Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 26 Meeting Li Taibai for the first time

Chapter 26 Meeting Li Taibai for the first time

The next day, as soon as Yun Tianqing woke up, Meng Bo walked in and reported:

"Pavilion Master, there is a young man named Li Taibai outside who wants to see you. Would you like to meet him?"

"Who? Li Bai? Li Taibai?"

When Yun Tianqing rested and wanted to catch his breath, he heard what Uncle Meng said. He was shocked and stood up.

"It's the Pavilion Master. Do you want me to invite him over now?"

Seeing Yun Tianqing's excited reaction, Meng Bo felt extremely lucky that he came to ask the pavilion master for his opinion.At the same time, he couldn't help but think back to whether he was rude when he received Li Bai just now. You must know that he knew that the master of his pavilion had contacts with the immortals in heaven.But it seemed that the pavilion master had never been so excited before, and he didn't know who Li Bai was who could make the pavilion master so excited.

If Yun Tianqing knew what Uncle Meng was thinking, he would definitely tell him:
"This is Li Bai, the Li Bai who has been called the Poet Immortal for thousands of years and no one can refute!

This is Li Bai who is half of the prosperous Tang Dynasty!

This can divide all poems into two categories, one is Li Bai's poems, and the other is Li Bai's other poems!
This is a Li Bai who went to primary school, middle school, and high school and was more diligent than Yun Tianqing when he came home on weekends!

This is Li Bai, a literary star from heaven who might be beaten down by him in poetry!
This is a Li Bai who, in terms of poetry alone, may be matched by others throughout the ages, but there is absolutely no one who can surpass him!


The above words may be only a little exaggerated, but as a poet, Li Bai can definitely say with certainty in the poetry world:

"I'm not targeting anyone,

I mean everyone here,

It's all rubbish! "

Especially drunk Li Bai is even more terrifying!If there is anyone who can compare with Li Bai before he was drunk, then Li Bai after he was drunk really just scorns everything, just ask who else exists!

However, shouldn't Li Bai be from the Kaiyuan period?According to history, this meeting should be during the Zhenguan period!But when he thought that this was the Tang Dynasty in the prehistoric world, he immediately gave up on this entanglement.Talking about history in the world of Xianxia painting style, I am afraid it is not Shi Lezhi.

But I’m about to see Shixian, what should I do?What should I say first? I'm in a hurry. I'll wait online!
Yun Tianqing, who finally came to his senses, said calmly: "I'll go there myself, he's special!"

Soon, Yun Tianqing arrived at the private reception room specially prepared by Uncle Meng.

When the door was opened, the people in the room turned around and looked at the door when they heard the sound.

With bright eyes, a faint confident smile on his face, a young man's light beard on his chin, and a simple white dress, his whole person has an elegant and extraordinary temperament.

This was Li Bai's first impression on Yun Tianqing. He was not as old as he had imagined. He was about thirty years old, which was when he was most charming as a poet.

And Yun Tianqing's first impression on Li Bai was also very good, with outstanding grace and extraordinary bearing!
"I have heard the name of Li Taibai for a long time, and now I can see him. He really deserves his reputation!"

Yun Tianqing bowed his hands in a gesture of respect. He really wasn't talking nonsense. After all, before time travel, Li Bai's name had been admired by countless people and they wished they could have been together for thousands of years.Li Bai was stunned, thinking that he had just entered Chang'an not long ago, and he hadn't even appeared in Chang'an for a long time, and his reputation had already spread to the outside world?I was confused, but I didn't expose it. After all, everyone was carrying the sedan chair.

"I have met the Pavilion Master, and I have admired the Pavilion Master for a long time."

After some compliments, Yun Tianqing looked at Li Bai in front of him and asked, "Brother Taibai, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Li Bai's face flashed with a hint of embarrassment. "Before I was in Shuzhong, I saw a novel published by the Pavilion Master. It was so wonderful that it made me forget about food and drink, and scratched my heart. However, there has been no update. So I asked Shuzhong Bookstore, and the reply was that it came from the Chang'an headquarters of the Tang Dynasty. They don't know the specific updates.

So I went all the way from Shuzhong to Chang'an, but when I arrived in Chang'an, I just happened to catch up with the master of the pavilion who came out of seclusion to reply and resume normal updates.So I waited for the update from the master of the pavilion in Chang'an, and also hoped to communicate with the poets in "The Record of Poems and Poems of the Years". "

After listening to Li Bai's words, Yun Tianqing took a breath of cold air, "Hey, dear, why does Li Bai also like to read biographical novels?"There seems to be no record in history.This is just to catch up on the novel update, all the way from Sichuan to Chang'an!
However, the history thing was knocked to the ground when I came to the prehistoric version of the Tang Dynasty. Just read it as a novel, but you will lose if you take it seriously.

"Brother Taibai, the poems included in "The Poems of the Years" were sent by poets from all over the three realms through various methods. They are not here in person, so I am afraid that this exchange cannot be carried out for the time being.

If Brother Taibai doesn't mind, I have been preparing to set up a review department for "The Poems of the Years" to formally recruit manuscripts from the outside. There is still a person in charge. I wonder if Brother Taibai would be willing to take up the role?And if everyone else comes to Chang'an in the future, they can also get together and chat. "

Yun Tianqing thought for a while and extended an invitation to Li Bai.This is not the first time that someone has come to ask about the authors in "The Record of Poetry and Poetry". Although they have always excused themselves by saying that the author is not here, the poetry culture they have recorded is always limited.Even if we have the entire world in previous lives as a foundation, the real cultural history is only about 5000 years old, and of these 5000 years, only the last two or three thousand years of cultural accumulation can be used.

After smashing everything and being reborn in Nirvana, Yun Tianqing had a thorough understanding of his abilities.

As long as something is spread to the outside world through one's own hands, the emotions and emotions generated will eventually be transformed into the source point through the indescribable causal connection that is higher than the laws of heaven.

It doesn't matter whether these works are from previous lives or from this world. What's important is that they are published through you and have a direct causal connection with you.The greater the connection, the more Origin Points you can obtain.

Therefore, Yun Tianqing had previously planned to set up the review department of "The Record of Poems and Poems of the Years" to absorb and incorporate new poems from the outside.It's just that I haven't found the right person yet.After all, the threshold for poetry culture is not as low as biographical novels. After all, if you ask someone to review and evaluate other people's poems, then at least the reviewer must be unique in poetry and can be called poetry. Only then can everyone be qualified, otherwise no one will believe your evaluation. .

But now that he has met Li Taibai, the immortal poet of the ages, Yun Tianqing would feel relieved if he could let Li Taibai sit in his poetry review department!If anyone is dissatisfied with the assessment of Poetry Immortal Li Taibai, ask him to stand up and argue with Poetry Immortal Li Taibai.

"This." A look of hesitation flashed across Li Bai's face.He is just in his early thirties this year. He is already a scholarly person and has extraordinary self-confidence.Although part of the reason for my trip to Sichuan and Shu this time was to catch up on updates to the novel, the bigger reason was because I felt that I was knowledgeable and wanted to show off my ambitions.

So now when faced with Yun Tianqing's invitation, although I was moved, it also conflicted with what I originally pursued, so there was this entanglement.

"If Brother Taibai doesn't have this ambition, you can temporarily take up the post. If there are new novels, Brother Taibai can also take a look at them first. If Brother Taibai has other plans in the future, he can leave!" Upon seeing this, Yun Tianqing said, Added again.

"Since the Pavilion Master is so kind, it would be my fault to refuse any more. But let's make it clear first that I will only take up the post temporarily. If there is a more suitable candidate than me in the future, the Pavilion Master can let me know at any time!"

After all, Li Bai was tempted. After all, he had just arrived in Chang'an and had not yet become famous. It was good to have a serious job at this time and a job that he liked quite a lot.

"Okay, okay, it's really an honor for Qimeng Pavilion to have Brother Taibai join us!"

At this moment, Yun Tianqing just wanted to laugh loudly. Li Taibai, known as the Immortal of Poetry, joined his poetry review department and asked him who else was involved in poetry.
As for Li Bai joining and then leaving, Yun Tianqing doesn't care very much. Anyway, with this friendship, even if he leaves in the future, I believe it will be okay to let Li Bai have an empty title.

(End of this chapter)

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