you willing to clean her up?"

"It's just a chess piece, nothing to be reluctant to part with."

Young Master Xu laughed, "She has gained a lot of prestige around you these years, and she may have raised many of her confidants in the Qin family. Aren't you afraid that she will bite back and trample you and the Qin family under her feet?" "

"She won't have that chance."

Young Master Xu snorted, "A dog like her will bite people the most painfully. You'd better clean it up thoroughly to avoid any trouble in the future."

"I know."

The conversation came to an end here.

It was so quiet in the box that you could hear a pin drop.

Mu Silan looked at Su Ho, who was stunned on the spot, with a smile on his lips, and even chuckled, "Su Ho, you said that you stayed by his side and paid so much for him all these years, and in the end he What do I think of you?"

In fact, it was just an accident that Mu Silan got this recording.

She went to see Young Master Xu some time ago just to fan the flames and make Young Master Xu embarrass Su Ho.

After all, if it hadn't been for Su He, Xu Nuo would have married Qin He. Now the Xu family must have developed many times better than it does now.

So the Xu family actually resented Su Ho.

It's just because of Qin He's face that he couldn't touch her.

In addition, Su Ho had a good relationship with Xu Nuo, so this matter was simply forgotten.But Young Master Xu is not a forgetful person. Now he is nodding and bowing to others for a project, and has received a lot of looks.

If he had promised to marry Qin He and the marriage between the Xu family and the Qin family had been successful, then whatever projects the Xu family wanted and what they would do now would only be a matter of a sentence or two and a meal.

So during dinner that day, Mu Silan just casually mentioned her promise to be engaged to Qin He. She didn't expect Xu Zhi to give her such a recording.

In fact, what Xu Zhi originally recorded was not such a conversation. It was just that Xu Zhi intervened to block the marriage between the two families because of Su He's entanglement at that time, which led to the cancellation of the engagement and the loss of a supporter like Qin He in the Xu family. Somewhat resentful.

He also made a private appointment with Qin He, wanting him to reconsider the marriage between the two families, and argued with Qin He.

In fact, he wanted to make things more confusing at that time. It would be best for Qin He to be determined and kick out Su Ho, the stumbling block in the way.

But after he finished speaking, Qin He didn't take any action.

He knew that the marriage between the two families was probably not going to work.

This recording was of no use to Xu Zhi. After all, he said everything he needed to say, and Qin He didn't even move.

This recording naturally became useless.

But I didn’t delete it at the time, I just kept it on my phone.

But I never thought it would come in handy one day.

When Mu Silan asked someone to call him to make an appointment, Xu Zhi became furious when he thought about Su He ruining the marriage between the Qin and Xu families.

In the past two years, he had been tempted to seduce Su Ho, but Su Ho became very popular around Qin He, and even Qin Cheng was repeatedly defeated by Su Ho.

Naturally, he didn't dare to touch her easily.

But now that Mu Silan, a person who once had a relationship with Qin He, is back, there are some things that he can't do, but Mu Silan is different.

So this recording was given to Mu Silan. As for how she would use it, that was Mu Silan's business.

Mu Silan drank the water in the cup slowly. Seeing that Su Ho had no intention of speaking, she poured herself another cup, "Su Ho, do you remember when I first came back, you told me that you wanted to You didn't take that stabbing blow for Qin He, he is gone now, do you still think that the stabbing you took was worth it?"

Su Ho suddenly smiled. She was indeed stabbed for Qin He and almost went to the Palace of Hell to report.

But if it hadn't been for that stabbing, she might have been stabbed inexplicably that day.

In this case, she should be grateful to Qin He, or to the people who wanted Qin He's life in the first place, so that she is lucky enough to live until now.

If they hadn't wanted Qin He's life, she might have died quietly in that unknown corner.

(End of this chapter)

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