At Sishui Pass, Wen Zhong, commander of the Shang army, has arrived.

This time, the army went to attack Xiqi with all its might, including not only the elite troops of the Shang Dynasty, but also the powerful men of the Jiejiao.

The army galloped all the way and finally arrived inside the pass before Xiqi attacked Sishui Pass.

At this moment, on the top of Sishui Pass, Wen Zhong was watching the Xiqi army camped outside the city.

Even with the information provided by Yuan Hong, he couldn't help but be moved after seeing the appearance of the Xiqi army.

He had never expected that in just a few years, the strength of the Xiqi army would have improved so significantly.

Of course, although he was surprised by the strength of the Xiqi army, it was just a surprise.

Even though the strength of the Xiqi army is good, the strength of the Da Shang is there. This trip not only has the elite soldiers of the Da Shang, but also several uncles and disciples of the Jiejiao.

Among them, there were three uncles from the Three Goddesses of the Sky who were traveling with him. With these strong men in charge, he didn't think that Xiqi would be able to cause any trouble.

Outside Sishui Pass, the three powerful men led by Guangchengzi all looked gloomy when they saw the figures of the Shang Sanxiao sisters on the top of the city wall.

They had been preparing for many days, hoping to rely on the strength of the Xiqi army to catch the Dashang Pass, including Sishui Pass, by surprise.

By the time Da Shang reacted, Xiqi had already occupied many passes.

They planned to use several great victories to declare to the human race of the Shang Dynasty how powerful Xiqi, the country destined by heaven, was.

However, Yang Jian appeared and rescued Yuan Hong in time, and even escaped right under their noses, causing the plan to fail.

At this point, before they could attack Sishui Pass, the Shang army, which had received the intelligence, had already quickly provided support.

However, even if the disciples of Jiejiao led by Lady Yunxiao appeared, Guangchengzi and others were not afraid of Da Shang.

They all understood that the Three Sisters were indeed very powerful and were able to deal with the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Xianjiao.

But today's Xiqi is no longer the same as before. It is obviously not enough for just a few disciples of Jiejiao to come to the aid of Dashan.

You must know that among the Xiqi army, there are not only disciples of the Chan sect, but also strong men from the Western Sect and the Heavenly Court.

In fact, there are quite a few strong men at the same level as him. Even if they confront the Shang army at Sishui Pass head-on, they still have the upper hand.

Of course, they were not prepared for a head-on confrontation, but had a plan in place.

"Jiang Shang, go to Sishui Pass to challenge them, and other brothers will help you!" Guangchengzi said.

While speaking, he had already looked at the Jiejiao disciple in the corner, who was none other than Jiang Ziya, who was from the same sect as him.

Jiang Ziya was the man who was personally appointed as a deity by his master, so it was natural for him to step forward and challenge him.

Hearing Guangchengzi's words, Jiang Ziya stood there in a daze, having completely unprepared for Guangchengzi's arrangement.

Although he had the order from his master Yuanshi Tianzun, he was asked to come to Xiqi first to take charge of Xiqi's affairs and thus support Xiqi.

But after Guangchengzi arrived, he had already become a marginal figure. He no longer had the right to dominate Xiqi and could only obey the orders of this senior brother.

Even if he followed the Xiqi army into battle, he was just following the army as per the rules and had no say at all.

"I will follow the instructions of Senior Brother!" Jiang Ziya said.

Although it was a little unexpected, he had to obey the orders of his senior brother.

Then, he walked out of the military camp alone and came to Sishui Pass.

"Wen Zhong, I heard that you have been officials in the Shang Dynasty for three generations. Are you willing to give up evil and join the good?" Jiang Ziya said.

The voice was deep and mighty, echoing throughout the Great Shang army, causing many Great Shang soldiers to be deafened and dazzled. It was obvious that it was blessed by the strong man of Xiqi.

At the same time, in the ancestral land of the human race, Yang An was also paying attention to the situation at Sishui Pass.

Apart from Yang An, he was not the only one here.

"Xiqi actually sent Jiang Ziya to challenge us. This is going to be a good show to watch!" Yang An said.

As the leader of the human race and one who can control humanity, no matter what happens to the human race, it is naturally impossible to hide it from him.

As soon as Xiqi made any move, he sent Yang Jian to assist Yuan Hong in advance, thus saving the Shang Dynasty from being suddenly attacked by Xiqi.

Now, Jiang Ziya stepped forward to challenge him, and he also knew about it at the first time, and was very interested in what would happen next.

Although Jiang Ziya stepped forward to challenge, his strength was obviously very poor and it was obvious that he would not be the one to take action.

However, Jiang Ziya's identity is somewhat special after all. Since he dared to take the initiative to provoke Wen Zhong, he must have been unprepared.

"Leader, can Sishui Pass really be defended?" Zhao Gongming asked.

After learning about Xiqi's movements, he came here immediately to ask for the opinion of Yang An, the leader of the human race.

The reason for this is that he knows that Xiqi's strength should not be underestimated.

Today's Xiqi is different from the past. It not only has the support of the Chan sect, but also the support of the Western sect and the heaven.

With the joint support of the three forces, Xiqi's strength has undergone a qualitative change.

Under this situation, he was naturally very worried about the situation in Sishui Pass. He also wanted to ask Yang An whether he wanted to gather all the disciples of Jiejiao to move out.

However, after arriving here, Yang An just asked him to wait and was not worried about the situation.

But the army of Da Shang and the disciples of Jiejiao were facing the army of Xiqi supported by three forces. How could he not worry about Da Shang?

With a wave of his hand, he used the art of mirror flowers and water moons to present a scene thousands of miles away.

"It doesn't matter, this matter has been prepared in advance, and Fellow Daoist Gongming will have the opportunity to take action!

On the contrary, I want to congratulate Fellow Daoist Gongming for having achieved Quasi-Sage status!" Yang An said.

Under his guidance, Zhao Gongming has been studying business for many years, and he has the help of many precious copper coins.

After years of practice, Zhao Gongming had already gone further and further towards the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and even broke through to the Quasi-Sage realm during the establishment of the Great Shang Dynasty.

To date, there are two Daluo Jinxian among the disciples of Jiejiao: Zhao Gongming and Duobao Taoist.

He had long anticipated Xiqi's movements, and Yang Jian was naturally not the only one prepared.

Compared to the Conferred God status, the outcome of the first battle is actually not important, but it can also be said to be very important.

Because both Da Shang and Xiqi wanted to have a good start before the Battle of the Gods officially began.

For such a crucial battle, he naturally made some arrangements in advance.

While thinking, his eyes had already fallen on the Mirror Flowers and Water Moons, and returned to the battlefield.

"Hmph, you helped Xiqi rebel against the Shang Dynasty, and you dare to come here to clamor. You are simply courting your own death!" Wen Zhong said.

Only one person came here to provoke him, and even named him and asked him to rebel against the Shang Dynasty, which showed that he did not take him seriously at all.

He had already seen through Jiang Ziya's identity as a human. As a human, it would be unworthy of him to help Xiqi.

Of course, he also knew that there must be something fishy about a human with low cultivation level daring to come and provoke him.

"The rise of Zhou and the conquest of Shang is destiny, it was set by the saints. If you don't respect destiny, you will really die!" Jiang Ziya said in a deep voice. He knew that he was no match for Wen Zhong, and he also knew the strength of this veteran of three dynasties.

But even so, with the support of his fellow brothers from the Chan Sect, he was still full of confidence.

"Who is the saint? What is the destiny? Don't you know what the Shang Dynasty is like? It's just a rebellion, what destiny is there to talk about!" Wen Zhong retorted.

Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint, and our master Tongtian Jiaozhu is also a saint. So what if the saints make the decision?

Moreover, he didn't know what destiny meant. He only knew that the current Shang Dynasty was not destined to perish.

The Great Shang Dynasty Emperor had been recognized by the human race leader, and with the help of the human race leader, he had just incorporated the four seas into the Great Shang Dynasty.

Such a great Shang Dynasty, no matter how you look at it, will not perish immediately.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Ziya remained silent, and for a moment he didn't know what to say to refute Wen Zhong.

Just as Wen Zhong said, we can naturally see something about what the Shang Dynasty is like today.

But he is a disciple of the Chan sect after all, and under the guidance of his master Yuanshi Tianzun, he can only do his best for the Chan sect.

Moreover, the plan to establish Zhou and attack Shang was not just said by Yuanshi Tianzun alone, but was supported by two other saints, Jie Yin and Zhunti, so it was naturally impossible for it to be wrong.

"Jiang Shang, please retreat and stop talking nonsense. I am here today. Is there anyone in the Shang Dynasty who dares to accept the challenge?"

The deep voice sounded again, and a figure appeared above Xiqi's tent.

He was wearing a Taoist robe with a Tai Chi pattern, a lotus crown on his head, a wide robe with wide sleeves, and holding a whisk in his hand.

The halo behind his head is bright and impressive, and the holy light is protecting his body. He is none other than Taiyi Zhenren, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

On the top of Sishui Pass, Wen Zhong frowned slightly after seeing Taiyi Zhenren challenging him.

In addition to Wen Zhong, the Three Goddesses and other disciples of Jiejiao were also very surprised.

They had never expected that the person who attacked Xiqi was Taiyi Zhenren, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Orthodox School.

Logically speaking, Taiyi Zhenren's cultivation level is no more than that of a Golden Immortal, far inferior to his direct disciples including the Sanxiao sisters.

But the bad thing is that Taiyi Zhenren only has the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal and is a direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Taiyi Zhenren not only had the personal instruction of the sage Yuanshi Tianzun, but also had the magic weapon bestowed by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although Taiyi Zhenren is only a Golden Immortal, he can dominate the Golden Immortal realm with the magic weapon bestowed by Yuanshi Tianzun.

The three sisters have all achieved the status of Golden Immortal, so naturally they cannot attack or bully the weak.

Although there are some disciples of Jiejiao who have reached the Golden Immortal realm, because there are so many disciples of Jiejiao, they are far from being treated as Taiyi Zhenren.

Not to mention the magic weapons bestowed by Master Tongtian, even if Master Tongtian taught him personally, there are only a handful of them. How could they be a match for Master Taiyi?
Just when Wen Zhong and other disciples of Jiejiao were in trouble, a childish voice was heard, and a young man in red appeared on the top of the city wall.

After seeing the young man, the three sisters and Wen Zhong's expressions changed slightly. This young man was none other than Nezha.

"Master Wen, leave this battle to me!" Nezha said.

After the matter of the dragon clan ended, he has been practicing with his master Yang An.

But he has an eccentric personality after all. When his master gave Yang Jian a task, he immediately asked his master what arrangements he had for him.

The master had obviously anticipated what would happen today and ordered him to go to Sishui Pass and wait until the opportunity to take action came.

After seeing Taiyi Zhenren's challenge, he understood that this was his chance to take action.

While speaking, Nezha had already taken the initiative to step forward and appeared in front of Taiyi Zhenren.

"Nezha, where do you get such courage? If you leave Yang An today and become my disciple, I can give you a chance to live!" Taiyi Zhenren said.

Naturally, he was concerned about the incident at Chentang Pass, and he also knew that Nezha had reached the Golden Immortal realm.

But even so, he did not take Nezha seriously. He was just a junior and there was no way he could compare to him.

Logically, Nezha should have been his designated disciple and should have been the one to take his place.

But for some unknown reason, this designated disciple became Yang An's disciple.

If he accepted Nezha as his disciple and as his substitute for the calamity, with Nezha's talent that could quickly reach the level of a Golden Immortal, he would definitely be able to survive the calamity smoothly.

"With your reputation, are you worthy enough to be my master?" Nezha laughed.

After following Yang An in practicing for many years, he had learned about the style of the disciples of the Chan Sect and he did not like it very much.

Moreover, Taiyi Zhenren was only at the Golden Immortal realm, which was equivalent to his cultivation level, yet he actually wanted to take him as his disciple.

Although Master Yang An was harsh on him, he knew very well that he was able to achieve what he had today entirely thanks to his master.

Without his master, he would have found it difficult to reach the Golden Immortal realm, and would have been more likely to die at the hands of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

No matter from which aspect, Taiyi Zhenren is not as good as Yang An, so how can he be qualified to be his master?
"Since you don't know whether to live or die, I will grant your wish!" Taiyi Zhenren said.

Seeing that this disciple, who was once chosen by him, was now standing against him, he mocked him even more.

Taiyi Zhenren was so angry that he used all his strength without any scruples, and the aura of a peak Golden Immortal burst out completely.

The whisk was swung, and the dust and hair on it turned into thousands of sharp thorns, which were shining with cold light and flew straight towards Nezha.

Master Taiyi attacked with all his strength, and even an ordinary peak Golden Immortal would find it difficult to resist this method.

However, Nezha did not seem to be at all flustered by Taiyi Zhenren's attack.

At the same time, a strong wave of magical power condensed on the back of the arm. Although it was only the size of a sandbag, it contained tremendous power.

A punch was thrown, and the fist shadow, with endless force, rushed straight towards the thousands of sharp spikes.

Seeing this, the strong men from Xiqi smiled, and they all felt that Nezha was overestimating his own abilities.

Although Taiyi Zhenren is only at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm, as a direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, thanks to the saint's teachings, his strength is enough to dominate at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm.

Nezha is just a Golden Immortal who has recently achieved a breakthrough. Even with his extraordinary talent, he is no match for Taiyi Zhenren.


The fist shadow collided with the sharp spike, and the huge force caused a terrifying sound.

Just when everyone thought that the fist shadow could not be maintained, the fierce dust-bearded sharp thorns were directly swallowed up by the fist shadow.

The fist shadow containing tremendous force seemed to be able to break through everything, sweeping away all the dust and sharp thorns, and headed straight for Taiyi Zhenren's body.

Taiyi Zhenren never expected such an outcome. He quickly retreated and prepared a magic weapon to protect himself.

The magic weapon was blazing with flames, a raging fire was ignited, nine fire dragons were circling, and flames were gushing out.

The flame was no ordinary flame. It soared into the sky with a fierce momentum. It was the Three True Fires.

This magic weapon is not some other thing, it is the magic weapon bestowed by my master Yuanshi Tianzun, the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover.

As the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover was cast by Taiyi Zhenren, the unstoppable fist shadow finally arrived. (End of this chapter)

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