Chapter 25 Goodbye Begonia
"Sure enough, a senior hid your cultivation for you last time. Is this your true cultivation now?"

Just when Yun Tianqing was feeling the cultivation of Monkey King from "Westward Journey", a slightly familiar voice sounded.

"Begonia flowers, do they only bloom at night? That's why I only see you at night." Yun Tianqing turned to look at the lofty silhouette outside the window and joked.

"Then it's probably because Qimeng Pavilion of yours will quiet down at night." Fairy Haitang said with a smile as she floated in at Yun Tianqing's invitation.

"Isn't it impossible to stay in this world for a long time? I thought I wouldn't be able to see each other again for a long time after seeing each other last time." Yun Tianqing asked while using the few Origin Points he had just accumulated to create some snacks and drinks out of thin air.

"If it weren't for the Hundred Flowers Festival and the imperial decree from Heaven, then naturally it wouldn't be possible to stay in the human world for a long time." Haitang sat opposite Yun Tianqing and answered as she took the fruit juice handed over by Yun Tianqing.

"Then why this time?"

"Sneaked down."

Yun Tianqing was a little surprised, feeling that this Fairy Haitang was a little different from what she had imagined.

"The sisters like your "Biography Novel" very much, and the eyes of heaven are on Jin Chanzi, and the inspections are not as strict as before, so they sneaked down, just in time for your second update, but you made a fuss this time There is quite a lot of movement." Haitang explained briefly.

"This is the first time in so many years that I have seen someone write such an interesting biographical novel, and the practice system described in it does not seem to be false. Are you writing this based on the practice system created by that senior?" Haitang looked at Yun Tianqing's eyes and asked curiously.

Yun Tianqing was stunned, a training system?That senior?What is this and what? ! !In a flash of thought, he guessed the meaning of Haitang's words.

[Could it be that the practice system written in the novel can really be practiced in this ancient world? ! ! 】

[If this is the case, then the cultivation system of one body, three tribulations and six paths in "The Greatest Demon God in History" is also true in the prehistoric world? ! ! 】

[Is the four-step cultivation system in "Seeking Demons" true in the prehistoric world? ! ! 】

Only then did Yun Tianqing understand why, except for Fairy Haitang, no other immortal gods had come to look for him so far.In his original estimation, after he screened "Westward Journey", some gods and gods would come to him, whether it was to cause trouble or to test him.At least there will definitely be immortals coming to find him. Before that, Yun Tianqing even thought about how to deal with the past in various ways.

However, in fact, except for Fairy Haitang who came to buy novels from him, no other gods came to him.Even if Tang Sanzang starts to travel westward, the eyes of the gods of the three realms will fall on Tang Sanzang.However, as the Tang Dynasty is currently the largest empire of the human race, and Chang'an is the imperial capital of a country, it is impossible for the human race immortal gods to hide and suppress the national destiny.

Yun Tianqing couldn't understand it at first, but now he understood it.It turns out it’s not that he didn’t exist, he was just fooled by the novels he sold!After all, it is a completely new cultivation system that is completely different from what is currently known in the ancient world, coupled with the combat power described in the novel. Although Yun Tianqing does not know how powerful the giants in the ancient world are, he thinks that even if he is not the top, he should be at the upper level of the ancient world.With such a "senior power" who can create his own way behind him, it's no wonder that no other immortals will take the initiative to come and cause trouble.At least if you want to find trouble with such a "senior master", you must have a senior master with the same level of cultivation to be qualified.Otherwise, if he rushes forward recklessly, conflicts with the "senior master" behind Qimeng Pavilion, and is directly killed, no one will probably complain on his behalf.

But in a blink of an eye, Yun Tianqing figured out the ins and outs of everything, and at the same time he had more ideas in his mind.However, he hid his strangeness by drinking fruit wine, and then pretended not to care and said:
""Seeking Demons" was not written by me, and I don't have the writing power to write it. This novel was written by an author named Ergen, and I just published it on his behalf; "The Greatest Demon God in History" is also a famous novel. I wrote it for the author of gods, demons, witches, fairies and ghosts, and I just published it on his behalf.

As for these two authors, I don’t know whether they are the powerful seniors you mentioned. "

Yun Tianqing still needs some moral integrity. He just wants to earn some Origin Points and not steal other people's works. Therefore, even if he publishes these novels in the prehistoric world, he will still print the original author's name on them, indicating that they are the original authors. He only published it on his behalf.It's just that this publication cannot pay the other party the manuscript fee. If one day in the future he can go back to his previous life and the authors are still alive, he will make up for the manuscript fee.

As for whether others believe it or not, or whether they can't find the author or suspect that the author is actually him, he won't admit it anyway.If others can't find it, it's because they don't have the ability. It's none of his business.

Haitang looked at Yun Tianqing quietly for a while without saying anything, as if the topic just now was over. "Please help me prepare a few more copies this time, as well as a few more copies of photos and jade slips, both from the first and second issues."

Last time she brought back a hundred copies, but they were all divided before they left the garden. The little flower spirits were pestering her one by one. Fortunately, it was not a particularly precious thing, so it was just one for each person.Her original plan to give a share to some other little sisters who were close friends failed, so she decided to bring more back this time.

After hearing Fairy Haitang's words, Yun Tianqing suddenly thought, maybe he could consider opening up a second market?There seems to be no problem with the marketing of Tang Dynasty in the mortal world. If Fairy Haitang can help, the market for fairies in Heaven can also be tried to open up.

Thinking of this, Yun Tianqing waved his hand, and piles of small mountains of books were piled up next to the two of them.

"There are a thousand copies of novels, poems, comics, etc. in the first and second issues here. If the fairy has any friends or even meets people, you can give one as a gift. If all are given out, there will be a copy of the original novel that can baptize [-] novels. I think the art of copying paper should not be difficult for the fairy. There is no need to pay, just think of it as thanks to the fairy for promoting me."

In the prehistoric world, there was a spell for copying paper books, and the requirements for casting this spell were not very high.However, the reason why few people use this method to copy paper books is still due to the original Baoguang baptism mentioned before.Paper books that have not been baptized by the precious light of the original work only have their form but not their spirit.

The difference in reading experience between the two is very big. Paper books that have been baptized by the original Baoguang can allow readers to feel the author's thoughts and emotions, and this can often touch people and even make people feel sad. If you resonate with it, you might even achieve a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Haitang took a deep look at Yun Tianqing and said softly: "Okay, I will definitely help you promote it."

"Then thank you, Fairy." Yun Tianqing raised a glass of thanks.

Finally, Fairy Haitang left with the novels, comics and photos presented by Yun Tianqing, and no one else came to disturb her, so she had a good night's sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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