Chapter 38 My First Half of Life

In Yun Tianqing, several demonic monks suddenly attacked. Far away in a small mountain range on the edge of Xiniu Hezhou, a tiger demon king and a leopard demon king were also fighting. There were many little goblins on both sides. Each other's kings waved flags and cheered.

The two demon kings were going back and forth with fierce moves and sinister moves. It was almost as if they had some sworn hatred for each other.

Rumbling, and as the Tiger King on the opposite side opened up, the mountains collapsed, turning hundreds of miles into ruins.Xiao Zhuanfeng's new Leopard King boss was completely killed and could never stand up again.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zuanfeng, who was watching the battle from a distance, sighed silently, then took out a tortoise shell from his arms and silently wrote the second stroke of the third straight character on it.This is already the 12th boss he has followed, well, he is dead.Looking at the Tiger King in the distance, Xiao Zhuanfeng knew that if nothing unexpected happened, he should be his No. 13 Demon King.

"I wonder how long this boss can last?"

Xiao Zhuanfeng thought a little rebelliously, and then shook his head to eliminate this rebellious thought from his heart.Looking at the extremely panicked little monsters beside him, Xiao Zhuanfeng looked calm and even wanted to laugh.After all, the old scholar once said, "In all important matters, be calm."

Compared to these little monsters, Xiao Zuanfeng had seen a lot of things in the world in the first half of his life.

He was originally an unusual but ordinary hamster spirit from Nanzhan Buzhou - within the Tang Dynasty - under Jiangling Prefecture - on the outskirts of Wangnan County. He was said to be unusual because he was originally a domesticated hamster. The owner is a well-known local old scholar who has failed the exam.The old scholar has wanted to be named on the gold list all his life, but in the end he has never been famous.

As the old scholar grew older, he had no children and no one to rely on throughout his life, so he later raised a little hamster.I don't know if it's because of my change in mentality. As I grow older, I understand the meaning of reading a hundred times and gradually gain my own understanding of the saints' classics.But also because he was old, the old scholar had no idea of ​​showing off and just read poems and books to the hamster every day.

As time passed, and the old scholar fed him some spiritual fruits he got from time to time, the hamster gradually opened up his spiritual wisdom in a state of ignorance.But the good times did not last long. Soon after the hamster opened his spiritual wisdom, the old scholar finally reached his birthday. Before his death, he looked at the ignorant little hamster and passed away with a smile.

Later, the old scholar's house was repossessed and outsiders took over. He wanted to drive them away, but the new house owner invited a practitioner to almost arrest him.Later, he wandered around and dug a cave in the wild based on his innate instinct.He doesn't eat or hurt people on weekdays. Influenced by the old scholar, he loves poetry and books and "fetches" some books from time to time.

And his life also changed because of the last time he "fetched" books. That time he got several books he had never seen before from a rich gentry's son on the wild road.He read a book with an old scholar and knew the words on it. The titles of the books were "The Greatest Demon God in History", "Seeking Demons", etc.The various descriptions in the book simply opened his eyes and fascinated him.

That's all, but one day he got drunk after eating fruit and spilled some classic characters and quotations from the book. The little monster who was eating the fruit together heard and leaked the story.It soon attracted the attention of a small local demon king. The monsters in the Tang Dynasty were all wild monsters. They were the kind that had no inheritance and relied purely on chance to develop their spiritual wisdom and become monsters.

After hearing what was revealed in Xiao Zuanfeng's mouth, the Little Demon King immediately thought that Xiao Zuanfeng had extraordinary blood and inherited the bloodline of the ancient demon, so he kidnapped Xiao Zuanfeng and asked him to tell him about the inheritance every day.Xiao Zhuanfeng had no choice but to narrate the content of the story in "The Greatest Demon in History" based on the Confucian classic stories that the old scholar told him during his lifetime.

In order to save his life, Xiao Zhuanfeng mastered the fragments without any teacher and only spoke a short paragraph every day.The little demon king didn't dare to treat her lightly, and provided little Zhuanfeng with delicious food and drink every day.But the good times didn't last long. The news about Xiao Zhuanfeng was betrayed by some of the little demon king's subordinates, and another more powerful little demon king received the news.The more powerful little demon king heard that Xiao Zhuanfeng's boss had obtained the inheritance of the ancient great magical power, and immediately couldn't hold it back, and rushed to start a battle with Xiao Zhuanfeng's boss, and finally killed Xiao Zhuanfeng's boss. The first generation boss.Then he successfully captured Xiao Zuanfeng, and Xiao Zuanfeng was forced to repeat the old drama again, and continued to use the content in the biographical novel as the experience of the ancient great supernatural power to fool the second boss.

It can only be said that these little demon kings of the demon clan are uneducated and cannot understand the human language. In addition, after Xiao Zhuanfeng had his first experience, his acting skills improved greatly. He did not reveal any flaws and successfully deceived him. The second boss.

But the good times didn't last long, as the second boss was still betrayed by his undercover little monster.The third boss came and started a battle with the second boss.

In this way, Xiao Zhuanfeng was kidnapped along the way.They were taken captive from Wangnan County to outside Jiangling Prefecture, and then taken captive from Jiangling Prefecture to outside Changxia Prefecture; from the territory of the Tang Dynasty, they were gradually taken away from the territory of the Tang Dynasty; and from other countries in the Western Regions outside the territory of the Tang Dynasty. He was kidnapped to the edge of Nanzhan Buzhou, and finally crossed the vast Wang Yang between Nanzhan Buzhou and Xiniu Hezhou, and kept going in circles until he fell into the hands of the previous No. 12 Demon King.

By the way, the eleven previous bosses that Xiao Zuanfeng followed before that were all dead.Well, now the No. 12 boss is also dead.But this did not frighten the other demon kings. Instead, it made them more convinced that Xiao Zhuanfeng really had the inheritance of the ancient great magical power. Otherwise, why would those demon kings kidnap him before!

This is also the idea of ​​the Tiger King who just killed the Leopard King. If the inheritance on Xiao Zhuanfeng is false, then why did the previous Leopard King kidnap Xiao Zhuanfeng? ! !

Recalling the first half of his life, he had seen the glory of the Tang Dynasty, the exotic scenery of the Western Kingdoms, the life-and-death fights of various demon kings, and the stormy waves of the Western Sea. Xiao Zhuanfeng felt that he should be considered one of the little monsters. There is no one like him!
The Tiger King walked straight to the place where the Leopard King died, opened his mouth and swallowed the Leopard King's demon pill into his body.After a great battle, the Tiger King, who was a little sluggish, recovered again and was three points stronger than before.

After digesting the demon pill, the Tiger King opened his mouth and swallowed the Leopard King's body entirely, completely draining the last bit of value from the Leopard King.Then he walked to the group of little monsters that used to be under the Leopard King. To be precise, these group of little monsters now belong to his name.This is the survival law of the demon clan, the winner owns everything of the loser!
"Are you the little monster they say has the inheritance of ancient magical powers?!!"

The Tiger King looked at Xiao Zuanfeng, who was unique among this group of monsters, with a ferocious look on his face.Because the other little monsters were all clad in scales and armor, in tatters, and looked panicked, but he was the only one who was wearing a washed, shabby but clean robe of a human scholar. His expression was calm, and he didn't seem to be afraid. This great demon king myself!

When the Tiger King asked, Xiao Zhuanfeng didn't panic. He leaned down and said respectfully:

"Back to Mr. Tiger King, it's the little demon."

The Tiger King stared, and said with a gust of wind in his mouth:
"Hurry up and tell me the magical powers and techniques in your inheritance! If you delay even half a step, this demon king will swallow you up in one gulp!"

Xiao Zhuanfeng looked at Tiger King, coughed twice, and began to tell the story of "The Greatest Demon God in History" for the 13th time in a familiar manner.

(End of this chapter)

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