Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 69 He must regret saving you now

Chapter 69 He must regret saving you now
Su Ho's smile slowly widened, and finally she even laughed out loud. The hand holding the water glass shook, and the hot water spread on the back of her hand. She didn't seem to feel any pain, and just took her hand back.

She is really lucky. Not only did she save Qin He's life by mistake, but she also indirectly saved her own life.

She was even lucky enough to be a blessing in disguise. Otherwise, even if she had been interested in Qin He and wanted to prevent him from marrying Xu Nuo, he might not have even blinked an eye if she had committed suicide in front of him. It might have been just what he wanted.

Mu Silan just looked at her, and suddenly felt that people like Su Ho were quite pitiful.

She has lived a miserable life from birth to now. She thought she had found her own light. She thought that person was her salvation and would pull her out of the sea of ​​suffering.

But in the end, the suffering she experienced was all given to her by that person himself.

How sad.

She felt that Su Ho sitting in front of her was pitiful and pathetic.

After so many years of giving everything he had for Qin He, in the end Qin He had the intention of killing her.

It actually completes the sentence "You love him till death, but he wants you to go to hell and never have another life."

But she was not a kind-hearted person. After all, she wished that Su Ho would die, so that it would be clean.

Putting down the water glass in her hand, Mu Silan smiled lightly, "Actually, you asked for these yourself, didn't you?"

"Now that you know this, you think Qin He is cruel, but have you ever thought that he was kind enough to save you, but you retaliated and prevented him from marrying the Xu family, causing him to suffer so many things in vain? You are even bolder If you threaten him with those things about the Qin family, do you think he won't hate you?"

"Su Ho, you are so naive and ridiculous. Do you think that because of what you do, others should be moved to fall in love with you? Why? Why should he fall in love with you? And why should he think that because you have devoted yourself to her, he should be moved to fall in love with you? To repay you?"

No matter what Mu Silan said, Su Ho didn't answer.

Mu Silan stared at her, the smile gone from her eyes, "Su He, let me tell you, Qin He has never had that kind of thought for you. He even wished that you had never appeared. Do you believe it or not?" , he must now regret that he kindly saved you, and should have let you die in that dirty prison!"

"Do you feel that you are particularly wronged now? Do you think Qin He owes you?" Mu Silan said and laughed, "He never owed you anything, because if he hadn't fished you out back then, you would have died long ago. , so even if he later wanted you to die, it was because you repaid your kindness first! If you really want to hate, then you should hate me. Hate me and let me know the truth, breaking the whitewash you have done for so many years. Daydream!”

After Mu Silan said so much, Su Ho finally had some reaction.

She suppressed the smile on her lips and looked up at Mu Silan, "You said something wrong."


"Even if I know this, even if what you just said makes sense, I have no intention of hating him, nor will I resent him."

Su Ho looked at her calmly, "I know what you want and what your purpose is. Mu Silan, don't worry. I will not go to Qin He to make trouble, nor will I do anything meaningless again." matter."

After saying this, Su Ho paused and said, "I won't hate you, because there has never been a competitive relationship between us, nor are we enemies."

Because she was wrong from the beginning.

From the moment her heart fluttered, it was so wrong.

So she should bear these.

Mu Silan suddenly felt relieved when she looked at the strong woman in front of her who was seen as decisive and decisive by others.Because Su Ho will no longer be a threat to her from now on.

Su Ho stretched out his hand to drink the water that Mu Silan had just poured, and then said softly, "Your goal has been achieved, you got your wish."

Mu Silan smiled and said, "I hope we will never see each other again."

"it is good."

Mu Silan took her bag with satisfaction and left the box with proud steps.

Su Ho just sat in the box like this for a long, long time.

She just moved.

I wanted to get up, but I couldn't do it several times because my legs were weak.

I can't help but think about what happened back then.

She subconsciously wanted to protect Qin He, so she put herself in danger when danger came. As long as she could protect Qin He, nothing else mattered.

That knife almost killed her, but she was still glad that the injured person was her and not Qin He.

But she never thought that if something unexpected happened, she might die in another place, in the hands of Qin He.

The more I thought about it, the more stuffy my heart became, as if a breath was stuck in my chest, unable to come up or go down.

Even after drinking some water, it still didn't relieve my pain, and I even felt a little nauseous.

She gritted her teeth, stood up on the table, and went to the bathroom.

I vomited as soon as I got inside, and I couldn't control my nausea.

I didn't eat anything at first, but at the end of the vomiting, I felt like I was going to spit out bile, with a trace of blood.

After turning on the faucet and washing his face twice, Su Ho looked up at himself in the mirror and suddenly felt that he was both ridiculous and pathetic.

She had always thought Su Yong was a pitiful and pathetic person.

I have been in love with Zhou Wen all my life, and I risked everything for her, even risking my life.

Now she is even worse than Su Yong.

Sure enough, poor people must have something to hate.

The most hateful thing about her is that she is sincerely attracted to Qin He...

(End of this chapter)

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