Chapter 34 Details of Book Alliance
If Wuyun Tianqing and others truly established the Qimeng Book Alliance to promote the development of novelists, it would take him at least tens of thousands of years, and at most even hundreds of thousands of years of hard work before he could successfully break through to the realm of Da Luo.

This is no joke. Breaking through Daluo itself is a matter of time, place and people. Once you miss the right opportunity, you may never be able to break through!I don’t know how many monks are stuck at the peak of Taiyi, unable to break through Daluo until they die.

But now, as Yun Tianqing and others have established the Qimeng Book Alliance, divided each genus, and published biographical novels such as "The Greatest Demon God in History", which has caused a sensation, it has forced the novelist's luck to increase by more than [-]%.It was because of his lack of luck that he needed to undergo hard training to break the mirror. Now the increased luck is enough to allow him to break through to the realm of Da Luo within a few years.

Such a blessing, how could Yu Zi not be overjoyed!

At this time, Yu Zi just wanted to take the opportunity to retreat so that he could successfully break through the realm of Da Luo.However, before retreating, Yu Zi meditated for a while, and then he aroused the novelist status in his family's luck. Following Yu Zi's intention, the luck belonging to the novelist lineage finally converged on Yu Zi. Some of them passed through Yun Tianqing first.

Don't look at it as just one more process, in fact it is one more step. If any author writes a biographical novel in the future, let alone other things, as long as the price difference between the price offered by Qimeng Pavilion and that offered by other bookstores is not too big. Big, ridiculously big, then the author will basically choose Yun Tianqing’s Qimeng Pavilion.

This is all because Yun Tianqing has gathered a large number of the luck of the novelist lineage, and is naturally attractive and convincing to other novelists and authors. This is part of the wonderful power of luck.

Of course, even without Yu Zi's actions, as long as this development continues, Yun Tianqing will gradually gather a lot of luck as a novelist, but now with Yu Zi's secret support, it will be greatly accelerated. It's just this speed.

In fact, this is also Yu Zi's reward. If you shorten the time of my journey, then I will shorten the time of your luck gathering, so that you can develop better.

Of course, with Yu Zi's status, there are other better rewards, but he can't get away now. If he doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to break through the realm of Daluo, will he let it stick to him for another 8000 years?
At this time, Yun Tianqing, who was far away in Chang'an and was discussing with other shopkeepers, seemed to be vaguely aware of Yu Zi's influence on the novelist's luck. However, he secretly searched around and found no problem, so he could only press the button secretly. The reason will be analyzed later.

When other bookstore shopkeepers looked at Yun Tianqing, they also felt that Yun Tianqing was more convincing than before.

Well, this can probably be considered a low-end version of the buff only for novelists, which is gratifying.

"Master Yun Pavilion, Master Yun Pavilion, do you need to take a break before discussing?"

Shopkeeper Huang called out softly to Yun Tianqing who was slightly distracted because she felt something strange.

Yun Tianqing came back to his senses and smiled sheepishly: "No need, let's continue, Shopkeeper Huang, what we just said."

"Let's talk about how to co-govern and be independent." Shopkeeper Chen reminded.

"Well, Qimeng Book Alliance is just a closer combination, not an individual. It is impossible for you to completely integrate your own bookshops into the book alliance.

Therefore, the provisions of the book alliance must be under a unified framework, and each bookstore will manage it according to the rules. "

Shopkeeper Chen and others also nodded secretly in agreement.

"The following are some plans I have made based on the information I have collected about the current bookstore. All the shopkeepers are seniors who have been in the business for many years. If there is anything inappropriate, you can bring it up and let us discuss it together."

The shopkeepers hurriedly said they didn't dare, but they couldn't hide the contentment on their faces.After all, as Yun Tianqing said, they are all seniors who have been in the industry for many years and have read more books than Yun Tianqing has ever heard (what he thinks).So I decided to be tactful and save him some face when speaking later.

Yun Tianqing glanced at them and guessed what they were thinking, but after thinking about it, he could really find faults.The following relevant rules and regulations are the best plan he can make at this stage based on the information he collected in his previous life.If everything depends on age, then why do you need a genius?Then why are you cheating?
Smiling slightly, Yun Tianqing said:

"I divide the current book alliance into two major aspects: review and publication. The review is in charge of Qimeng Pavilion, and the publishing is in charge of the bookshop shopkeepers.

Let’s talk about the review first. In terms of review, Qimeng Pavilion will create three works of Sun, Moon and Star, corresponding to the three categories of biographical novels, poems and songs, and photographic stories. Different personnel will be responsible for different categories.

Each of these three departments has a minister, two deputy ministers, and seven chief editors; and under the chief editor, there are dozens to hundreds of editors.The editor-in-chief manages high-level writers and reviews content recommended by the editor-in-chief.

For example, if the author of "Seeking Demons" submits a new work again, it will be directly reviewed by the deputy minister and the minister, while a work by an ordinary author who has never heard of Zhang San and Li Si will be reviewed by an ordinary editor. If you feel that the work is Very good, then recommend it to the editor-in-chief. If the editor-in-chief also thinks that the biographical novel is well written, then recommend it to the deputy minister or minister.

Of course, in order to prevent the people below from being short-sighted, the same work needs to be reviewed by three to five editors. After the review, the editors must write review comments. More than half of the positive reviews will be recommended to the editor-in-chief, and so on.

As for the candidates for editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief, they will be recommended by Twelve Bookstores. I will come for the interview. If they are suitable, I will stay. "

Speaking of this, Yun Tianqing took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

The shopkeepers are also thinking about the benefits of doing this. Before this comparison, although they had handed over their review rights, they could only rely on the novels recommended by Qimeng Pavilion in the future.But what you get is that you can save most of your time. Secondly, you can indeed look at a work from multiple angles to prevent you from missing a good work. At least the risk in publishing is reduced, and you can minimize the situation of being disappointed after publication. .

“After the review is completed, based on the review recommendations of the ordinary reviewers, editors, and even deputy ministers, the approximate sales volume will be estimated, and then published in the respective prefecture bookstores and the Twelve Bookstores in Chang’an City.

When the sales volume reaches a certain level and the bookstore manager believes that this book has the potential to sell well throughout the Tang Dynasty, he can apply for the qualification to be sold throughout the Tang Dynasty. This qualification will be discussed and determined by me and the owners of the Twelve Bookstores. If more than half of the book supports it, the book will be sold by the Twelve Bookstores. The bookstore arranged for simultaneous sales throughout Datang.

This is the publishing aspect, and let’s talk about the writer’s level.Without good, or even good, treatment for writers, it is impossible to attract writers and give them the motivation to create better biographical novels.The authors who generate electricity for love are basically starving to death.

Writer levels can be divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Huang. Different levels correspond to different treatments. Any writer starts from the Yellow level, and of course, particularly outstanding ones can be promoted to the Xuan level.The promotion of the level is naturally evaluated based on the sales volume of the novel.

As for profits, the bookstore that discovered the novel must account for a little more of the profits, which can be regarded as a kind of incentive. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter which writer goes to which bookstore to submit the manuscript. "

After saying that, Yun Tianqing waited quietly for the opinions of the shopkeepers.

The shopkeepers don't have any opinions on the overall rules. What is really worthy of back-and-forth discussion is the interaction of interests between each other.

The next few days were very tight for all the shopkeepers. On the one hand, they had to argue with other bookshop shopkeepers to divide their interests; on the other hand, they had to quickly arrange for people to print a new issue of "The Greatest Demon God in History", "Seeking Demons" and other books; and also to purchase the remaining small bookstores in Chang'an City and plan the layout and sales of their own bookstores.

Although their busy feet never touched the ground, no one complained. They were even afraid that when they woke up, they would find that everything was a dream and in vain.Because after reintegrating and planning resources, the benefits and broad prospects brought by the Qimeng Book Alliance really made them happy.

(End of this chapter)

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