Chapter 35 The magic trace emerges
After the first simultaneous sales throughout the Tang Dynasty, Twelve Bookstores, who were more fully prepared for the second time, undoubtedly promoted the Qimeng Pavilion novel to the entire Tang Dynasty.Although the counties under the 360 ​​five state capitals are not involved, at least an overwhelming advantage has been initially established in each state capital.Already, many local bookstores in state capitals have given up their rights to operate state bookstores in exchange for the right to be sales agents for lower-level counties.

After establishing the Qimeng Book Alliance, Yun Tianqing rarely calmed down.

But today, on the seventh floor of Qimeng Pavilion, where there was supposed to be no one except Yun Tianqing, three figures shrouded in darkness suddenly appeared.

"Sure enough, mortals are mortals, and they are not aware of the impending disaster. If you ask me, if a mortal needs to send two of us immortals and a true immortal here, it would be overkill." The black figure next to the window has a full face. It's disdain.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Chang'an is the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty. Dragon energy suppresses all methods. If it weren't for the ghosts of thousands of blood sacrifices, we wouldn't be able to sneak in. Even so, we wouldn't be able to hold on for long." The black figure in the middle. scolded.

The figure on the far right obviously had no intention of speaking, and went straight to grab Yun Tianqing on the bed.

The person in the middle who seemed to be the leader saw it and said quickly: "It needs to be alive."

However, they missed an opportunity, and then the three men in black looked warily at Yun Tianqing, who was standing on the left at some point.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself? Three uninvited guests." Yun Tianqing looked solemnly at the three people in black robes in front of him.

I just finished chatting with Fairy Haitang last time, and I thought that others would be wary of the "power" behind him and not dare to provoke him without reason. I didn't expect to meet Leng Touqing so soon.And judging from his dress and behavior, he might be the legendary demonic monk. Should he be said to be a demonic monk?The other practitioners were still in the process of observing, and they jumped right in!
"It seems that you are not an ordinary person. How can an ordinary person know the stories of powerful people like Su Ming and Lin Huang? Although I don't know how you noticed our arrival, you didn't first Time running away is your biggest mistake!"

The black figure in the left window looked at Yun Tianqing with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Do it!" As soon as the leader in the middle finished speaking, a group of resentful spirits behind him rushed toward Yun Tianqing.

A gloomy red light shot towards Yun Tianqing from the hand of the figure on the left. The man in black who had previously rushed to the bedside also grabbed Yun Tianqing again, but this time his claws were wrapped with a faint green light and countless ghosts screamed.

Yun Tianqing did not dare to be careless. He had already anticipated that this might happen before, so he did not panic and went directly towards the man in black who was the first to pounce.

At the moment when the man in black was about to grab Yun Tianqing with his green claws, Yun Tianqing's figure instantly disappeared. The man in black caught the air, and when he was about to pass through the remaining figure of Yun Tianqing, he seemed to be swallowed up by the void. Disappeared in the attic.

The two men in black at the window were startled for a moment when they saw this, and then they retreated sharply, trying to escape from the window.

Unexpectedly, Yun Tianqing's figure appeared by the window again, heading toward the two people who retreated quickly, and then disappeared into the small attic like a wave passing by.

After the few people in the attic disappeared, the dark clouds that had gathered over Qimeng Pavilion gradually dispersed.

In a Taoist temple in Chang'an, an old Taoist priest murmured to himself: "Strange, how come the heavenly calamity suddenly appeared just now and dissipated before the calamity thunder came down? Could it be that someone with great supernatural powers took action to cover up the heavenly secret?" Somewhere in the void, something had just disappeared. In the attic, the leading man in black suddenly appeared, and Yun Tianqing was also standing in the air not far away from the opposite side.

"Where is this place?" The leading man in black looked at the other party solemnly. He was able to move himself here without any resistance. This meant that it was easy to kill him!

In fact, it was the man in black who had the wrong idea and moved the person into the void and threw him into his own little world. After Yun Tianqing's practice became real, he could indeed do it.But if someone with the strength of the man in black wants to resist, it's really not that easy for Yun Tianqing.

The reason why he was able to throw the three men in black into his own little world so smoothly was simply because Yun Tianqing opened his own little world the moment he came into contact with the three of them, and the three of them rushed in directly.This is also the reason why Yun Tianqing not only did not run away when facing the three people, but also took the initiative to rush forward.

Fighting outside, Yun Tianqing can kill them, but Qimeng Pavilion probably can't be saved.In addition, he has just gained strength and needs a few sandbags to let him exercise and master his strength.

You must know that Yun Tianqing's previous life was just an ordinary person who worked from nine to six and was not diligent in all his limbs. Not to mention his intelligence, at least he was an ordinary person in terms of physical fitness.Real combat experience, or to put it more bluntly, fighting experience, except for a few fights in middle school because the girls at the same table used it as a shield, I have no hands-on experience.

"You ask, what kind of place is this? Welcome to my world, I am the master of this world." Yun Tianqing smiled, but behind him were dark clouds, the sky was filled with thunder, and thunder snakes were swimming among them.

This is when Yun Tianqing consumed 1000 million Origin Points to partially refine the illusory world of "The Greatest Demon God in History" into reality. The world he is in at this moment can be said to be a half-real and half-false world.And as the person who evolved and embodied this world, he is naturally the master of this world.

"Impossible!" the leading man in black said in disbelief, but soon realized that Yun Tianqing was tricking him.

"You can't be the master of the world. Even the smallest small world can only be opened by the Golden Immortal. If you are in the realm of the Golden Immortal, you don't need to spend so much effort to deal with us."

"Can the Golden Immortal just open up a small world?" Yun Tianqing thought secretly in his heart, but his face did not reveal anything. "I'm just worried about causing too much fluctuation outside and causing unnecessary trouble. Since you know that I am the Golden Immortal, if you tell me who is behind the scenes, I can spare your life!"

"Originally I was just doubtful, but now I am sure that you are definitely not a golden immortal! Humph, how can you immortals be so polite when you see us demonic beings? You have long since taken away your soul and roasted it with the three flavors of real fire for tens of thousands of years. !
Although I don’t know how you brought us into this world, it doesn’t matter anymore. As long as I kill you, there will be a way out! "

The man in black sneered repeatedly and shouted angrily:

"Hundred Ghosts Eat Soul!"

As soon as the man in black finished speaking, countless resentful souls flew out of the man in black. Each death was different, but the same thing was that they all died of extreme torture during their lifetime.

At this time, following the order from the man in black, they all rushed towards Yun Tianqing without caring about their own safety, and the crowd was as dense as dark clouds covering the sun!
(End of this chapter)

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